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1、第一章1. 管理职能:计划、组织、领导、控制。 management functions: planning、organizing、leading、controlling.2、管理角色(management roles)、 人际关系角色:挂名首脑、领导者、联络者Interpersonal:figurehead、leader、liaison 信息传递角色:监听者、传播者、发言人Informational: monitor、 disseminator、 spokesperson 决策制定角色:企业家、混乱驾驭者、资源分配者、谈判者Decisional: entrepreneur、 disturba

2、ncehandler、 resourceallocator、 negotiator3、管理技能(management skills) 概念技能、沟通技能、效果技能、人际技能Conceptual、communication、effectiveness、interpersonal4、组织的特点 有明确的目的(dis tinct purpose) 有人员构成(people) 有精细的结构(deliberate structure)第二章1、管理理论(management theories):科学管理(scientific management) 般行政管理理论(general administrat

3、ive theorists) 定量方法(q uantitative approach)组织行为(organizational behavior)系统观(systems approach) 权变理论( contingency approach)第三章1、管理万能论(omnipo tent view of managemen t) 管理象征论(symbolic view of manageme nt)2、组织文化的七个维度(dimensions) 关注细节,成果导向,员工导向,团队导向,进取性,稳定性,创新与风险 承受力Attention to detail, outcome orientatio

4、n, people organization, team organization, aggressiveness, stability,innovationandrisktaking3、文化传播给员工的途径:故事,仪式,有形信条,语言Stories,ritual,material symbols,language4、创新的文化的特点 .挑战与参与(challenge) .自由(freedom) .信任和开发(trust and openness) .计划时间(idea time) .幽默(playfulness/humor) .冲突解决(conflict resolution) .讨论(de

5、bates) .冒险(risk taking) 1、决策制定过程(the decision-making process) 识别决策问题(identification of a problem) 确定决策标准(ide nti fica tion of decision crit eria) .为决策标准分配权重(allocation of weight to criteria) 开发备份方案(development of alternatives) 分析备份方案(analysis of alt erna ti ves) 选择备择方案(selec tion of an alt erna ti v

6、es) .实施备择方案(implemen tation of the alt erna ti ves) .评估决策结果(evalua ting decision effec ti veness)2、决策制定的错误(decision-making errors and biases):自负 (overconfidence) 后见 (hindsight)自利型(self-serving) 沉没成本(sunk cos ts)随机性(randomness)典型性(represen tat ion) 有效性(availability)框架效应(framing)证实(confirmation) 选择性认知

7、(selective perception)锚定效应(anchoring effect) 即时满足(immedia te gra ti fica tion)3、4、计划工作(planning): 、定义组织目的(defining the organiza tion s goals) 、制定全局战略(est ablishing an overall strat egy) 、开发一组广泛的相关计划(developing plans)5、计划的目的(purposes of planning): 、它给出了管理者和非管理者努力的方向(planning provides direction to man

8、agers and nonmanagers alike) 、它通过迫使管理者具有前瞻性来降低不确定性(planning reduce uncertainty by forcing managers to look ahead, anticipate change, consider the impact of change, and develop appropriate responses) 、计划可以减少活动的重复和浪费 (planning minimizes waste and redundancy) 、计划设定目标和标准,可以用于控制(planning establishes the

9、goals or standards used in controlling)6、计划和绩效(planning and performance) 正式的计划工作通常带来较高的绩效、较高的资产回报率,以及其他积极 的财富Formal planningisassociated with positive financial resultssuch as higher profits, higher return on assets, and so forth. 计划工作的质量以及实现计划的适当措施,通常要比计划工作本身对绩效 的贡献更大Doingagoodjobofplanningandimple

10、mentingthoseplansplayabigger partinhighperformancethandoestheextentandamountofplanningdone. 正式计划并不必然的导致至高绩效,外部环境的影响通常是更关键的 Formal planning didnt lead to higher performance, the externalenvironment often was the culprit. 计划与绩效的关系还受到计划时间结构的影响。一般的组织要改进它的绩 效,至少需要四年期的系统性的正式计划工作。The planning/performancere

11、lationshipseems to beinfluencedbythe planning time frame; that is, organizations seem to need at least four years of systematic formal planning before seeing any impact on performance.7、计划工作的两个重要因素(planning involves 2 impor tant elemen ts) 目标(goals)计划(plans)8、9、目标设定的步骤(st eps in goal sett ing) 审视组织的

12、使命(review the organization s mission, the purpose of an organization) 评估可获得的资源(evalua te ava il able resources) 考虑相关因素(det ermine the goals individually or with inp ut from others) 写下目标且与相关人员沟通(write down the goals and communicate them to all who need to know) 评估结果判断目标是否达到(review results and whether

13、 goals are being met)10、对计划工作的批评(criticisms of planning) 计划可能会造成刚性(planning may create rigidity) 动态环境是难以计划的(plans can t be developed for a dynamic environment) 正式计划不能代替直觉和创造性(formal plans can t replace intuition and creativity) 计划工作者有可能将管理者的注意力集中在今天的竞争而不是明天的生存 上(planning focuses managers attention o

14、n today s competition, not on tomorrows survival) 正式的计划会强化成功,但也会因此导致失败(formal planning reinforces success, which may lead to failure) 仅有计划是不够的(just planning isn t enough)11、动态环境下有效的计划工作(effective planning in dynamic environment) 开发的计划既具体又灵活(develop plans that are specific but flexible) 计划工作是一个持续的过程(

15、planning is an ongoing process) 在环境发生变化是改变前进的方向(change directions f environmental conditions warrant) 努力坚持规划(persistence in planning efforts) 将组织结构扁平化 flattening the organizational hierarchy) 第十章1、组织设计的六要素(inv olves decisions abo ut six key eleme nts)工作专门化(work specializa tion)部 门化(depar tmen taliza tion)扌旨挥连(chain of command)管理跨度(span of cont rol)集权与分权(cent raliza tion and decen traliza tion)正规化 f ormaliza tion)2、部门化(depar tment aliza tion)职能部门化(functional-)产品部门化(product-)过程部门化(process-) 地区部门化(geographical-)顾客部门化(customer-)


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