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1、 简单英语口语对话:台风Jay : The weather report has been talking about thetyphoon a lot the past couple of days. It seems like everyone is being very cautious. Catherine: Yeah, that”s because typhoons in the past have often done very unexpected things. Everyone learns from those experiences and don”t dare unde

2、restimate typhoons. Jay: Really.what kind of effect have typhoons had on you in the past? Catherine: Many different kinds. For instance, during the summer two years ago, a light typhoon suddenly became a mid-level typhoon as it reached Taiwan. Many important places in Taipei City were seriously floo

3、ded. That time many people lost their lives in the sudden surge of water. The loss to businesses and the economy is hard to estimate. Jay: Wow! That sounds dreadful. Catherine: Yup, so when typhoons come, you really have to be careful and make the proper preparations. Jay: How should I prepare? Cath

4、erine: First, you should supply your house with 2 or 3 days worth of food. When the typhoon hits, it”s best not to leave your house. You should also buy Catherine: Isn”t this something you should ask a guy? Why some batteries, and candles in case the power are you asking me? goes out. Jay: What”s th

5、at supposed to mean? I don”t get it. Jay: What if there is a ? ood? Catherine: Man.sometimes I don”t know if you are naive Catherine: You live on the eleventh floor, don”t you? If it or just stupid. Well, their name “Xi Shi“ is ? oods, the worst that will happen is that you”ll get actually the name

6、of an ancient Chinese woman stuck at home for a couple of days. You shouldn”t renowned for her beauty. The main reason they be in any danger. dress like that is to attract more male business. Jay: Yeah.luckily, I had some foresight to live in a Jay: You mean, they dress like that to attract people h

7、igh-rise! But, if I get stuck for a long time.I”ll die passing by and then sell them betel nuts? of boredom! Catherine: You got it. I personally think working at the betel Catherine: Relax, you”ll be fine.besides, you can do what nut stands is a valid occupation. Those girls work you love to do most

8、, watch movies and sleep all hard to make a living. day! Jay: Yeah.well, next time I pass by one, I”ll go buy a bag of betel nuts. 杰: 这几天气象报告始终报导台风动态,我觉得大家似乎都很 慎重。 凯瑟琳: 是啊,那是由于曾经有好几次台风来袭,造成了令人难以 预料的状况。所以现在大家都得到教训,对于台风都不敢 掉以轻心了。 杰: 是这样啊?台风曾经对你们造成什么可怕的影响吗? 凯瑟琳: 许多啊。比方说前年夏天,有一个轻度台风到台湾来时 突然转变成中度台风,台北市很多

9、重要的地段都被水淹 没了。那一次有很多人在突如其来的洪水中丧生了。商 家的损失更是难以估量。 杰: 哇!听起来很不妙! 凯瑟琳: 嗯,所以台风来的时候真的要到处当心,要做好防台风预备。 杰: 该做些什么预备呢? 凯瑟琳: 你应当先在家里储藏两三天的粮食,台风来的时候尽量不 要外出。另外也要买一些电池、蜡烛,以备停电可用。 杰: 要是发大水怎么办? 凯瑟琳: 你住在十一楼不是吗?我想就算发大水,也顶多是被困在 家里几天,不会有危急的。 杰: 幸好我当时有先见之明住在高楼!不过,要是被困了好几 天,可能也会无聊死的。 凯瑟琳: 你放心,你不会的,你可以在家里做你最喜爱做的事情, 看电影,睡一成天觉

10、! The weather report has been talking about. 气象报告始终在报导 dress like that is to attract more male business. ay: You mean, they dress like that to attract peopl Typhoons in the past have often done very unexpected things.passing by and then sell them betel nuts? 台风造成了令人难以预料的状况。 atherine: You got it. I p

11、ersonally think working at the bete What kind of effect have typhoons had on you? nut stands is a valid occupation. Those girls wor 台风曾经对你们造成什么影响? hard to make a living. Many important places in Taipei City were ay: seriously Yeah? ooded.well, next time I pass by one, I”ll go buy 台北市很多重要的地段都被水沉没了。 b

12、ag of betel nuts. The loss to businesses and the economy is hard to estimate. 商家的损失难以估量。 That sounds dreadful. 听起来很不妙。 You should also buy some batteries, and candles in case the power goes out. 要买一些电池、蜡烛,以备停电可用。 I had some foresight to. 我当时对有先见之明 I get stuck.我被困住了。 1. 台风曾经对你们造成什么可怕的影响吗? What kind of effect have typhoons had on you in the past? What did typhoons have the effect on you in the past? 2. 台北市很多重要的地段都被水沉没了。 Many important places in Taipei City were seriously ? ooded. Many important places in Taipei City were full of ? ood.



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