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1、2022高考英语读后续写精读精炼(十二)一:原文重现Id been invited to join a group of people who took water and breakfast to a local park where day laborers gathered, hoping to be chosen for work. My friend Kim and I spoke with a Mexican man in his forties named Natal, wearing a T-shirt and faded jeans. Next to him, on the

2、low wall where he sat, rested a large backpack and a bedroll.We had a wonderful conversation, ranging from the difficulty of finding work to artwork, from Santa Fe history to Natals “beautiful home,” as he described it. Natal told us of his travels in search of work. He had traveled all over the U.S

3、. and Canada, taking jobs where he found them, meeting people, and seeing the sights. He told us hed especially loved Oregon.He was filled with praise, too, for the beauty of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains outside Santa Fe and for all the history in the town. We agreed that the area was extremely be

4、autiful. He grinned and told us it was important to appreciate beauty. Then, he invited us to visit him in his home in the mountains. He wanted to show us the beauty of the trees and have us smell the freshness in the mountains. He wanted to be a good host.We continued to talk and it became clear th

5、at Natals “home” was a clearing under the trees. His bed was the bedroll he carried with him, spread on the ground under the starlight. He loved it there and wanted to share it with us. We declined, telling him that we were honored by the invitation, but that our classes would keep us too busy to ma

6、ke the trip.Natals love of his “home” was in sharp contrast to my complaint about the water in my pipes not heating up fast enough, about my bedroom ceiling being too low, about not having central air conditioning, about my lack of a fenced yard. How annoying I was! If I was amazed by his appreciati

7、on for everything he had, I was completely floored (击倒) by what happened next. 注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。I have always hated socks and it was a warm June day, so I was wearing no socks._He thought I felt his socks werent good enough for me._二:文本解析【分析】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了作者被邀请去参加一个志愿者选拔工作,在等待的过程


9、他并解释了自己不要袜子。作者被Natal的行为感动了。2.续写线索:Natal看见询问作者拿出袜子作者拒绝Natal解释作者解释感动作者作者感悟3词汇激活行为类.注意到:notice/ find/ be aware of.拿出:pull out/ take out情绪类.荣幸:honored/ be in great pleasure.感动:touched/ moved/ emotional高分句型1. In the midst of conversation, Natal noticed that I had no socks on my feet.(运用了由that引导的宾语从句作noti

10、ced的宾语)2. What he didnt know was that I was absolutely touched, almost to the point of tears.(运用了由what引导的主语从句和由that引导的表语从句)3. Lets not forget that we volunteers are never the only ones with something to giveand many times, when we reach out to help others, we receive more than we give.(运用了由that引导的宾语

11、从句作forget的宾语和由when连接的时间状语从句)三:续写单句训练1. 我一直都讨厌袜子,那是一个温暖的六月日,所以我不穿袜子。 2. 在谈话的过程中,纳塔尔注意到我的脚上没有袜子。 3. 他指着头问我是否需要袜子。 4. 我看着我的脚,好像它们刚在那里长大了。 5. 他评论说我没有穿袜子,我必须需要袜子。 6. 他毫不犹豫地打开背包,拿出一包袜子,给我看。 7. 我很快告诉他,不,不,我不需要袜子。 8. 他觉得我觉得他的袜子对我不够好。 9. 他想让我知道,他们从来没有被任何人穿过。全新的! 10. 这已经足够好了!我告诉他,我很荣幸他会把袜子给我,但我真的不喜欢穿袜子。 11. 他承认我并没有因为穿袜子而感到不安;我就是根本不想要穿袜子。 12. 他不知道的是,我完全被感动了,几乎流到了眼泪。 13. 让我们不要忘记,我们志愿者从来都不是唯一有付出的人 14. 很多时候,当我们伸手帮助别人时,我们得到的比我们付出的更多。 15. 这对我们来说是多么大的祝福啊。


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