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1、 高考英语基础写作小作文训练 一、写作的基本要求 1、 信息完整所写的文章中一定要包含所有的写作内容2、 不超过5句话句子的复杂性多使用从句非谓语动词和连词及一些复杂的句型3、 内容清楚连贯逻辑性强使用恰当的连词使文章连贯 4、尽量减免语法错误 二、写作技巧以及顺序 A. 通篇浏览把握整体。浏览文章信息,并对其进行处理将其分割成五句话做到哪句话包含哪些信息心中有数。 B. 集中兵力逐个击破。在第一步的基础上把五个句子逐一写清楚包含所需信息。组织句子时注意以下几点 1. 一个句子首先要找清楚主谓宾然后想办法拓展这句话把其它的信息加进去。 2. 一个句子有且仅有一个谓语并列谓语。 改错 I wri

2、ting the letter to complain about I bought the shoes recently. 3. 将多个句子并到一起并且要做到只有一个谓语的话有3种方法 1使用各种连词。 More than 50% of the students in China are short-sighted and it ranks the first in the world. 句中用到and连接2个并列简单句前后都可保留谓语顺利将2句变成一句。 连词包括具有递进关系的并列句 如由andthenbesidesin addition, furthermoremoreover, wha

3、ts more等连接的并列句具有转折关系的并列句如由buthoweveron the contrary, after all等连接的并列句具有平行选择关系的并列句如由bothandas well asas wellneithernororeitherornot onlybut also等连接的并列句。 2使用从句。包括含有名词性从句的复合句含有定语从句的复合句含有状语从句的复合句。 More than 50% of the students in China are short-sighted, which ranks the first in the world. 3使用非谓语动词及一些特殊

4、句型。如使用强调句、倒装句、含有with复合结构的句子、there be开头的句子、以形式主语it开头的句子等。 More than 50% of the students in China are short-sighted, ranking the first in the world.非谓语动词ranking作结果状语表“主动”。 C. 想办法为作文加分 1. 多多使用各种连词使文章更为连贯。 顺接/递进Firstly/ secondly/thirdly, besides, in addition, whats more, whats worse, whats more importan

5、t, moreover, also, finally, last but not least,.but, however, nevertheless(然而), yet, instead, on the other hand, on the contrary, although, while 原因because, because of, since, as, for, now that, thanks to, due to 结果so, therefore, as a result, so that, then, so ?that, such ?that 总结to sum up, to concl

6、ude, in conclusion, in summary, finally, in a word, in general, in short, above all, after all, generally speaking, 2. 多使用高级词汇句式和短语进行变换不要重复使用一个句式和短语。同时要注意避免常见错误 1不要为了减少句数而不断使用逗号一定要通过从句连词非谓语等来减少句数。 如It was raining hard, they could not work in the fields. 改为It was raining hard, so they could not work

7、in the fields. They could not work in the fields, because it was raining hard. 2时态错误一定要根据文章的语境判断该使用的时态 实战演练一 用不同的句型写出下面的句子。 经历 心情 被接纳为亚运会志愿者 兴奋 01 同位语从句 The news that i was accepted as the volunteers for the Asian Games made me very excited. 02 宾语/主语从句 It made me very excited / I felt very excited t

8、hat i had been accepted as the volunteers for the Asian games. 03 状语从句 When i heard that i had been accepted as the volunteers for the Asian Games, i felt very excited. 04 定语从句 I was accepted as the volunteers for the Asain Games, which made me very excited. 05 非谓语动词 Hearing that i had been accepted

9、 as the volunteers for the Asian Games, i felt very excited. 06 普通连词I was accepted as the volunteers for the Asian Games and i felt so excited about it. 07 倒装句/强调句It was last week that i was accpeted as the volunteers for the Asian Games and I felt so excited about it. 实战训练二 第一节 基础写作 共1小题满分15分 假设你是你

10、校校园广播站的记者请根据以下内容给广播站写一篇英语新闻报道。 写作内容 活动目的 为了庆祝改革开放30年所取得的伟大成就 活动形式 演讲比赛 活动组织 高二年级 观摩人员 本校高二年级全体师生、部分学生家长和学校领导共1200多人 活动地点 学校体育馆 活动时间 2010年3月15日下午 参赛选手 来自高二年级不同班级的18名选手非常流利地做了精彩的演讲。有的从亲身经历讲述祖国发生的巨大变化有的通过家乡今昔的对比来赞美改革开放的英明决策。活动影响活动使我们更自信更为祖国感到自豪决心努力学习把国家建设的更加美丽。 3 参考词汇改革开放 reform and opening up 写作要求 1.

11、只能使用5个句子表达全部所给要点; 2. 报道中不得提及考生所在学校及本人姓名。 To celebrate the great achievements in the past 30 years of reform and opening up a speech contest organized by Senior Two was held in the gymnasium of our school on the afternoon of March 15th, 2010. More than 1200 people were lucky to listen to the speeches

12、 on the spot, including all the teachers and students in Senior 2, the leaders of our school and parents of some students. Eighteen contestants / candidates from different classes in Senior Two delivered wonderful speeches very fluently. Some of them talked about the great changes which had taken pl

13、ace in our country through their personal experiences and others sang high praise for the wise policy of reform and opening up by comparing the present of their hometowns with the past. This activity made us more confident and proud of our country and we all made up our mind to study harder to build our country more beautiful. 实战训练三 基础写作 假设你是李华昨天下午参加了英语才艺大赛Talent Show并获得一等奖。以下是参加情况及获奖感受 1 看别人比赛时紧张 2 自己表演时想起Mike数月的努力与帮助冷静 3 在最有挑战的问答环节谨记Mike的建议顺利 4 宣布结果时兴奋遗憾Mike不在场。 写作内容 请根据以上介绍给回美国度假的外籍教师Mike写一封感



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