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1、2012年初中毕业学业考试模拟卷英 语满分:120分 时量:120分钟. 听力技能A)图片判断 每幅图片你将听到A、B、C三个句子,请根据图片内容,从所听到的句子中选择一个正确答案。(共5小题,计5分)B)对话理解 你将听到七段对话,根据你所听到的对话内容,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。(共10小题,计10分)听下面一段对话,做第6小题。( )6、Whose storybook is it?A、 JuliasB、FranksC、Mikes听下面一段对话,做第7小题。( )7、Why does Mrs Turner have few friends?A、 Because she

2、never thinks of herself B、Because she never thinks of others. C、Because she is becoming older听下面一段对话,做第8小题。( )8、Who were the two speakers?A、 They were workers B、They were old friendsC、They were classmates听下面一段对话,做第9小题。( )9、How often does the woman go swimming?A、 Sometimes B、Never C、Every day听下面一段对话,

3、做第10小题。( )10、What day is it today?A、 TuesdayB、WednesdayC、Thursday听下面一段对话,做第11、12小题。( )11、Who is the visitor?A、 Mr JohnsonB、Jane JohnsonC、Jane McDonald( )12、What time is the appointment?A、 9:30B、10:30C、11:30听下面一段对话,做第1315小题。( )13、Whats the matter with the boy?A、 He has a bad headacheB、His head hurt b

4、adlyC、He cant eat anything because of toothache( )14、How long did the boy sleep last night?A、 About five hoursB、HardlyC、Less than eight hours( )15、Why is one of his teeth bad?A、 Because he doesnt brush his teeth before going to bed.B、 Because he wants to pull it out. C、Because he often eats much sug

5、ar.C)笔录要点 根据你所听到的内容,填写下面的表格,每空不超过3个单词。(共5小题,计5分)Welcome to the zooOpeningFeesMon.Fri.16. 4:00 p.mAdults:¥80.00Sat.Sun.8:00 a.m17. Children:Over 1.20m:18 19. 1.20m:Free(免费)Keep the zoo clean!Do not 20. Whit food,and dont get too close to or even touch the animals. 知识运用(共两部分,20小题,每小题1分,计20分)A)单项填空,从A、

6、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空或回答问题。( )21、It takes half hour to get to Nanjing from Shanghai by air. A、a; anB、an; /C、a; /( )22、My father is a policeman dangerous the job is! A、what aB、whatC、How( )23、Whose coat is this? It be kates.This coat is much too small forher. A、cantB、mustntC、might not( )24、The olympic Game

7、s in London in 2012 A、thirty,is held B、thirtieth,will be heldC、thirtieth,is going to hold( )25、Of the two swenters.Id like to choose the one to save money for a book. A、cheaperB、cheapestC、more expensive( )26、The teacher asked the students their homework. A、not to forgetB、didnt forgetC、not forget( )2

8、7、There is nothing in the bottle, ? A、is thererB、isnt thereC、is it( )28、When do you think ? Maybe next week. A、will sally finish the work B、Sally will finish the work C、does sally finish the work( )29、The man is playing with the children is my mind. A、whoB、whoseC、which( )30、Would you mind looking af

9、ter my sister tomorrow? A、No,not at allB、Yes,pleaseC、Excuse meB)完形填空,通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案A young man went to visit a wise man for the wisdom(智慧)of life.Excue me!Could you please tell me what is the most important day in your life?The young man asked.The most important day in my lif

10、e is 31 .The wise man replied calmly 32 the least lesitation(犹豫).Why?The young man felt 33 .Is it because there are some exciting events taking place today?No.Nothing has happened today.So is it because of my visit?Even if 34 visited me today,today is still very important because today is the only w

11、ealth(财富)I have.No matter how wonderful yesterday is,it has gone by like a ship sinking into the 35 ;no matter how great tomorrow may be, it is yet to come;but no matter how simple and dull today is, it is in my 36 .The young man 37 wanted to ask something, while the wise man 38 hime and said,When w

12、e are talking about the meaning of today,we have 39 a lot of today.Actually today is the only opportunity we have.Therefore,waht we should do now is to 40 yesterday and grasp(抓紧)today!( )31、A、yesterday B、bodayC、tomorrow( )32、A、withoutB、exceptC、from( )33、A、tiredB、stressedC、surprised( )34、A、everybodyB

13、、somebodyC、nobody( )35、A、sandB、seaC、air( )36、A、mouthsB、housesC、hands( )37、A、onlyB、alreadyC、still( )38、A、stoppedB、praisedC、left( )39、A、builtB、wasted C、found( )40、A、forgetB、rememberC、pay.阅读技能(共五部分,25小题,每小题2分,共50分)A)判断正误 阅读下面材料,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容。符合的写(T),不符合的的(F)。Schoolgirls will not be allowed to wear ski

14、rts at Paget High School in Branston.Schoolgirls have been wearing very short skirts at school but now theyve been ordered to wear trousers instead.The head teacher Don Smith said,One of the big problems for us at school has been the number of girls who have been wearing very short skirts.Mr Smith said,It is not realistic to decide on the length(长度)of girls


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