Indecent Proposal (电影:不道德的交易).doc

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1、Indecent Proposal(David:Losing Dianna was like losing a part of me.I thought nothing could change the wan we felt about each other.I thought we were invicible.)(Diana:Someone once said,if you want something very badlyset it free.If it comes back to you,its yours forever.If ie doesnt, it was never yo

2、urs to begin with.I knew one thing,I was Davids to begin with,and he was mine. We met in high school,David was a senior and I was a freshman.On Wednesdays,after glee club,hed drive me and my best friend home from school.I used to watch him in the rear view mirror.I fell in love with his eyes. When I

3、 was 19,David proposed to me on the pier at Paradise Cove.Our parents were against it,they said we were too young and we really didnt know each other.But David said that a life without risk is like no life at all.So we eloped.)(David:I gtaduated from architecture school and got a job at a small firm

4、.Dianna helped support us by selling real estate.I spent all of my free time working on a design of my own.It summed up everything about architecture,that really mattered to me.It was my dream house.)-D.-Have I ever told you I love you?-No.-I do.-Still?-Always.(Diana:We had out differences.He used t

5、o take his clothes off and leave them on the floor.It make me crazy.)-What do you think this is,huh?Leaving your shoes on the table?-What is the problem here?-I dont need to do your fucking laundry!-Honey,Ill pick it up.You dont have to get violent on me.-What about this,huh?-No,no.You put that down

6、,honey.-Peanut butter sandwich.-Thats serious.Youre gonna hurt somebody with that.-Im gonna hurt somebody,huh?-Youre out of your mind.Okay,now.Fine.God damn it.-Come on,lets just relex.-Did I hurt you?-NO,Im all right.-Im sorry.-Really?-Yeah.-You were kidding?-D,your pants are on fire.-You have no i

7、dea.(Diana:We never have much money,so for entertainment David would show me archeitecture that moved him.But sometimes Id have to ask,”Why are we looking at a stupid car wash?”And he would just say,”No,not stupid.Dont just use your eyes.”He made me look at things differently.)-David,this is a steal

8、.It just came in to the office.And nobody even knows about it yet.-Its beautifu.-You could build a house here.Youll have made a name for yourself.Because of course,the house would be brilliant.Because it would be a David Murphy house.(Diana:I found an incredible piece of property in Santa Monica by

9、the ocean.It was the perfect site for Davids house.)-How are we supposed to do it?-Well borrow the money like everybody else.Im telling you,these leverage stock broker buyout guys you should see the junk they buy.They would go crazy for a house of yours.-It was brilliant.(David:Even though I didnt u

10、nderstand a word of it.We had to tighten our belts for the loan payments.But it was our future.And I got to build my house.And then the recession hit.)(Diana:The real estate market dried up and I hadnt closed a sale in six months.)(David:Construction fell to its lowest point in years.People were bei

11、ng laid off everywhere.And I was one of them.I feel really bad about this.)-I dont understand.What happened?-The bank has called in the demand note.-Can they do that?-You dont have any income right now,so they could attach your assets.-What assets?-Your house.You got to keep up those payments.Im sor

12、ry.-David,Im scared.We dont have any money.What are we gonna do?-Ill wait tables or drive a cab or something.Hey,Ill take care of you.-Make it go away.(I was desperate.We stood to lose everything.The house Id been building,even our own home.I swallowed my pride and borrowed $5,000 from my father.It

13、wasnt enough.We need $50,000.)-D.D,D.-What?-Get up,get dressed.-Whats the matter?-I got an idea.Come on.-What?What time is it?-Chop chop.-Hi.How are you doing.Okay.-Oh,yeah!-Oh,my God!-Oh,honey.Thats the spirit!Keep them coming.$50,000,thats what we want.Were winners!-Boom,skinny,skinny!Put some mon

14、ey in the kitty.Eleven.Winner.-We got a shooter now,folks.We got a shooter.A lucky,lucky lady shooter.Keep it coming.Stack it,dont rack it!-If I havent gotten nine,Denzel Washington aint fine.-Hard six!Hard six!-All bets set,folks.-Whos the one?-And I have a necklace-Why dont you put it on?It suits

15、you.-Well,I cant afford it.-Thats too bad.-Yep.-I really think you ought to have the dress.Let me buy it for you.-You want buy me this dress?-Yeah.-Why?-Ive enjoyed watching you.Youve earned it.-No,I havent.The dress is for sale,Im not.-Boom,skinny,skinny!-Pull in that.Pull in that stack.-Weve got a ne shooter,now.Coming out.Coming out to seven or eleven.Roll them now,girlfriend.-Seven!-Come on now!Come on.-I cant lose.Im up over $9,000.-Oh,my God!I cant believe



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