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1、单句与复合句基础过关1. The news that they failed their driving test discouraged him, _?A. did theyB. didnt theyC. did itD. didnt it2. You hardly know each other, _? A. do youB. dont youC. have youD. didnt you3. - Your brother isnt an engineer, is he? - _. A. Yes, he isnt.B. No, he isC. No, he isntD. He is4. T

2、he weather seems too good to be true. Lets go shopping, _? A. wont weB. will youC. dont weD. shall we5. Dont play video games any more, _? A. do youB. will youC. can youD. would you6. What fresh air, _? A. is itB. does itC. isnt itD. doesnt it7. Excuse me for breaking in, _ I have some news for you.

3、 A. soB. and C. butD. yet8. Although he was ill, _ he went on working. A. butB. yetC. andD. while9. Its going to rain, _ the sky is dark. A. thoughB. forC. andD. or10. Mother gave more pocket money to David than _. A. Lena giveB. to LenaC. gave to LenaD. gave Lena the money11. They were surprised th

4、at a child should have worked out the problem _ they themselves couldnt. A. onceB. thenC. whileD. if12. Shut up and _. A. you do your workB. have your work doing C. do your workD. to do your work13. A good storyteller must be able to hold listeners curiosity _ he reaches the end of the story. A. whe

5、nB. unlessC. afterD. until14. - Im going to the post office. - _ you are there, can you get me some stamps? A. AsB. WhileC. BecauseD. If15. - Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her? - Yes, I gave it to her _ I saw her. A. whileB. the momentC. suddenlyD. once16. The WTO cannot live up t

6、o its name _ it doesnt include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind. A. as long asB. whileC. if D. even though17. - How far apart do they live? - _ I know, they live in the same neighborhood. A. As long asB. As far asC. As well asD. As often as18. - May I go now? - _ youve finished your wo

7、rk, you may go. A. UntilB. AlthoughC. Now thatD. As soon as19. _ you understand it, it is easy for you to obey it. A. WhileB. OnceC. UnlessD. For20. _ I like the color of the dress, I dont like its style. A. WhileB. IfC. SinceD. Unless21. _ every word of his were true, what action would the teacher

8、wish to take? A. As ifB. Since C. SupposeD. When22. - Wont you go shopping with your mother? - _ she promises to buy me a new sweater. A. Now thatB. In caseC. IfD. Unless23. _, the compass was first made in China. A. It is known to allB. It is known that C. We all knowD. As is known to all24. I have

9、 bought the same dress _ she is wearing. A. asB. thatC. whichD. than25. _ she is, she likes boxing.A. GirlasB. A girl asC. The girl asD. Girls as 能力提升 (50分钟)1. Just after putting away the dishes _. A. the doorbell rang aloud B. Nancy heard the doorbell ring C. someone knocked at the door D. the door

10、bell was rung2. _ caused the accident is still a complete mystery. A. What B. That C. How D. Where3. It was a matter of _ would take the position. A. who B. whoever C. whomD. whomever4. _ had helped to save the drowning girl is worth praising. A. Who B. The one C. Anyone D. Whoever5. _ she couldnt u

11、nderstand was _ fewer and fewer students showed interest in her lessons. A. What, whyB. That, what C. What, because D. Why, that6. Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see _. A. who is heB. who he isC. who is it D. who it is7. Information has been put forward _ more middle school graduates will b

12、e admitted into university. A. while B. that C. when D. as8. Perseverance is a kind of quality and thats _ it takes to do anything well. A. what B. that C. when D. why9. - Do you remember _ Ms. King hurt her leg?- Yes, I do. She was hurt by a hand-truck.A. when B. where C. why D. how10. They lost th

13、eir way in the forest and _ made matters worse was that night began to fall. A. that B. this C. what D. which11. Nobody knows _ he mentioned that at the meeting. A. that B. where C. why D. what12. He told me the news _ the Queen would visit China the next month. A. that B. which C. when D. where13. When the summer holidays were drawing near, I asked my American friends _ was the best way to travel in the United States. A. that B. what C. such D. how14. He was lucky enough to sell his car for exactly


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