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1、中考英语高频动词短语数量英语动词短语 汉语意思默写过关1be about to do打算做-2be worth doing值得做3be pleased with-对高兴4be satisfied with-对-满意、高兴5be famous for-因-而闻名6be able to do sth能做某事7be known-well for因-而闻名8be angry with-对某人生气9be good at-擅长于-10be strict with sb对某人严格11be interested in-对-感兴趣12be busy doing sth忙于做某事13be full of-充满-1

2、4be proud of-对感到骄傲15be in control of-掌控-16be tired of -讨厌-17be on 进行18be supposed to do 应该做-数量英语动词短语汉语意思默写短语19be worried about-对感到担忧20be afraid of-对感到害怕21break down出故障22break off中断23break out爆发24care about-担心25care for-关心26come out开花,出版27come true成真,实现28come up with想出、提出-29cut down砍伐30cut off切断,中断31

3、cut out切除,删除32cut up切碎33clean out清理-34clean up把打扫干净35check out 结账,检查36consider-as-把当作37carry out 执行38carry on继续39depend on依靠数量英语动词短语汉语意思默写短语40deal with处理,应付41divideinto-把分成-42dress up打扮43drop by顺便拜访44dress oneself给自己穿衣服45eat up 吃光46enjoy oneself玩的开心47feel free to do sth随意做某事48feel like想要,感觉像49fill w

4、ith-用填满-50fill in-填写51find out查找,弄清楚52get to到达53get up起床54get on上车55get off下车56get on well with sb和某人相处好57get over克服58get into trouble陷入麻烦59die down逐渐消失60die of-死于-数量英语动词短语汉语意思默写短语61die from-死于-(多指外因)62do ones best 尽力,努力63do well in-在做得好64give up放弃65give away赠送66give out分发67give sb a hand给某人帮助68go o

5、ver复习69go on doing继续做70go off发出响声71grow up长大72hand in上交73hand out 分发74hang out闲逛75hang up挂断76have fun doing sth有趣做-77have a good time玩的开心78hear from-听说,收到来信79help yourself/yourselves to -自便吃-80hold on 坚持,别挂断,等一等81hold on to-坚持-数量英语动词短语汉语意思默写短语82hurry up快点83keep on 坚持做,继续84keep out拒之于外-85keep away fr

6、om-远离-86keep off不接近,避开87keep -from doing 阻止-发生88keep +adj保持-(状态)89keep-doing 保持-(状态)90help sb (to) do sth帮助某人做-91help sb with -在-方面帮助92knock into撞上93knock on/at-敲-94kelp each other 互相帮助95make up编造96make up ones mind下决心97make sb do使某人做-98make sb/sth adj 使-保持状态99make fun of-取笑-100mean to do 打算做-101mea

7、n doing意味着做-102look up查找,查字典数量英语动词短语汉语意思默写短语103look after-照顾,照看-104look for-寻找-105look at-看-106look like-看起来像-107look through-浏览-108look the same看起来一样109look out当心110kick off-开除111laugh at -嘲笑112leave for+地点离开到某地113leave a message for sb给某人留下信息114lay out摆出-115pick up捡起,接人接电话116put out熄灭117put on穿,发胖

8、118put off推迟119put away整理,收拾120put ones heart into-全心全意121pay for-付钱122pay attention to-注意,关注123prepare for-为做准备数量英语动词短语汉语意思默写单词124protect-from-保护免遭-125provide sb with sthprovide sth for sb向某人提供-126sell out 卖完127send for-派人去请128send up发射129set up建立,搭建130set out出发131show up露面,出席132show off炫耀133show s

9、th to sb给某人展示-134stop from doing-阻止做,发生135stay up熬夜136speak highly of-高度赞扬137run out of-用完138spend time/money doing spend time/money on sth花费-做-花费在-139shout at-朝着某人叫140shout to-向某人方向叫141rob sth of sb抢劫某人某物142take off 起飞,脱下数量英语动词短语汉语意思默写短语143take away拿走,带走144take up从事,开始145take place发生146take down记下,

10、拆除147take it easy不紧张148take care of-照顾149take pride in-对感到骄傲150take part in-参加151take in 吸入152take ones temperature测量温度153take the place代替154turn down调低155turn on打开156turn off关上157turn up调高158turn to转向-159turn-into把变成160try out实验,选拔161try ones best尽力162try on试穿163think over考虑,思虑数量英语动词短语汉语意思默写短语164think of想起165think up想出166take after -像-167work out算出,解决168work on从事于-169wake up醒170fall off-从摔倒171fall into掉进172fall in love with-爱上173remind of-使某人想起-174replay to答复,回答175add -to-把-添加上面176walk into -走路撞上177fall over 绊倒178be worth doing 值得做179be used to doing习惯于做-180use



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