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1、 九年级宾语从句复习教学设计 广州市花都区实验中学 李莉教学目标1. 能通过对宾语从句的观察与分析,区分定语从句和宾语从句,并归纳宾语从句的结构特点。2. 完成与宾语从句相关的语法练习。3. 能根据所学进行选择题和完成句子的练习。学情分析1. 学生已经学过宾语从句,但是不能与定语从句正确区分。2. 学生已经能理解考点的“连+主+谓”和时态,但是不能灵活运用。教学重点 1.能清楚宾语从句在中考可能出现的考点。2.能区分定语从句和宾语从句。3.能理解宾语从句的句子结构。教学难点1. 能正确区分定语从句和宾语从句。2. 能运用语法知识完成练习3. 宾语从句的时态。教学手段先学后导、小组合作讨论探究、

2、以活动推动学习教学过程Teaching ProcedureTeachers activatesStudents activitiesPurposeStep 1. Warm up 1. Get the students to know the topic of the lesson.2. Have the students know the differences between attributive clause and object clause.1. Do some exercise about attributive clauses.2. Then share their answer

3、s in pairs.1. To lead in the topic.2. To warm the students up. Step 2.Oral speaking 1. Get the students to know how to say a sentence indirectly. 2. Observe the sentences and find out some characters of object clause.1. Say out the indirect speech orally.2. Discuss in groups and then share their ans

4、wers.To get the students to observe the sentences and learn to sum up. Step 3 Sum up1. Get the students to write down the structure of objective clause.2. Sum up the skills to complete a object clause.1. Do some exercises.2. Share the answers in class.To test how well the students understand the lan

5、guage points.Learn some test skills.Step 4 Competition 1. Get the students to do exercise. 2. Have a competition about object clause.1. Work in groups to choose a test.2. Choose the best group.To enable the students to practice in English 2019年第二学期九年级英语专项复习学案宾语从句和定语从句一、 区别下列句子是定语从句还是宾语从句。1. I wonder

6、 how got such a mark. ( )2. He often goes to a park which has many kinds of flowers. ( )3. I dont know understand why John asked such a silly question in class yesterday . ( )4. Georges grandma was a woman who was always complaining about something or others. ( )二、 完成中考解读P61定语从句的练习。 考点: _ 做题方法:_.三、宾

7、语从句 语法梳理结构:主语谓语【_其它成分.】 (主句) (_ )梳理1 - 连接词1). 陈述句:由 _ 引导,在句中不充当成分,无意义,可以 _。2)一般疑问句:由 _ 或 _引导,意思是“_”。固定搭配:_ .or not3). 特殊疑问句:由 _ 引导(什么_,怎样_,何时_,哪里_, 为什么_,谁_,谁的_,哪个_,多少_,几岁_.)梳理2 - 语序宾语从句语序是 _, (连词+_+ _+其他成分)梳理3 - 时态前谓决定后谓的时态A.当主句用一般现在时,从句时态根据_而定。B. 当主句是过去时态,从句时态则是_.四、完成下列句子。1. 我想知道明天你会去哪里。 I want to

8、know_ _ _ _tomorrow.2. 我不明白他为什么昨天在会上问了一个这么蠢的问题。 I dont understand _ _ _ such a silly question in the meeting yesterday.3. 我想知道为什么你今天又没有完成作业。I want to know _ _ _ finish your homework.4. 我包里的电影票不见了。我想知道谁拿走了。The film tickets in my bag are gone. I wonder _ _ it away.5. 你知道在哪里可以买到这种书吗?Do you know _ _ _ t

9、his kind of book?五、划出文章中的宾语从句,并完成阅读题,选择最佳答案。 A middle-aged woman has a heart attack and is taken to the hospital. While on the operating table she has a near death experience(经历). During that experience she sees God and asks if this is it. God says no and explains that she has another 30-40 years to

10、 live. Hearing this, she decides to just stay in the hospital and have some more operations: face, nose, and eyes. She even has someone come in and change her hair color. She thinks that since shes got another 30 or 40 years, she might make most of it. She walks out of the hospital after the last op

11、eration and is killed by a truck suddenly. She arrives in front of God and asks why he tells a lie that she has another 30-40 years. God answers, “Sorry, I didnt recognize(认出) you.”1. Why does the woman want to have some more operations? A. She wants to be healthy. B. She doesnt want anybody to reco

12、gnize her. C. She knows that she wouldnt live a long life. D. She wants to enjoy her life most2. What does the word “it” in the sentence “if this is it” mean? A. God. B. The death. C. She will die soon D. The experience.3. We can infer(推断)from the passage _. A. God wants to see the woman. B. God doesnt really want the woman to die. C. God doesnt want to tell the woman the truth. D. The woman thinks that God is wrong



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