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1、英语面试自我介绍版英语面试自我介绍202X版 只要你花时间对英语自我介绍环节和其他面试问题提前做好充分准备,面试时能够正常自如地表现自己,我相信你一定能够顺利通过面试的重重关卡的。小编整理了英语面试自我介绍,欢迎欣赏与借鉴。 英语面试自我介绍1 Goaftnoon (mring), rofesors: It is m geat leasrtoe here. M na s mngmingzh , graduatd frmComputerScence Departnt of Wuan UniersityDurig y our-earsudy theunivesitys uergradut stud

2、ent, I a buil up a sol foundation oprofesional knede,as well as rih experiene ofsialativitis. am a dtemined persn, alway wiling to ahie hgher goals.hatore, I amgod at analyss, wih a rog sense of coopration. All f these ledmeto te ucess o psin thfirs oun of th etaneexmation tothe aters egr. Persoaly,

3、I amveryhumorous nd esy-going,ejoying aodelatiosi amon my clasmates. n my e tim,I lie to redboosregrding howtobe myelandho to deal it poblems.siand mois e my favoie entetainments. formy inert, Icould o deny myreatest interes s fooal Playingtisgam rings me a loof glory, hapnessand aion.All in ll, Wuh

4、n Univeity, wit highlyuaified faulty and srong aademc envronmentithe unery I have ngadmied. IbelievehatI am eyquaiieapplian fr admisonintoyur atero IT roram and cn orie tothe enricht o dversity of our uiverty. THAN YOU OR YR TTENIN! 英语面试自我介绍2Good mrnig,my nae i L, i is eal great nr tohve thisportuiy

5、 fr interview, I wouldlke t nwr watever you may raise, ad hope Ican ma a godperfnce oda. Im confidenttt I anuceed. NowI will introducmself iel, am 0years old,bornin shdorovince ,est o china, nd amcruently aseni tuen UPCof nrmation nd Engneringtrol.my majr i Informaion and ignal Pocsin, and ill eceie

6、 my mae deee afer my grionin e nthe past 3 year,I spedmos o my tim sudy and research, Ihve pssedCT6 an I have aqired basc knowlegebot in theory and n pracic. Through llgeif,Ilearn ow to balanc btwen tudy nd enttainment.y hey,Ihas actd clssMision secetary for t yrsagiventhe itle of an excelen class l

7、eae.I ha ae glriseryo sta.Tha ismy pride.memesI prfer to sta alone, eig, lsteing t classic us,bu I a no oy, I lk tocat it myclsmas,alms talk everythin ,I have los of inerest, sch as films,trve,arting ,orts ad oon Myavorepastm plaing basketal, al, like logg theternt. i yu e intrete n blg, ou can visi

8、t mbit: , iill em hoor. think Im a good teampr andImaprson of great hoey to others. AloI m abe to ork uder great presur. Thatsall. hak ufor ivim hechac 英语面试自我介绍3 mvry hapy to introduce myslf hrI was bornin iaoning PovincI graduatedfr Nnkai nversiy and mjoredinIntationl Trad. I ie mic adreaingbooks,e

9、sally ecoomicaloks It is my hono to py ti ob.I hopeI can realse m dram in our compnyleas give me chanceThank you verymch i is my gretleaue to induc yself.i a born in LOIG. Myjor iinertional trade. I wa graduted nkaiUnvesiy. My hobylies i te musc and radig,espcially lk ecnomics. i am glad that icn take part i thi ineriew d i am sincerlyhope th i cn jointhisopanyto relize my dream. asgive y cace. Thak you.



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