高一英语试题 —— 高一英语试题 -英语试题

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1、高一英语试题 高一英语试题 -英语试题高一入学考试英语试题第二部分:英语知识运用共两节,总分值35分第一节:单项填空共15小题,每题1分,总分值15分从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。21. The oranges taste _.A. goodB. wellC. to be goodD. to be well22. Mr. Smith is ill, so Mrs. Green is teaching his class _.A. in placeB. to take placeC. insteadD. instead him23. -Im taking part

2、in the 200-meter race tomorrow.-_.A. Nothing at allB. CongratulationsC. e onD. Good luck24. The use of satellites makes _ possible to watch events _ they happen thousands and thousands of miles away.A. it, asB. it, whenC. this, whenD. that, whether25. -How many people do business in your town? -_ gr

3、eat number and _ number seems to be increasing.A. The, theB. A, theC. The, aD. A, a26. -You left your wallet in my taxi. -Good heavens. _.A. so did IB. so I didC. I so didD. I did so27. With the horse _, he lay on the ground, _into the sky.A. tied to, looking upB. tied with, looked upC. tying to, do

4、cking upD. tying with, looked up 28. Can you believe that in _ a rich country there should be _ many poor people?A. such, suchB. such, soC. so, soD. so, such29. During the examinations we are supposes to stay in our seats, keep our eyes on our work,_ to anyone. A. instead of speakingB. rather than s

5、peakC. and not speakD. but would not talk30. Mary _ to Shanghai tomorrow _, and her plane _ at seven.A. will go; by a plane; leavesB. is about to go; by plane; leavesC. is going; by air; takes offD. goes; by air; takes off31. The photo you sent me always reminds me _ I did there with you.A. thatB. w

6、hatC. of whatD. of how32. “你认为他们会什么时候去上海? Can be translated into _.A.Do you think when will they go to Shanghai?B.Do you think when they will go to Shanghai?C.When do you think they will go to Shanghai?D.When do you think they had gone to Shanghai?33. It was an exciting moment for these football fan

7、s this year, _for the first time in years their team won the World Cup.A. thatB. whileC. whichD. when34. We have worked out the plan and now we must put it into_.A. factB. realityC. practiceD. deed35. Rather than_, he always prefers_ at home.A. go to the cinema; stayB. going to the cinema; stayC. go

8、 to the cinema; to stayD. to see a film at the cinema; staying第二节:完形填空共20小题,每题1分,总分值20分阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项A、B、C、D中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。On a clear dark night, you can see about 2000 stars. These are just the brightest stars. People_36_study starsthink there may be thousands and thousands_37_we cant see.

9、 There are probably so many stars that it would be_38_to count them.A star is a huge ball of_39_gas. It is made_40_of two different kinds of gases. These gases are very hot. Youcan tell_41_ hot a star is by its color. Blue stars are the hottest. Yellow stars, _42_the sun, are_43_between. Andred star

10、s are the_44_hot.A stars begins as a cloud of gas and dust. The gas and dust pull together_45_a ball. The_46_they pull together, the hotter the gases get. Finally, the gas bees so hot_47_it begins to shine. That is_48_a star is formed.A sky _49_of brightly shinning stars_50_very pretty_51_at. But st

11、ars can be helpful, too. Stars help pilots and sailors find the_52_spot the place or ship is in and the direction to which it is headed. In order to find their_53_by the stars, sailors must know_54_certain stars are in the sky at_55_times of the year.36. A. likeB. whoC. whenD. interested37. A. thatB. asC. starD. invisible38. A. possibleB. impossibleC. inpossibleD. perhaps39. A. flowingB. coolingC. ci


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