Unit4 Seeing the doctor 第 1课时.docx

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《Unit4 Seeing the doctor 第 1课时.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit4 Seeing the doctor 第 1课时.docx(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit4 Seeing the doctor 第 1课时 一、 教学目标1.能正确理解,掌握对话内容,并能朗读,表演对话。2.能正确听说读写词组:see the doctor, have a rest,take some medicine,drink some warm water3初步掌握句型 whats wrong with you ? I have.二、 教学重点、难点1.能正确理解,掌握对话内容,并能朗读,表演对话。2.掌握词组:see the doctor,have a rest, take some medicine, drink some warm water和句型Whats

2、wrong with you? I haveWhat should I do? You should.3.培养学生听说能力和交际能力。三、课前准备cards, pictures, tape, recorder四、教 学 过 程 Step 1 Dictation1. 五官单词 2. 身体部位 3. 感官或感受的形容词 4. 生病类单词及询问Step 2 Warm up1. Sing a song:2. Lets learn:Whats the matter with them? Ss: headache T: head + ache Ss: toothache T: tooth + ache S

3、s: stomachache T: stomach+ acheT: Can you find some rules? S They all have ache.Tip1:身体部分+ache 表示身体某个部分疼 3. 揭题When we are ill, we should go to see the doctor. So today lets learn Unit 4 Seeing the doctor.Step 3 Presentation1. Look and ask.看图片,提问一些你想知道的信息。S1: Who is ill?S2: Where are they?S3: Whats w

4、rong with them?T: Whats the matter with Su Hai? We can also ask “Whats wrong with Su Hai?”Tip 2:Whats the matter with .?Whats wrong with .?这两个句子都是询问对方怎么了的句型,有时可以进行互换。2. Watch and choose. Whats the matter with Su Hai and Mike?A. Su Hai has a headache and a fever.B. Su Hai has a cold.C. Mike has a too

5、thache.D. Mike has a earache How does Su Hai feel? Teach:foot feet , feet +ill =feel感觉She feels cold3. Read and underline. 自读课文P36页,划出医生给Su Hai 的建议。 T:What should Su Hai do?Teach:should. Would/u/Tip3: 用should 给别人建议,should为情态动词,后接动词原形。S: She should have a rest. Teach:rest. Red+first=restS: She should

6、 take some medicine. Teach: medicine./e/i/Tip4: medicine 是药液是不可数。pill 是药片,药丸是可数。吃药是take 不能是eat What does doctor say?S:Let me check. A.检查 B.核对4. More advises.Su Hai you should .Su Hai you shouldnt .should:have some light(清淡) foodshouldnt:have junk(垃圾) food5. Read and ask. 自读第二段划下生词。Dentist 出示图片理解词义:A

7、 doctor who takes care of our teeth.Brush: brother+ mushroom=brushBedtime:bed+time=bedtime A.就寝时间B. 床上时间 .根据课文内容考学生。S1:Whats wrong with Mike?S2:What should Mike do?Brush his teeth in the morning and before bedtime(twice a day一天两次)S3:What cant Mike eat?Eat too many sweets(eat too much sweet food)6. T

8、hink and make 同桌合作根据第二段内容,一起做一个思维导图。7. How to keep our teeth healthy? After drinking milk, we should brush our teeth or gargle(漱口)。 We should change our toothbrushes every three months. We shouldnt drink sodas or have cold food.Step 3 Reading time1 Lets read1) Follow the tape.2) Choose one way to re

9、ad. Read in pairs . Read in groups. Read by yourselves.Step 4 Practice1. Say and judge. 根据课文内容,说出一个判断句,考考学生。 其余同学判断,是否正确。正确的就说Yes,yes,yes。错误的就说No,no,no。2. Think and say.同桌分开,选择进行复述,也可根据板书复述。Hello, this is Su Hai. She feels. She goes to see the. She has a . She should .Hello, this is Mike. He has. He

10、 goes to see the. She cant . He should/shouldnt.3. Think and write. Su Hai: I have a _ and a _. I should_ at home. I should _ and _ too.Mike: I have a _. I cannot _. I should not _. I should _ in the morning and before bedtime. Step 5 Production1. Lets enjoy.小故事Little dog has a fever and a headache.

11、 He has to _.Little cat has an_. She sees the doctor. She _ take some _.Little rabbit has a _. She cant eat _. He shouldnt eat too much sweet food.2. Lets discuss. 如果你是医生,你会给什么样的建议。3. Summary Follow the doctors. 遵医嘱。 Have good habits. 培养好习惯。 Take care of yourself. 照顾自己。 Care about others. 关心他人。4. Ho

12、mework. Try to retell the story time. Copy the words and phrases two times Get more words about illness from the Internet.五、 板书设计Toothache,dentistCant eat anythingBrush.teethToo many sweetsHeadache, feverHave a restTake some medicineDrink some warm waterWhats wrong with.?ShouldshouldntUnit 4 Seeing the doctor


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