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1、Topic 2 What kind of home do you live in?Section BSection B needs 1 period. Section B 需用1课时。The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。. Aims and demands目标要求1. (1)Learn the names of public places and facilities:store, bank, street, post office, bookstore, museum, parking lot, supermarket, stati

2、on, restaurant, reading room, road(2)Learn other new words and phrases:neighbor, corner, mail, hear, piano, loud, really, at the end of 2. (1)Go on learning the structure of“There be”.There is one in front of our building.There are no houses on the right.(2)Go on learning the prepositions of positio

3、n.There is one on the street corner.Mr. Smart lives at the end of Elm Road.Mr. Jackson lives between Mr. Smart and Mr. Lee.3. Talk about the facilities and living environments in the community.4. Talk about the relationships between neighbors and learn to understand others feelings and respect each

4、other. Teaching aids 教具录音机/一张小区示意图. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:6分钟)复习There be句型, 呈现1b。1. (接龙游戏。将全班分成几组, 用There be句型说出教室里物品的位置关系, 组与组之间进行提问比赛。)T: Whats in the classroom?G1: There are four windows in the wall. Whats on the wall?G2: There is a clock and some pictures on the

5、 wall. Whats on the desk?G3: 2. (向学生展示一张生活小区周边示意图, 用1b中的单词和词组介绍小区附近设施名称。)T:Look at the map. Here is a bank. We can keep money in the bank. Can you guess the meaning of the word “bank”? Ss:银行。 T:Yes, youre right. Where can we buy things? Of course, we can buy things in the store or supermarket. So wh

6、ats the meaning of “store or supermarket”?Ss:商店。(板书,学生跟读板书的单词和短语。)bank, store, museum, bookstore, parking lot, post office, supermarket, hospital, train station(根据示意图向学生提问, 复习There be句型和物体位置表达法。)T:Look at the map again. Is there a bank in the area?Ss:Yes, there is.T:Is there a zoo?Ss:No, there isnt.

7、T:Where is the museum?Ss:Its next to the bookstore.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:6分钟)呈现1a。1. (告诉学生迈克尔新搬进一个小区, 不知道小区里商店和银行在哪里。让学生听1a的录音, 判断正误。)T: Michael is new in this community. He doesnt know where the store and bank are. Now lets listen to 1a, and mark True (T) or False (F).(板书需要判断正误的句子。)( )(1) T

8、here is a store near here.( )(2) There is a bank in front of the building.( )(3) Michael and Mary are good friends.(播放1a的录音, 然后核对答案。)T:Who can share your answers with us?S1:I can. Number 1 is T. Number 2 is F. Number 3 is F.2. (让学生再听1a录音, 找出关键词。)T: Please listen to the tape again, and circle the key

9、 words.(教师总结并板书。)new neighborlook forstorein front ofbankcornerStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:5分钟)巩固1a。1. (让学生跟录音机朗读1a, 注意语音和语调。)T: Please read 1a after the tape. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.2. (让学生看黑板上的关键词, 两人一组表演对话。)T: Look at the key words on the blackboard and act out the d

10、ialog in pairs.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:20分钟)练习1b, 1c以及3, 呈现2a,完成2b。1. (1)(让学生完成1b, 把小区设施名称与其功能配对。)T: We know there are many facilities in one area, and we can do different things in different places. Now, look at the pictures in 1b. Match the pictures with the things we can do.(2)(就小区公共设施功能做问答练习,并

11、板书对应的设施功能,核对答案。)T:What can we do in a post office?S1:Mail letters.T:Where can we keep money?S2:Bank.(3)(依照1b, 拓展其他小区设施及其功能。)(板书)restauranteat mealshotelsleephairdressersget a haircutshoe shopbuy shoesclothing storebuy clothes2. (1)(让学生完成1c。)T: Suppose you are in an area. Lets listen to the tape and

12、check the places in your area.(核对A答案。)T:Whats in your area?Ss:Bookstore, parking lot, bank, restaurant, post office and hospital.(让学生再听录音,注意公共设施间的位置关系。)T: Listen to the tape again, and pay more attention to the location relations among the public facilities.(核对B答案,然后让学生根据答案用自己的语言表达出这些公共设施间的位置关系。)T:C

13、heck the answers. And then express their location relations in your own words.(2)(要求学生讲述自己生活小区中邻居的位置关系,然后完成3。教师核对答案。掌握生词at the end of和road。)T: Please tell us where the neighbors live in your area. Then finish 3, and we will check the answers.3. (1)(呈现2a的图, 利用图通过师生互动导出hear.doing。让学生学会在英语交流中注意并理解他人的情感

14、,学会相互尊重。)T:Look at the picture. Who is that girl?Ss:She is Mary.T:What is she doing?Ss:She is playing the piano at home.T:Right. She is playing the piano when Michael is working in his home. He can hear the music and cant work. So he comes to Marys home. Whats his first sentence? Do you know?(让学生发挥想

15、象,尝试此环境下的语言表达,教师给以评价和引导,最后给出答案。)T: He says, “I hear you playing the piano. The music is very beautiful, but Im afraid its too loud.”(板书并讲解heardoing,引导学生领悟 but Im afraid 句式表达所包含的情感态度。)hear doingT:What does Mary answer?Ss:Im really sorry about that.(讲解生词。理解matter;掌握piano, loud, really。)(2)(让学生听2a的录音, 跟读对话。)T:Please listen to the tape and repeat it.4. (让学生两人一组表演2a。)T:Now, work in pairs to act out the dialog.5. (完成2b。两人一组。按照2b中的情景要求编对话,然后抽几组表演。通过此项练习, 培养学生综合运用语言


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