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1、20X-20X年七年级英语(上)素质教育评估卷(四)nit9班级_姓名_学号_得分_听力部分(2分)一.按照你听到的顺序,给以下对话标上序号 , ,C , .读一遍(4分)1( ) Can I hel o Ye, please.I ant a hat.2.( )o ou ikealad Ys, I do.3.( ) o o hve a volleyall N, I don. ut I have baskebl.4.( ) Hw uchis t Sevenolrs.二.听句子,选择正确的答语,读两遍(6分)( ) 5. A mhn Smith B Imfn,nks. C. Im15.( ) 6.

2、 Ats yello Its on te tble C. Is 5dllars.( )7. A. Yes, do B es, am C. No, I o.( ) 8.A.es,sh is. .Yes, heis. CYes, a.( )9.A.lue. B. Its sall. C. Yes,pease.( ) 1A Thank yu, too. B. Yuare weo. C. N. 三. 根据所听内容,选择与对话及问题相符的选项,读两遍(分)( )1.Wha cor i he seate . Red B. Yellw. . Grn. ( )12 .her i thebaall A.On t

3、heble n t bacpck .Uderthe be( )1What doe bu forr daughte A A -shir B weter .A pair of at( )4 .hat doe Maria like occoli B. Sraerris Carots.( )15.Wa kindof books doesJackie like A. ath B. English C. History.四.听较长对话,选择与对话及问题相符的选项,读两遍(1分) 听下面一段较长的对话,回答第16-17两小题( )16 Wt festval do theyhaveA.A Art Fsival

4、 B A Musi Festval . A porsFesva ( )17 W is itA. Februar 3rd B. Aprl1th C. Spebe 6th 听下面一段较长的对话,回答第18-20三小题( )18 Whatkind fmves oe Eric lik Action Mvis B. BeijigOpera C. Docuentaries( )1. Wh s s favorite actor . Jaie Chan B. JLi C. wAkns.( )20. Whtdoehe think f Bijingpra . Interesting B. Bor. C. at.笔

5、试部分(0分)一单项选择题(15分)( )21.eschool i _ Ferry28th.A. o B n C at . ( )22. _ e the scks Theya$10.A. Howmany . Wat C. H uch D. How( )3.Comad have alook !We hav T-sir _ redand llow _ ony ¥5.A. in, B. n, for C. at,at . for, for( )24.-Are thse Boshrts -_A es,it s. . No, it in C. Ys, e D. No, theyant( )25 - _

6、-Ye, ase . wan T-sir form auter.A. ha doyou lie .Do youike T-shi C. Can I lp yu D. Can u help me( )26_ io Septmber A. Womens ay.B. hilrens ayC Teacers Day . Chrtmas D.( )27. Do ou wnt _ e e hat Yes, Ido.A. buy buy tobuy . ae( )28. They ca bu eps _averygood _.Aa, price B.in,re C. at, ost at, sellig(

7、)29. _ is yran Ss fity. How .ow ny C. How much D. Hw l( )30 - ina, ap bitday to you! - _ Thk you. . hnk y! And he sa o.C. Thesa toou. DYs,Im very hapy( )1._boys, yo can uy pats for $ 7 ah!. At . C. I D.For( )32. hank o.-_. A. i B Th .Nice to meyo. Yourewlcome( )3.The reen horts _ yun.A. i onse B r o

8、n sale C are n the salfor D. are onse for( )34.Kat dent _ ars. has . like C.ats D likes( )5._ eterand Jim _ hamburesA. oes, i B. Do,lke C. oes,ie D. Do, lkes二.完形真空.10分An:Hey, Rose! Let 3 a moie.Roe:H, I dnt kowAnn: ll Let tose Edge. I 7 trile.Rs: Un, el, I 8 e hille. I dont want to, bu 9 .Ann:OK.ere

9、s Je 40 he want gRos: dn .Ann: Hi, Jame. 2 ou wnttogo to a moie Is he EdgeJaes: s43 coedy Iikecomdies4 acon vi.Ann: 4 , its thrler.ams: No, thakou. Lets otan action movie.( )36 . go to B. n C. to go to D.to g( )7.A . an C. th . ogo( )38. A. not B. do C. oe D. m not( )39. .thanks B. thnks yu . thk ur D.thn( )4. A. I B.A C.es D. oe( )41A. n not C. now D. kno( ) A. Is B Ae C. .Des( )3. A t its



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