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1、课题: 必修1 Unit 4 Earthquake-Vocabulary Learning编制人:姚建美 授课人:姚建美 日 期:2015.10.16科 目: 高一英语 课 型: 新授课 课 时:1课时(40分钟)班 级:高一 姓 名: 姚建美 小组号:【学习目标】1. 掌握描述地震的常用词汇;2. 运用词汇正确组织及表达语言;3. 能在语篇中运用所学的词汇;4. 自主探究构词规则;5. 参与双人讨论,能有效完成口语表达任务;6. 提高学生英语学习兴趣;7. 培养学生的爱心、同情心。【学习重点】掌握单词的音、形、义;【学习难点】准确地用所学词汇口头描述地震。【学习方法】启发讲授法、合作探究法、

2、总结归纳法【学习过程】Step 1 Lead-in Watch the video and write down some words about earthquake. Step2 What Words to Be Used Step 3 How to Use the Wordsburst ruin injure survivor destroy shock rescue trap bury dig out1. burst 爆裂,爆发Complete the sentence with correct form1) In the city, the water pipes in some b

3、uildings cracked and _. 2) The poor girl_into tears when she found her cat was dead.2. ruin & 废墟,毁坏 严重受损Error Correction:In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruin. 3. injure vt. 损伤 n. adj.1) Many of them died or were _ during the earthquake.2) She had an_ in that accident.3) The doctor ha

4、d to bandage up(包扎) his _ hand. 4. survivor n. 幸存者 vt. n. 存活1) The suffering of of Tangshan earthquake was extreme(极度的). 2) No one _ the crash.5. destroy vt. 破坏,毁坏 Make a sentence according to the picture .6. shock v. 震惊 n.休克,震惊 _/_adj. 用shock的适当形式填空People were _ to see that the room of the old coup

5、le fell into a deep hole. The _ news _all the people around,which was also a great _ to people all over the country.7. rescue vt. & n.营救 Translation 人们使用担架(stretcher)营救幸存者。 8. trap (trapped, trapped) vt. 使陷入困境 Error Correction: Some of the rescue workers and doctors trapped under the ruins. 9. bury

6、(buried, buried) vt. 埋葬 Make a sentence according to the picture: 10. dig out (dug, dug) 挖掘,发现 Error Correction: Those who were trapped were dig out by soldiers. Step 4 Consolidation Complete the passage.The earthquake is considered as one of the biggest_1_. No one will forget the Wenchuan Earthquak

7、e in 2008, which caused extreme _2_(suffer) to the people of the city. In fact, the number of people who were killed or _3_ added up to more than 8,0000. Believe it or not, in such a short time, the entire city lay in _4_. A great number of people _5_in the buildings or buried after the earthquake.

8、Houses as well as other buildings were so badly_6_ (damage) that people were _7_(home). It seemed as _8_ the world was at an end. The whole nation was _9_(shock) by the _10_(expected) disaster.Step5 Discovery Journey Discover the rules by yourself.First group _ cyclist = _ + _ useless = _ + _survivo

9、r = _ + _reporter = _ + _suffering = _ + _sincerely = _ + _ electricity = _ + _frightening = _ + _congratulation = _ + _Second group _earthquake = _ + _farmyard = _ + _ outline = _ + _headline = _ + _Third group _well adv. _ n. _ mine pron._ n. _ express vt. _ n. _ Step6 Speech Make a speech with the following words. 2008年5月12日14点28分,在汶川发生了地震,损失严重。请你以下的词对汶川地震进行描述。 ruin injure destroy shock rescue trap disaster dig out bury a great number of Tips 1. 房屋被毁; 2. 大量人员伤亡; 3. 军队帮助挖掘,找寻幸存者。


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