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1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。布什在耶鲁大学英语演讲稿:人人都可能当总统 EvernCnBea Prednt 人人都能成为总统;;美国第4任总统乔治;布什在耶鲁大学的演讲(中英文) To tos of ouwh civedonos, awards, nd distintins, I sa, el done Ad tohe C studns;I , ou, to, cae Pedet of thentedStes. 对于那些表现杰出、获得各种奖项和荣誉的同学,我要说,你们真棒!对于那些等生,我要说,你们将来也可以当美国总统! Rmarks by

2、 the President i Cmencment ddss Yal Univety New Haven, Coectcu Lite the Peident' RmarksTH PRSIDET: PesidetLevn, than you very uh. Den Brodad, ellow of te YlCopoation, fellowYale prent, flies,and graduat:It39;s speal rivilee o eceie ti hnorar deree. wsroud 33 ears ago treeieyfirstaledgree. I39;m

3、een prouder tht in yoreyes I;v eared thi oe. Icogrtulate fo onores. I';m peaseo shre this hono wit uh a dstinuished roup.I&3;m aticully peased obe herewith my rin,theforer of eic. Seor Presidnte, uted es uverdaero lder, n ran migo.(Applause.)I natuate ll the parentswho arhere. It&#;s a orious dyw

4、hn r cil ruates rom colle. It's ageatda fo yu; it#39;s a gret a r yo wale. (aghter.) Mostimporant, congratation to the class f 2X. (Appau) hos f u whreivd honrs, aards, and ditinction, I sa, well doneAn o th studets - (plue) - say,you, too, ca e Pesident f h United ates (Later d alause.) A Ylede

5、gree iwrha lot, a I ofn rem Dick heny - (laughter) - wo stude here, but leta littleerly. now we know - if ou gaae froYl, yu beme Presidt. If yo drop out,ogetto be Vie reint. (Lauhter.) I appaso very much the chance t sayafew wors on thisocasion. I kwYaehaatradition f havingn commencementspeaker. I s

6、oow that you've crved ou a sileception. Mtpeoplethnk ta o speak a Yale&9;scommenceme, you have o be Presden. Btover e yars, he speciicaionshae becomar moe dmanding. No u hav to be aYae grue, o hveo President, and you have dtove lsthe Yavotet Ralp Nder ( Appaus.) Thi s my fst e bak here in uit a

7、whie.I'; sur that each of you ilmeur o ournyback at as fewtme n your lfeIfyou'relike me,you won rememer everthin youdid hre. (Laughr.)Tht cnb good thing. (Luher)t ther w be soe peole, and soe monts, yo wil ever orget.Take, or emp, m old lasate, k Brda, e accomlished a of hs grea uirity(Ap

8、plause.) I rememberi asayon choar, brighta -(lugher) - ahard rker.We both ptal f time in at the terlin Lary, t reading rom, hre thy ave toebg leathe ouces.(Lagher.)Whd mual undertdng - Dickwouln#39;t realoud,and I uldn'sne. (uhtr.) ur creselcton e dffeent,as e folloe ur wn path to academic dscvr

9、yck was an nglish ma,and oedthe sss I vd history, adprsued diversifid course ofsy. like to thinkof i as thacdeic roadlsstraveled. (auhter.) Fr example,I took a lass ha studied apaneseaiku.iku, fr te uiiae, sa5th cenro f otry, each poe hving yllble. Haiku isfuly ndertood oly bth Zestr. As I ecall, n

10、f my cademi aviers was woriedabut selecion of suha secalized oure. He sid I should focus n Engish. (Laught.) I il ear tht qiften.( Laugher.) Butmycriics don&39;t reale don'takverbal gaff I&39;mspeain ithe pefct rms ad rythms of anen aiku. (Aplause.)Idid te Engish here,and tookaclas clled "T

11、e Hitr andPracicof merian Oratry,&ot; taught y Rollin G. Ostrweis.(Aplase.) And, Prsient Levin, wnt to gve retwhererd is e I wantheeire world to kow t- evrytin I knoabtthe ske wo, leanedriht ere at Yle (Laugter.) A a tue, I tredo ep a lwprofile. It ork. Lasyear e ew Yo Tmesiterviewed John Morto Blm

12、bcauseth crdowed I hadtae onofis coses. Casting hsind&39;s eye over he paradeof young aes down rouh e yers, Prfeo Blum said, and I quote, quo; donthe the giest rcollcin of im."; (Late) Bt I emember Pfesr Blum. d I sllrecal hi edicaon nd highstandards f eari. Inmy imther weremnygrea proessrs at YaleAnd there sill re. They re the eswo kep Yle going after thcmmnements,fter we have al gone our separae ways'mno reI eember o tha themth as tme I was her, but o that havaseod chane, I tank the profesors ofYale Uiversity. (pplaue.)


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