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2、50SX2-8-1040025016083390SX2-12-10500300200124490SX2-14-10600400300146890SX2-16-10500400400169800SX2-20-108004002002014200SX2-25-108004004002516500SX2-2.5-12200120802.52300室温12001000度箱式电阻炉安装与使用:1、 打开包装后,检查马弗炉是否完整无损,配件是否齐全。一般的马弗炉不需要特殊安装,只需平放在室内平整的地面或搁架上。控制器应避免震动,放置位置与电炉不宜太近,防止因过热而造成内部元件不能正常工作。 2、 有热电偶

3、插入炉膛20-50mm,孔与热电偶之间空隙用石棉绳填塞。连接热电偶至控制最好用补偿导线(或用绝缘钢芯线),注意正负极,不要接反。 3、 在电源线引入处需要另外安装电源开关,以便控制总电源。为了保证安全操作,电炉与控制器必须可靠接地。 4、 在使用前,将温度表指示仪调整到零点,在使用补偿导线及冷端补偿器时,应将机械零点调整至冷端补偿器的基准温度点,不使用补偿导线时,则机械零点调至零刻度位,但所指示的温度为测量点和热电偶冷端的温差。 5、 经检查接线确认无误后,盖上控制器外壳。将温度指示仪的设定指针调整至所需要的工作温度,然后接通电源。打开电源开关,此时温度指示仪表上的绿灯既亮,继电器开始工作,电

4、炉通电,电流表即有电流显示。随着电炉内部温度的升高,温度指示仪表指针也逐渐上升,此现象表明系统工作正常。电炉的升温、定温分别以温度指示仪的红绿灯指示,绿灯表示升温,红灯表示定温。1000度箱式电阻炉操作规程:1开炉前应检查煤气管道阀门密封性和煤气管路上的压力不能低于规定值。 2空炉试验推杆机构、拉杆机构以及提升机构工作情况。 3把压紧弹簧松开到规定的尺寸范围。 4调节好水封的水位,打开通水封排出燃烧管的阀门,关闭通水封的阀门。 5将进料端的炉门关闭,打开出料端的炉门察看,当煤油喷出形成雾状流动的方向正常后再关闭炉门。6将进料室的燃烧嘴点着。 7废气应经不通水封的阀门排出。 8间断生产首先把炉罐

5、渗碳。 9零件放置时,零件与零件之间距离不少于5毫米;零件边缘不超出底板长度和规定的高度。 10要快速开关进料门和出料门,但推拉杆的速度要平稳。 11零件在预冷室的位置应正对热电偶的下面。 12炉内只许装满24块底盘,继续进料必须先拉后推。 13停炉时要把各炉区降到同样的温度后,再开始自然降温。 14设备清洗: (1)炉罐在连续生产时每周清洗一次,断续生产炉罐的清理,应在停炉后立即进行, (2)炉罐清洗温度为850870时应将底盘全部取出; (3)用压缩空气喷嘴从炉子进料端吹入时,阀门开得不要太大,吹时必须前后左右移动,防止局部过热; (4)煤气烧嘴在渗碳前用煤油清洗一次。 15底盘或夹具淬火

6、后应返回预冷室除去油污。 16发现废气管堵塞(炉内压力突增)应立即清理。先打开不通水封的废气阀门,然后关闭通水封的废气管阀门。清理完毕应先打开通水封的废气管阀门,然后再关闭不通水封的废气阀门。1000 degrees of box-type resistance furnace operation:1 before opening should check the gas pipeline valve seal and gas pipeline pressure not less than the prescribed value. 2 air oven test push rod mecha

7、nism, a draw rod mechanism and a lifting mechanism working condition. The 3 pressing spring to release to the specified size range. 4 regulate the water seal water, open water seal exhaust combustion pipe valve, closing valves water seal. 5 the feed end of the oven door closed, open the discharging

8、end door check, when the kerosene erupted mist flow in the direction of the normal and then close the door.6 will be the feeding chamber combustion nozzle. The 7 exhaust gas should not water sealing valve discharge. 8 first tank furnace carburizing continuous production. The 9 part is placed between

9、 parts and parts, a distance of not less than 5 mm; parts edge does not extend beyond the bottom board length and specified height. 10 to quickly switch charging door and a discharge door, but push rod speed smoothly. 11 parts in the cooling chamber is opposite below the thermocouple. 12 furnace onl

10、y filled with 24 chassis, continue to feed must pull back. 13 shutdown to the zone of the furnace is reduced to the same temperature, before the start of the natural cooling. 14 cleaning equipment:( 1) the tank of the furnace in continuous production washed once a week, intermittent production furna

11、ce tank cleaning, should be in the shutdown immediate,( 2) the furnace tank cleaning temperature 850 870 shall withdraw all chassis;( 3) with the compressed air nozzle from the feed end blown, valve opening may not be too large, blow must be moving around, prevent local overheating;( 4) the gas burn

12、er in carburization with kerosene cleaning once before. The 15 chassis or fixture after quenching cooling chamber to remove oil stain should return. 16 found exhaust pipe blockage ( furnace pressure surge ) shall be cleaned immediately. To open the barrier seal exhaust valve, then close the water sealing and exhaust valve. Cleared to open the water sealing and exhaust valve, then close the barrier seal exhaust valve.



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