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1、五四制鲁科版小学英语四年级上册Unit 1 School LifeLesson 3 We sing here.教学设计 烟台市芝罘区文化路小学 汤滢令Instructional DesignDesigner: 烟台市芝罘区文化路小学 汤滢令I. Teaching material:(五四制,鲁科版)English Book III. Unit 1 School Life Lesson 3 We sing here.II. Type: New teaching.III. Teaching goals:1. Knowledge goal:Students can read the followin

2、g words and sentences: make, thing, often, basketball, there. We sing here. We make things in the art room. We often draw here. We often play basketball there. Students can use these words and sentences properly.2. Ability goal:Students can describe their school life, using the words, phrases and se

3、ntences they learn in this class.3. Emotion goal:Call out students love for their school. Key points and difficult points:1. Master the words, phrases and sentences. 2. Use the words, phrases and sentences to describe school life properly.Teaching aids: PPT, card. Teaching procedures:Step 1 Warming

4、up 1. Greetings.2. Sing a song:We have a music room.2. Revision: Show pictures and talk.1) These are rooms at school. What are they?2) Where is the?3)What do you do in the?【Purpose】Review the original knowledge and lay a foundation for the new lesson.Step2 Presentation1. Introduce the background inf

5、ormation. Show the first picture and talk about it: LiMing, Jenny and Danny are introducing their school life to the new classmate, Tom. 2. Watch the cartoon and answer: What places do they introduce to Tom? A. the library B. the music room C. the classroomD. the art room E. the lab F. the playgroun

6、d【Purpose: Lead students to have a general idea of the text.】2. Watch the cartoon again and choose: What do they do in these places? 1). We _ in the music room. A. read B. sing 2). We _ in the art room. A. make things B. play games 3). We often _ on the playground. A. draw B. play basketball【Purpose

7、: Lead students to know more details about the text, at the same time, lead students to learn the new words and key sentences.】3. Look back on the text.Step 3 Practice 1. Listen and imitate: 2. Read by yourselves.3. Do the role-play.4. Lets talk: A: B: Wein/on.【Purpose: Consolidate the key words, ph

8、rases and sentences.】Step 4 Production1. Activity: Im a little guide.1) Demonstration: Show a video about the 100th anniversary of WenHualu Primary School. Introduce the context: Some foreign visitors will come to WenHualu Primary school. We need some super guides.2) Ask students to work in groups,

9、try to act as a little guide and foreign visitors. This is Wenhualu Primary School. ItsThis is the Its We oftenhere.We have a Its We oftenthere.I love my school. Welcome to my school!【Purpose: Lead students to introduce their school life, using the sentences they learned in this class. Make study se

10、rve the practical purpose.】2. Emotional education: Show a video about WenHualu Primary School and call out students love for their school.【Purpose: Call out students love for their school.】Step 5 CheckWrite an em-ail to Tom and tell him about your school life.8 September 2015Dear Tom,This is my scho

11、ol. Its beautiful.This is the _. We _ here. Thats the _. We often _ there.We have many subjects at school.I like _ and _ very much.I love my school. Welcome to my school.Yours,_Step 6 SummaryRead the words, phrases and sentences.Step 7 Homework 1. Listen repeat and try to recite. 2. Try to introduce WenHualu Primary School .【Purpose: Consolidate the words, phrases and sentences through some extensive exercises after class.】. Blackboard DesignUnit 1 School LifeLesson 3 We sing here.We often draw here.We make things in the art room.We often play basketball on the playground.


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