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1、欢迎来主页下载-精品文档6. 含有元音字母o / i的词,将o / i变成a。如:singsang, givegave, sitsat, drinkdrankmelt融化meltedmelted /moltenbe(am / is / are)是was / werebeenride骑roderiddenswim游泳swamswumarise出现arosearisenbegin开始beganbegunforecast预报forecastforecastset安置setsetwin获胜wonwon精品文档.单词拼写Book 3Unit 2Period 11. It is very importan

2、t for a student to keep a(平衡) between study and rest.2. Because of lack of financial support, our chances of success are(苗条的).3. The doctor suggested more fiber in his(日常饮食).4. Everyone has his own strengths and(缺点). You should be confident about yourself.5. If you buy more than one hundred computer

3、s, we will give you a 10%(折扣).6. His granny was badly ill and she didnt even have the(力量) to stand up.7. I opened the packet just to satisfy my(好奇心).8. The new shop across the road has taken away most of my(顾客).9. It looks as if he likes eating(生的) fish.10. Are you going to(烤,烘) the chicken?.用所给短语的适

4、当形式填空win back , get away with , tell a lie , out of curiosity ,at a discount , be amazed at ,keep fit , lose weight ,ought to ,be tired of1. They were selling everything.2. You look slim .Have you.3. Watch frank-hell cheat if he thinks he canit.4. Youemail or call her and say youre sorry.5. Ito her

5、about when to set off.6. Just, she opened the letter of her brothers .7. Hedoing the same work all the year round.8. Wethe news that his lost daughter has been found in such a short time.9. He had a desire tohis fathers love and trust.10. He runs three miles every morning to.单句写作1.I think(没有什么比令人愉快)

6、 than winning the award . 2.She is strict with her daughter and(不容许她说谎). 3.She is staring at John,(看上去非常生气).4.Who(可能拿走了).5.He always(似乎年轻的多)in his white coat than in his black one.单句完形填空1. If you just spend timeadvantages and disadvantages, you may get nothing in the end.A. matchingB. balancingC. ob

7、servingD. examining 2.-How did you find the movie Zootopia?-. I wish to see it again.A. It couldnt be betterB. I dont care about itC. Im with you on thatD. I wouldnt say no3. Mary is a girl of great.She takes a interest in everything.A. concernB. beliefC. curiosityD. strength4. If you cheat in the e

8、xam, you could hardlyit.A. get away fromB. get awayC. break away fromD. get away with5. As we all know, everyone has own strengths and,so we should learn from each other.A. weaknessesB. trickC. techniqueD. energy6. Only Edward can lift that heavy stone because he is a man with great.A. forceB. curio

9、sityC. importanceD. strength.语法填空Breakfast is the most important meal of the dayits a great start, its good 1 you, and it keeps you thin. Thats what weve all been told.Studies repeatedly show that skipping breakfast (不吃早餐) is more common in people2are overweight . And one danger for skippers who sta

10、rt having breakfast is that it could lead to weight gain, if they dont eat3(little) later in the day.Dr Alison is from one of the many 4 (organize) around the world that tells us breakfast is a good thing ,and she points to studies 5 (show) people who skip breakfast are likely to be bigger ,which we

11、 already know is a connection .How ever ,she says it is the 6 (easy) meal of the day to get right , that skipping it risks 7 (eat) something unhealthy later on and that it can be a struggle to get the right balance 8 nutrients (营养物) without starting the day well.There 9 (be) no such thing as a perfe

12、ct breakfast, but Dr Tedstone advises people 10 (think) fibre in the mornings. “Overall were not getting enough fibre in our diet and its easy to include fibre into breakfast,”.完形填空Everyone needs water and a diet1.healthy foods. These foods should 2.some fat, some fiber, a little salt and so on.Peop

13、le need energy to live. They eat all kinds of foods 3. change into energy. Our bodies use different 4. of energy. The energy is measured in calories(卡路里).The more 5.we take, the more calories we burn. Even when you are _6.you are using energy-about 65calories an hour. While you are at school, or wal

14、king home, your body is 7. up 100 calories an hour. When playing football or basketball, you might be using 400 calories an hour. On _8.Day, during the relay race, you will use most of all, perhapsas9. as 650 calories an hour.The Chinese diet is considered to be the healthiest in the world. It conta

15、ins a lot of fruit and green vegetables. It is 10.in fiber and low in sugar and fat. The Chinese eat less sugar than many11.countries in the world. That is 12.lots of people in China have white teeth.People in the western world do no eat13. healthy foods. They eat too much fat and sugar and dont take 14.exercise.Because of this, they _15.weight very easily. In order to 16.with the quick pace(步伐)of their


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