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1、李克强总理博鳌论坛主旨演讲 以下为演讲全文: te folloin ithe at rsin o the full xtof is peech:尊敬的各位嘉宾,女士们,先生们,朋友们: d guests,ladies nd gnlmen, dar riends,很高兴在春和日丽的季节,和来自2个国家的朋友们会聚在中国美丽的海南岛,一起出席博鳌亚洲论坛年会。在此, 我代表中国政府,对年会的召开表示热烈的祝贺!对远道而来的嘉宾表示诚挚的欢迎!in he lvel sprig, i am delighted to meet wih iens frm 52 countries and eion at

2、the boa frum for asa annual cnferenc XX in te beautfuliland f hainano behf of he chinese govenment, wish to etndwar cngratulations on theopnng f e nual onfence ada hearty wecom to ll orum particants 博鳌亚洲论坛已举办十二届,成为聚焦亚洲、放眼世界的一个重要平台。”;水美鱼丰”;,这是博鳌的特征,也是论坛硕果累累的象征。出席本届论坛的有亚洲和非洲多位政府首脑,也有众多的商界领袖和智库、传媒界的杰出人

3、士,老友新朋汇聚一堂,大家都为亚洲与世界的发展大计而来。思想越辩越新,朋友也就会越交越真。希望各位畅所欲言,发表真知灼见。 the bao forum for asia hs tere is 1th yar, n it has bcm an important plaform wh an aianocu and a obal visinquo;baoquot;, thesite o t rum,means"enchning watndabunt fishquot; in nse, ai thi it is asym of thefoum s frulachievet.atten

4、ding this y3;snu confeence are many heds of govenme fom asi d ra, an a greatnubeof usiess leaders, ad tink tn nd meia ereenttives. fend,both old andnew, are meeig hee to iscuss ay t boos delopment o ot sia and tewr. exchng vis wilcreate new vison, ad mreinterctons ring iends loser. ihop that youll b

5、e lly engage in orum disussios,aniook frward tbeefiting from yur insigh.当今世界正处于深刻变化之中。国际格 局面临新的调整,影响全球与地区局势的不确定不稳定因素增多,热点问题此起彼伏,多极化进程在曲折中发展。世界经济深 度调整,发达经济体有好转趋势,新兴经济体又遇到新的挑战,不同国家经济走势分化,全球复苏进程缓慢艰难,增长动力依然不足,实现经济强劲、可持续、平衡 增长任重道远。 ourworltody s neroing profound chanes. he nteratinal rhitectue fces ne ad

6、justmn ncainties anddeblizngfacors affetig th obal andregional envonment r ncreasing.hotspt sues emerge fro ime otime. te wrld i moving owards mult-plarity mi twits and tuns theglobal nomyis nprood ajustmet.velopeconomis have se new cans, whie emerng ecoomes have ncnere new halleng,andman ountiesr o

7、n diffrentconomi tajecoris. the loba recovery has eea slow andifficult proces gowh emi lackster to achivstrng,usable and baane growh i ila danting calg fcin all of u.今天的亚洲正处在发展的关键时期。亚洲是全球最具活力的地区之一,经济规模占世界的1/,人口有 0多亿,劳动力供给充足,后发优势明显,发展潜力远未 释放。同时,亚洲大多是发展中国家,人均gdp不高,地区发展水平很不平衡,还有7亿多人生活在国际贫困线以下,发展经济、改善民生

8、的任务依然艰巨。 sia i at a rcial stae f deelopmen.as isne of the ms dynamic rinsin theworl. it oasts on thirdf t gbdp, 4 bilion eople amlesuply o lab orce.itejoy dstict advages s a ltco and hastremendus untaped deelment potntal. tha a, ot sian cunties ae evelpig nins, wth lo per cpta gd nd unevrgioa eveopm

9、en. ove 00millo pple insia stil liv bow t intrnaional overty line. si is faced with huge chllnge ogrowin thecnmy ad imprvi pople's livlod 亚洲各国既面临老问题,也有不少新烦恼。解决亚洲的问题,归根结底,还是要靠发展。发展改变世界,发展创造未来。发展仍然是亚洲国家的第一要务。 enan sa cunties hae o addrss bh ol problems and nwones. ltiately, heey toolin ia&39;s prb

10、lemsls in deveopme it is dvlopentth ill change he worl and shap h uturedeveloment herefore rainse op priorty fasa countre./en新形势下,亚洲保持发展势头需要源头活水,最重要的是发掘新的动力。本届年会以”;亚洲的新未来:寻找和释放新的发展动力”;为主题,很有现实针对性,这对亚洲乃至全球都具有深远意义。tosusin itsdevelopmenentm uder the new cnitios, asa needs o fndadnmic souce deelopmentto

11、 e-enrgie itself. th teme of t annual conference: &quo;asia'se fue: idnfying new growth drivers&qut; ant be more revnt and is crucia to asia and the word. 在此,我愿提出几点看法,与大家交流。hre, i wiht she wiyu y views asfolos: 第一,坚持共同发展的大方向,结成亚洲利益共同体。在经济全球化背景下,亚洲各国的发展,不可能独善其身,更不是你输我赢的”;零和博弈”;,而是你中有我、我中有你的互利合作,能

12、产生”;一加一大于二”;的效应,甚至是”;二加二大于四”;的乘数效应。 first,w shouldstik to thevearchig gaof commo dveoment ndbd a asiacmmnity of sred ierest. inthag f econ glbaiztion, nasncountrs can achieve veoti isoltion from h other, still lsscan the pursue develpmentsqut;zero-sumgame&quo;. ather, with ou inrests losely enwne, w

13、 the sian coui need t seekmuall beneficial oopration were ";oe pl one an make mor htwo&qot;a evenrdces a multpying efft in whh";two plus tw maesme than ouquo;. 时至今日,国际金融危机的影响还没有过去,发达国家宏观政策调整又增加了发展环境的复杂性,部分亚洲国家经济增速下滑、通胀上升,甚至出现资本外流、货币贬值现象,国际上唱衰新兴经济体的声音再起。 the imactof he internaioal fiancil crisisst aectsu. acropolicy adjustmena bdeveed counries have adde uncertintto henvironmn ordvelt. soeasian ounries heepeenced eonomic lo



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