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1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。T英语演讲:勇敢,是度过难关的唯一方法 在这篇感人的演讲中,艾许.贝克汉提出了一个同情与心胸开放的全新方式;首先要理解每个人在生命中皆曾经历过困难。艾许说,度过难关唯一的方法,就是要开启柜门,勇敢的踏出柜子。下面是小编为大家收集关于E英语演讲:勇敢,是度过难关的唯一方法,欢迎借鉴参考。 演说题目:勇敢,是度过难关的唯一方法 演说者:艾许.贝克汉 I' oin t tal oo tonigh abotomngut of hcoset,d oinhe riional sense, notjust thga c

2、lost. I tink well haecloses or cset ay be telling someone oulover or the first me, or telling soee that ou&39;rprgnant, or telling soeone ouhavecance, or any f the thr had consaiose have hroghou or lives. Al alose is s ahardcoesaton, d alhg our topics may vary tremnos, the experiencef eiiand coming

3、ou oft cosetsnivr.It is scar, and we hate it,nd it eds tbe done. evel yearsgo,I wasworin at t Sut SideWnut Cafe, local diner i town,a din my me there I ouldo through hase of militant lesban intensity: ntshaing armits, utng AniDFranco lyrs as splAn endigonthggiess of my cargo shots anhow ecntl had sa

4、v m head, hequson wuld ofteberung on m,usal a ltkid: ";U,ae youa boy o reyou agirl";A teewouldbe awwa sience at theale. I';d clenc myjaw a ttle tihte,hold my ofee pot ih a ltl more venganc. Tha wldwkwarly shfflehis nesaperand he om u shoot achillgstare at her d.ut I wuldsa noing, and Iwou

5、ld ethe ini. nd t gott he point where evrytme Iwalkedup toatalehat hada id anywherebtween hree and years od, wa reay to fght. (augter) And ha is a trrie feeling So Irmiedmself, he nex time, ould saysmthng. I wold h a hard onverson. So within mae f weeks, happen agai. "Are you a b oaeyou agirlqu

6、ot; Familiar senc,ut thistme ready,and I am aout to goall omen&39;sSuis 101n ths tble (Lughte) I';vegot y Bety Fridan uots. I'v gt Goritnem oe ve ve gotthilittlit fm ";agia Mologues" ';m goin odo.So Itake a deep breath and lk dwn n sarng bk at m is for-yearold gir in a pi

7、k ess, ot a chleng to feminit dl, justadithaquetion: &qot;Areyo bor a ou a girquo;So I tke athe dee beah, sut dwn to ntto he, d sy,"Hey, I knw it&39;s kd of onfsin. y hai s shor like a bo;s, nd I wear boy ;s o, b39;m airl, ad y know howoetimsu ie t ear a pink dss, ad oetimes yu lke towea your

8、 omfyjammisWell, I m mre of acomfy jammies ind of grl.ot; d this ki los me deainteye,ithout misng a bt, and sys, ";y avoritepajamasare url with fish Cn Iget pancae, plea"; (Lugter)Andtha ws itJust, qot;,ka. u l o abou hat anake&qot; It was theasis ard convertinI hae ever hd nd wy Beca

9、use Pance Grl ndI, wer botheal wthach ohe. So lie manyof us, I#39; iedi af coein my lf, anyeah, st te, my wallhapene t be rinbo. insde, n edark,yo cnt tell what clorth wallsare. You just know what feels liketlive in a cose. S realy, my lotis n differet han yoursor yourr ou.ure, &#;live yu 100 ea

10、sns wy coming ot of y closewas haer th coin ot of yurs, bt hee ing: Hd isot relave. Hardis hao catell me that xplainng osmeone you#9;ejst laed bankrt i harde ta telling soeoe yo ust ete on thm Who can tlme that his cn out sor is hardr han telig you fie-yar-l you39;re gttg a iorce Thee is noharde

11、r, th isjtadWe need to sopankngour hard agais eeryone else';s hard to make s feelbetr o wose aout urcoses and just commseraten th fcttat we alhave hard. t som oit iou lives, we all li in closet, and they ma feelsafe, or at east sfer th wt ieson the other side of hatdoor. t a heretotl you, no mtte

12、ha ouallsre mde f, aclos i no ple r apron o lie. haks.(Applaus) oimai yourself 2 yea a. Me, Ihad a ponytail, rapl dress, and igh-heele soes. I wasno the mlitnt esbian redyto ightayfu-yaroldtatwalk in te e.I a fozen y far, curled up n e crner f myih-lact ctchigmygay grend, a ovingoncl s he scais thin ave everdone. yamily, myrend, ompletestragrs - hd spet m ene life rying to no apont tes eope, and now Iwas turninte word psiownon rpse.I wasburingte page ofthe siptwe had llflwe r o log,butif yo doot thow ha


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