【精品】人教版英语必修四十二省区强化练习:unit 4 section 4含答案

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1、人教版英语精品资料Unit 4 Section .阅读理解AAs you know, different countries have different customs. Also there are many gestures showing many meanings in many countries. Here are a few examples of gestures. A fisherman in Britain will show the size of a fish he has caught by holding his two hands, palms(手掌)facin

2、g each other, the right distance apart in front of him. But the one from certain part of Africa will measure of the size along his left arm with his right hand. In Britain the gesture to show the number“one”is made by holding up the index finger(the second finger), but in Switzerland it is the thumb

3、the first finger which is held up. Some people point at objects with fingers, others by sticking out the lips. The gesture for“come here”is made in Britain with the index finger, which is held, pointing upwards, at eye level and bent towards the body; in Egypt the hand is held at arms length, palm d

4、ownwards, and the fingers are then bent. The difference between the movements is very important, and the meanings of the same gesture may be opposite in different countries. It may bring trouble to those not well known with it.1This message is mainly about_.Adifferent people in different countriesBh

5、ow to understand the gestures in BritainCthe different gesturesDhow to show a gesture in Egypt答案:C本文列举一些不同手势语的例子来表明手势语在不同国家所表示的意义也不同。2Which of the following gestures shows the number“one”in Switzerland?答案:B根据文中“.but in Switzerland it is the thumbthe first finger which is held up.”可判断出B项为正确的姿势。3Somet

6、imes the difference between the movements in different countries may bring about_to you.Aa good luckBa new worldCan ill effectDhappiness答案:C根据文章倒数第一、二句可知,不同的手势语在不同的国家所表示的意义不同,如果不了解它们的不同就会带来麻烦。4According to the passage we should_.Alook before we leapBpick and chooseCstrike while iron is hotDdo in Rom

7、e as the Romans do答案:D本文通过讲述手势语所表达的意义,可得出D项“do in Rome as the Romans do(入乡随俗)”为最佳选项,而非“三思而后行”“挑三拣四”“趁热打铁”。BBody language is a nonverbal communication that becomes a key in understanding childrens feelings and thoughts. The following are the basic components of body language of children:FaceShortly a

8、fter birth,a baby shows facial expression reflecting innermost(内心深处的) feelings. At the age of three, a child has different innermost emotional expressions.PostureOnce toddlers(学步的儿童) begin to move, they show a variety of body postures. For example, when they move slowly and hunch their shoulders(耸肩)

9、, it means they are sad.Hands and fingersIf your children close their hands and clench them light, they are certainly upset and angry. However, if their fingers open and their arms hang beside their body, it means that they are relaxed.FootIf your children move their foot forward and backward, it in

10、dicates that they are thinking about something or they may feel guilty about what they have said, or they are frightened.DistanceWhen a child is in a bad mood, he creates a distance between you and him by sitting in the opposite corner of the room. Otherwise, he wants to hug you when he is frightene

11、d.It is better for you to understand some facts about body language in order to build a better relationship between you and your child. The following points are some facts about body language:Body language is more often used than spoken language. The results of a study showed that less than 10% of e

12、motion was expressed in words, but more than 90% was expressed in body language. Words are more often used by children to communicate the facts, while body language is used to communicate emotions.Body language is less controllable than spoken language. Smile, body postures, the movement of hands an

13、d feet, eye contact, and other gestures are done unconsciously.When you are trying to understand a childs body language, do not forget that body language is not an exact science. Your understanding is not always right. Increasing your experience by paying careful attention to children in every situa

14、tion is the best way to improve your ability to read a childs body language.文章大意:如何才能更好地理解孩子的肢体语言呢?5Which of the following actions shows that a child may be thinking about something?AOpening the fingers.BClosing the hands tight.CSitting in the opposite corner of the room.DMoving the foot forward and

15、 backward.答案:D细节理解题。根据第五段的“If your children move their foot forward and backward, it indicates that they are thinking about something”可知答案。6From the passage we know that _.Aa child starts to use facial expression to express feelings at the age of threeBwhen a child moves slowly and hunches his shoul

16、ders, he may be not happyCa child starts to use body posture shortly after birthDa child may hug you when he feels guilty答案:B细节理解题。根据第三段的“For example, when they move slowly and hunch their shoulders, it means they are sad.”可知答案。7What can we learn from the passage?ABody language is used less than spoken


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