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1、 关于亲情的英语诗歌阅读 【篇一】关于亲情的英语诗歌阅读 Super Mom Mom, you”re a wonderful mother, So gentle, yet so strong. The many ways you show you care Always make me feel I belong. You”re patient when I”m foolish; You give guidance when I ask; It seems you can do most anything; You”re the master of every task. You”re a d

2、ependable source of comfort; You”re my cushion when I fall. You help in times of trouble; You support me whenever I call. I love you more than you know; You have my total respect. If I had my choice of mothers, You”d be the one I”d select! 【篇二】关于亲情的英语诗歌阅读 A Family is this. To be apart of a family li

3、ke mine is so divine where love is shown hurt is shared our love for each other is never impaired we talk we laugh we cry but we are a family and we do it all together for as a family we do it all as one you hurt one you hurt all and as a family unit we will all stand tall for we are family a family

4、 full of strength a family full of love a family no one can touch that, s why I love my family so much. 【篇三】关于亲情的英语诗歌阅读 Fathers seldom say “I love you“ 父亲们很少说“我爱你“ Though the feeling”s always there, 虽然那份感觉始终都在那 But somehow those three little words 但不知道为什么这小小的三个字 Are the hardest ones to share. 却最难与人共

5、享 And fathers say “I love you“ 而父亲说“我爱你“ In ways that words can”t match- 用言语没法比较的方式 With tender bed time stories 或是温柔地在床头讲故事 Or a friendly game of catch! 或是一场友好的捉迷藏嬉戏 You can see the words “I love you“ 你可以看到“我爱你“这些字 In a father”s boyish eyes 从父亲孩子气的眼睛里 When he runs home,all excited, 当他兴奋地跑回家 With a

6、poorly wrapped surprise. 脸上带着难以掩饰的惊喜 A father says “I love you“ 父亲说“我爱你“ With his strong helping hands 用他强有力的救济之手 With a smile when you”re in trouble 用他的微笑帮你度过难关 With the way he understands. 用他所理解的方式 He says “I love you“ haltingly. 他踌躇地说“我爱你“ With awkward tenderness- 带着笨拙的温顺 It”s hard to help a four

7、-year-old into a party dress! 帮一个四岁小孩穿上派对礼服实在是不简单! He speaks his love unselfishly 他无私地表达他的爱 By giving all he can 付出他的全部 To make some secret dream come true. 让心底的幻想成真 Or follow through a plan. 或追求一个打算 A father”s seldom-spoken love 父亲很少说出口的爱 Sounds clearly through the years- 随着光阴消逝变得清楚 Sometimes in peals of laughter, 有时在洪亮的笑声中 Sometimes through happy tears. 有时在欢快的泪水中 Perhaps they have to speak their love 可能他们表达他们的爱 In a fashion all their own. 只能用自己的方式 Because the love that fathers feel 由于父亲的爱 Is too big for words alone! 绝非言语所能诠释



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