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1、第10单元 关系词 533 关系代词为who,whom,which,that,what,as,but,than,whoever,whichever及whatever;关系形容词为what,which,whose,whatever及whichever;关系副词为where,when,why及how。这三类词统称为关系词(Relatives),不管是形容词、代词还是副词,由于它们之间有许多共同之处,都放在一起讨论。关系代词及形容词A概说1WhoWhomWhose534 先观察下面句子:I met Lee,who(=and he)asked me to dinnerShe asked her fri

2、ends,who(=and they)answered her coldlyThere came a friend of mine,who(=and he)had just arrived from CalcuttaI spoke to Mary,who(=but she) pretended not to hear me在上面句子中,who是一个代词,代替前面的名词(不管是单数还是复数,是阳性还是阴性):Lee,friends和Mary。它也是一个连词,把两个句子,不如说把主句和从句,连接起来。这样的代词称为关系代词,它代表的那个名词是它的先行词(Antecedent),它所引起的从句(“w

3、hodinner”及“whocoldly”)称为关系从句(Relative Clauses)。如果把句子换一种方式说,可改成以下不同的句子:MrLee,who asked me out to dinner,took me to the nearestrestaurant(=MrLee asked me out to dinner,and he took)His friends,who had tried to dissuade him from smoking,did not succeed(=His friends had tried to dissuade him from smoking

4、,but they did not succeed)535 Who,whom和whose在关系从句中可分别用作主语、宾语和所有格(形容词),但它们不受它们的先行词的格的影响。除了起名词及形容词的作用外,它们还起and,but,for或so这样连词的作用:I once met this man,who(=and he)told me a strange story(who的格是由它在关系从句中的位置决定的,而不是由它的先行词man的格决定的,man是主句中及物动词met的宾语。)At the party there was John,whom I had not seen for years (

5、=and I had not seen him for years)(在非正式英语中,可用who代替whom。)First came Mary,whom few of us had expected(=but few of us had expected her)He did not invite Mary,whom he disliked(=for、he disliked her)He mentioned his brother in London,whom(作介词after的宾语)I presently inquired afterI praised Mary,whose(=so her)

6、 mother was quite delighted but said nothingThey blamed John,whose(=but his)fault was really slightJohn,whose fault was really slight,was not to blame(=Johns fault was really slight,so he was not to blame)536 但是关系从句中的谓语动词必须和先行词在人称和数上一致:This boy,who works very hard,will be rewardedJohn,who is busy,ca

7、nnot go with usThese boys,who work very hard,will be rewardedJohn and Mary,who are busy,cannot go with usYou,who are his friend,understand him wellI could not discuss this with you,who were too young to un- derstand itShe,who is his friend,understands him wellI could not discuss this with my father,

8、who was too serious to talk about itI,who am his friend,understand him well(在口语中用is)She should believe in me,who am her husband537 关系从句几乎全都是1)陈述句,很少是2)感叹句、3)疑问句或4)祈使句:1)I criticised Lee,who immediately got angry and leftMy sister,whom you saw the other day,will get married tomorrow2)John(whom may Go

9、d confound!)has turned traitorEverybody looked at Mary,by whom how many were en- chanted!3)John(whose offence could I overlook?)did insult me at a party4)I have written to Kim,whom please apply to538 上面例句中的关系从句有并列性质,为非限制性的(Non-Re- strictive),因为关系代词连接的是两个同样重要的分句。但下面例句中的关系从句都是限制性的(Restrictive),因为它们起形容

10、词的作用,修饰先行词,和先行词构成一个统一的意思。在非限制性关系从句和先行词之间,如果写出来,必须有一个逗号,而在限制性关系从句和先行词之间,写出来时,一般没有逗号(只有一些特殊的例外情况),说出来时中间也没有停顿。非限制性关系从句在书面语中用得较多,在口语中很少使用。The teacher will punish students who are lazy(=lazy stu- dents)A man who only cares about himself(=A selfish man)will not succeedJohn is the only man whom I know(=my

11、 only acquaintance)in Hong KongI know the man whose son is your student(=your students father)The boy who buoke the window is goneWhere are now the marshals who have performed great ex- ploits?539 在限制性关系从句中,whom可以省略,而且常常省略:Show me the fellow(whom) you met last weekThe girl(whom)you love is prettyThe

12、 carpenter(whom)they are employing is my uncleJohn is married to a woman(whom)he does not know well注:一个名词如果已明确何所指,如this house,Jane Lee,my father,Venice,就不宜再有限制性关系从句。2Which-Which-Whose540 Who代表人,which则代表东西。which后面的谓语动词,必须与先行词在数上一致。Which可引起非限制性关系从句:He set free the bird,which was a gift from his auntHe

13、 set free the birds,which were a gift from his auntHe set free the bird,which(=and it)looked at him doubt- fullyHe set free the bird,which(=but it)refused to leave himHe set free the bird,which(=so it)flew away at onceThese houses,which face south,belong to John(=These houses face south,and they bel

14、ong to John)These houses,which face south,have no trees around(but they)These houses,which face south,are cool in summer and warm in winter(so they)541 Which在关系从句中既可作主语,又可作宾语。Whose作为所有格形容词,可以代表人,也可代表物:He was reading a book,which(作为谓语动词was的主语)was about war,which(作为及物动词bought的宾语)he had bought from Lon

15、don,which(作为介词in的宾语)he was very much interested in,whose(=and its)(所有格形容词)cover bore the title of “War”He had a big palace,whose door(or the door of which,of which the door)was covered with gold leafHe wants to sell his house,which who will buy?(关系从句很少是问句)He wants to sue for a divorce,which God forbid!(关系从句 也很少是感叹句)542 Which引起的关系从句,如果是限制性的,同时which在从句中又用作宾语,which就可以省略,也常常省略,whose(which的所有格)也可用在限制性关系从句中:He has to study a subject which does not inter



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