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1、人教版小学英语六年级20192020学年上册期末试卷含答案2020学年上册期末试卷含答案听力部分(30分)一、 听录音;根据听到的内容选择正确的选项。(10分)( )1.A.scienceB.scientistC.straight( )2.A.subwayB.slowC.stop( )3.A.tonightB.tomorrowC.taxi( )4.A.happyB.hospitalC.hiking( )5.A.factoryB.fishermanC.film( )6.A.worriedB.wordC.worker( )7.A.What should I do?B.How can I get t

2、here?( )8.A.Dont be sad.B.Dont be afraid.( )9.A.Where are you going?B.When are you going?( )10.A.He goes to the park by bike.B.He goes to the park by bus.二、 听录音;选择与录音内容相符的图片。(10分)( )1.A.B.C.( )2.A.B.C.( )3.A.B.C.( )4.A.B.C.( )5.A.B.C.三、 听短文;圈出正确的单词或短语。(10分)My name is Zhang Peng.Im a (student;teacher

3、).I go to school (on foot; by bike). I like listening to (music;painting). In the future(将来); I want to be a (singer;cook).I usually (do homework;watch TV) on the weekend.笔试部分(70分)四、 根据图片提示补全对话。(5分)1. Whats your hobby? I like .2. What do you want to be? I want to be a .3. How does Mike feel? He is .

4、4. Its cold. You should warm clothes.5. What are you going to do next week? I am going to my grandparents.五、 单项选择。(10分)( )1.Do you like ? Yes; I do.A. swimB.swimmingC.swims( )2.Turn right the restaurant.A. atB.onC.to( )3.Johns father teaches Chinese. What does his father do?A. Hes a postman.B.Hes a

5、teacher.C.Hes a scientist.( )4.The cat is ill. Sarah feels .A. sadB.happyC.puzzled( )5. ? He works at sea.A. When does he workB.How does he go to workC.Where does he work( )6.My uncle is factory worker.A. anB.aC.the( )7.Whats Lilys hobby? A. He likes singing.B.She likes singing.C.He like singing.( )

6、8.Does your father go to work by bike? A. No; he doesnt.B.Yes; he doesnt.C.No; he does.( )9.当别人问你的理想时;你应该回答: A. Im a singer.B.Youre a singer.C.I want to be a singer.( )10.My new pen pal in Shanghai.A. livesB.liveC.living六、 选词填空。(12分)Howreading Does What Whereat1. does he do? He is a postman.2. does

7、he work? He works in a bank.3. does he go to work? He goes to work by subway.4. Oliver likes story books.5. Amy live in Sydney? No; she doesnt.6. Dont go the red light.七、 给句子选择对应的图片。(5分)A. B. C. D.E.( )1.How does the boy feel? He is very happy.( )2.He can play football. He is a football player.( )3.

8、What do you want to be? I want to be a police officer.( )4.Where are you going this afternoon? I am going to the cinema.( )5.Go straight; please.八、 选择恰当的选项补全对话。(填字母序号)(10分)A. Dont be sad.B.Whats wrong?C.Lets go to the hospital.D.How does Dad feel now?E.Your father is ill.Mum: SaSarah:1. Mum:2. He sh

9、ould see a doctor. We cant go to the zoo today.Sarah: Oh; no!Mum:3. We can go next time.Sarah:4. Mum:Not well.5. 九、 连词成句。(注意标点符号)(8分)1. do you How feel ?2. your father a Is businessman ?3. likes Peter TV watching .4. When going to the bookstore are you ?十、 阅读短文;判断句子正误;正确的写“T”;错误的写“F”。(10分)It is Sund

10、ay today. My parents; my brother Tom and I are at home. My father is washing his car. He is going to Beijing tomorrow. He is going there by car.My mother is putting the flowers under the sun. Then she is going to buy some flower seeds. Tom is drawing a picture. There are many clouds in his picture.

11、I am very busy. Im doing my homework.( )1.Today is Sunday.( )2.Toms father is going to Beijing on Saturday.( )3.Toms father is going to Beijing by car.( )4.Toms mother is going to buy some flower seeds.( )5.Tom is doing his homework.十一、 根据下面的表格介绍家庭成员的职业、工作地点以及出行方式。(10分)要求:书写工整;语句通顺;不少于5句话。成员my mothermy fatherI职业nurseworkerstudent工作地点hospitalfactoryschool出行方式by busby carby bikeHello! My name is Mike. 参考答案笔试部分四、1.dancing 2.pilot 3.angry 4.wear 5.visit五、1-5 BABAC 6-10 BBACA六、1.What 2.Where 3.How 4.reading 5.Does 6.at七、1-5 CE


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