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1、人教版三年级英语下册期末复习试卷及答案A.A.t s onWhat)4.No5.yourB.Havebed.Wher esomeB. GoodHowr ult.C.C. HowThan kser s dohave?判断下列每组单词画线部分发音是(V )否(X)相同()1A.:s ev e nB. pen ci lC. she.()2. A.pandaB. handC. Can ada()3. A.si st erB. giftC. mi l k()4. A.dogB. boxC. mot her()5. A.un derB. funC. fruit选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项()1. A.

2、mot herB.f at herCt each()2. A. deskB.chai rC.fruit()3. A. st udentB. f i f teenC. si xt een()4. A. pearB.riceC.wat er me Ion()5. A. t h inB.un derC.f at-三、单项选择。()1. Ni cemeet you.A.atB. onC.t o()2. Who i st hatwoman?A.She i s my mot herB.He i s my br ot herC.He i s my fat her()3.i smy r edbag?A. I

3、have twoB. I see fiveC. I t s blue四、选词填空。(只填序号)A. iiiid B Do G Dont D. at E luy()1. Hi, Amy. This issister.()2.1 cant you, Amy. Where are you()3. you like fruit? Yes, I d o.()4. Look m y white cat. 11 s so fat.()5. p u t your cap on t h e bed.五、选择与图片相符的句子)1 A.This is my family.B. They are students.)

4、2.A.The girltall,E. Th& girl has two big eyes.)3.A.The kite is in the tree.B. The kite is under the tr&e.)1. A.The monkey likes psarsB. The monkey likes bananas)5. AI hae twenty applesB. I have twelve apples六、情景选择()1.你想吃一些水果,你可以这样说:A. Do you like apples?B. Can I have some f ruit?C. Look at the fruit

5、.()2你想问妈妈你的帽子在哪里,你可以这样说:A. Mom, where i s my cap? B. What is my cap.Mom?C. Where i s m y map, Mom?()3.埃米告诉你她喜欢苹果,而你也喜欢,你可以这样说:A. M e, n either. B. M e, t o o.C. I like, t o o.()4.你向妈妈介绍你的新朋友Sarah ,你可以这样说:A. Mom, this is Sarah . Sh e s m y new f r i e nd.B. This is my teacher.C. This i s m y new teac

6、her, Mom.()5.你问弟弟有多少个气球,你可以这样说:A. How many balls d o you haveB. How many ballo ons can you seeC. How many ballo ons d o you have?七、选择合适的答语,将序号填入题前的括号内A, Me, neither.I) IPs under the deskB. I Ain.E. I see tenC. Hiiikyou.()1.Are you a teacher?()2. H a ve a good time.()3.Where is my book?()4. How many

7、giraffes do you see?()5. I dont like strawberries.八、阅读短文,完成下列各题。a Ionm y n aWho are we?I m ora nge and brow n. Im very tall. I h av e g n eck(脖子).There a re se ve n letters(字母)in m e. Who am II m black and white. I m fat. I have small eyes. Im from Ch ina.There arei v e let t e rs inmy nam e.Who a m

8、 II m oran g eand brow n. 1m big. Ihavea long tailand a b i gmo u t h. I eatlittle ani m a ls.Thereare fi ve lettersi nm y n a m e.Who amI?(一)根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。(4分)()1. Th e f i rst (第一个)ani mal i s very tall and long.()2. Th e sec ond(第二个)ani mal i s black and white.)3. Th e t h i rd (第三个)ani mals m

9、outh is b i g and it s t ai l is sh o rt.()4.The third ani mal eats meat.(二)根据短文内容猜出正确的动物,在相应动物图片下按在短文中出现的先后顺序标出1、2、3。(6分)参考答案、1.X2. V 3. V 4. X 5. X1. C 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. B1. C 2. A3. B 4. C5. A四、1. E 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. C五、1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. A六、1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C七、1. B 2. C 3. D 4. E 5. A八、(一 )1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T(二)312


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