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1、高考英语三轮冲刺复习外刊阅读训练1改编自Hangzhou welcomes delegation heads as preparations for Games gather paceKenneth Fok Kai-kong is a Hong Konger and also the vice-president of the Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong. Recently, he spoke during a Chefs de Mission Seminar in Hangzhou on how sports ca

2、n promote friendship among different countries and regions.The seminar lasted for three days and representatives from 45 Asian countries and regions attended. They were all there to learn about the latest updates on the preparations for the upcoming Asian Games, which will be held in Hangzhou, locat

3、ed in East Chinas Zhejiang province. This year, athletes will compete in 40 different sports between September 23rd and October 8th, bringing together people from different regions to showcase their skills and abilities.Moreover, the 4th Asian Para Games will also be held in Hangzhou from Oct 22 thr

4、ough Oct 28. These games provide an opportunity for para-athletes to participate in high-level competitions and inspire more people with their perseverance and passion.Mr. Fok believes that sports have the power to build bridges of friendship among different countries and regions. Through internatio

5、nal sporting events, people from different backgrounds can interact and better understand each other. Thus, mutual trust and support can be enhanced, leading to stronger relationships among these nations and regions.The preparation for these games requires enormous work and cooperation from various

6、parties, including athletes, organizers, sponsors, and volunteers. Nonetheless, it is essential to take into account that the games not only serve as a competition but also a platform to exchange culture and ideas. Therefore, everyone involved should strive for excellence while also embracing divers

7、ity and inclusivity.In conclusion, the upcoming Asian Games and Asian Para Games in Hangzhou are much anticipated events that provide a unique opportunity for countries and regions to come together and celebrate the spirit of sport. Let us look forward to a successful and enriching experience for al

8、l participants involved in the games.【重点词汇】1. vice-president vasprzdnt n. 副主席2. sports sprts n. 体育运动3. federation fdren n. 联盟4. Olympic olmpk adj. 奥林匹克的5. committee kmti n. 委员会6. seminar smnr n. 研讨会7. representatives rprznttvz n. 代表8. preparations prprenz n. 准备工作9. athletes lits n. 运动员10. compete km

9、pit v. 竞争11. different dfrnt adj. 不同的12. regions ridnz n. 地区13. showcase okes v. 展示14. para-athletes pr-lits n. 残奥会运动员15. high-level ha lvl adj. 高水平的16. competitions kmptnz n. 比赛17. inspire nspar v. 激励18. perseverance prsvrns n. 毅力19. passion pn n. 热情20. power par n. 力量21. build bld v. 建立22. bridges

10、 brdz n. 桥梁23. friendship frndp n. 友谊24. international ntrnnl adj. 国际的25. interaction ntrkn n. 交流26. understand ndrstnd v. 理解27. mutual mjutul adj. 相互的28. trust trst n. 信任29. support sprt n. 支持30. relationships rlenps n. 关系31. enormous nrms adj. 巨大的32. cooperation kopren n. 合作33. organizers rnazrz n

11、. 组织者34. sponsors spnsrz n. 赞助商35. volunteers vlntrz n. 志愿者36. competition kmptn n. 比赛37. platform pltfrm n. 平台38. exchange kstend v. 交流39. culture kltr n. 文化40. ideas adiz n. 想法41. strive strav v. 努力42. excellence kslns n. 卓越43. diversity davrsti n. 多样性【阅读理解练习题】1. Who is Kenneth Fok Kai-kong?A. A r

12、epresentative from China.B. The president of the Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong.C. A participant in the Chefs de Mission Seminar.D. An athlete competing in the Asian Games.Answer: B中文解析:文章第一句话提到肯尼斯霍加江是香港人,同时还是香港体育联合会暨奥林匹克委员会的副主席,故选B。2. How many countries and regions attended th

13、e Chefs de Mission Seminar?A. 4B. 23C. 40D. 45Answer: D中文解析:文章提到来自45个亚洲国家和地区的代表参加了会议,故选D。3. When will the Asian Para Games be held in Hangzhou?A. September 23rd to October 8thB. October 9th to October 21stC. October 22nd to October 28thD. November 1st to November 15thAnswer: C中文解析:文章提到将于10月22日至10月28

14、日在杭州举行第四届亚洲残奥会,故选C。4. What is the main message Mr. Fok wanted to convey during the seminar?A. The importance of international sporting events.B. The preparations for the upcoming Asian Games.C. The power of sports to promote friendship among different countries and regions.D. The challenges of organ

15、izing a major sports event.Answer: C中文解析:文章中提到肯尼斯霍加江认为体育运动具有促进不同国家和地区友谊的力量,故选C。5. What is the purpose of the Asian Games and Asian Para Games besides providing a platform for sports competitions?A. To showcase the skills and abilities of athletes from different regions.B. To enhance mutual trust and support among natio



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