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1、中建材浚鑫科技股份有限公司eti la (Chia) Co., Ltd终止协议Termnation reemet终止对应合同编号Termnatnract No._日期Date_1共6页,第 页 终止协议TeriaonagreeenThs Teinato Agreemnt (the Ageement) s enterd intoo n d between JeionSoa (Cina) ., Lt., acmpan stablisednd xiing under th laf thePs Republic of Cina(PartyA), and_, a cpany estalished ad

2、existigunderte lwf_ (arty ).鉴于 herea甲乙双方于 年 月 日签订了编号为: 的 合同。现经甲、乙双方友好协商决定签署本合同终止协议以终止该合同:aty A rty Bmade he ontracon , otract o: .Nowa fiendly cnstation between tw ares, boh decide to sin his Terminatin greement totrminat theContact双方达成协议如下:T partis agree tha:1. 同意终止上述 合同,合同编号为: 。甲、乙双方的权利义务关系终止,双方没有

3、完成的义务不再继续履行,双方不存在任何其他经济纠纷。Agreedt terintee Contract, Cntract No: . Allghts and obigios between t tw Partiesaloerminate.Th uncompted oblgatins hallnot ontiueto perfrm.Thre s o oth ecnmic disput bween t wPies.2. 本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效,保持效力直至双方履约完成。hi Agreeentcomes io effect ater sinreanal b the Pries and sal

4、emain infllforcetil both Prties mpletly pefom teir obligtio herin.3. 本合同应受中华人民共和国法律的管辖并按其解释。Th greemnthal b governed by and cosued in accrdance withheawsf th Pepes Rpblic ofChin4. 所有通知用中文和/或英文写成,并按照如下地址用传真电子邮件/快件送达另一方。如果一方地址有变更,该方应在变更后十(10)个工作日内书面通知另一方。Allnotcshll b witn in Englsh andor Ciese an erv

5、edtothe other arty b fa/e-m/corer accordng t the fllwing address Iayng to t addresse cu, the prt hall inorm the othr pty f he cang is adress iin ten(10)working daysof the change甲方o Part A:JETIN SOLAR CHNACO.,L收件人Attenin:地址 Addre: No. 1011 henchengRoa, Shngng,Jingin, iangsu,hia邮编Zi Code:14443电话 el:01

6、0-866730乙方 oPaty :收件人 ttenion:地址Adress: 邮编i Ce:电话 el:5. 本合同为中、英文两种文本,每种文本同时签署二(2)份。双方确认,两种语言文本具有同等效力,在所有实质方面完全一致。Ths Aremet shll eet nEnlis and Chinese ersions simulanouslyin two(2) cnterparts in eah lauage hepares herebconfirm hat ea language vero is eqally authentic nd is cnsientin allmateal aspets.本页以下无正文TheReminde ofhisPage i IntetioallyLeft la本页为签字页EXECTIONPAG本合同由下列双方签署:HISCOTRACT S EXECUTDBY ADBTEE:甲方:中建材浚鑫科技股份有限公司Party: JtinSlar(Cina)o., Lt.(盖章 CoanyStamp)乙方:Prt B: (盖章 Compnys Stm)1



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