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1、课时课时2Section A(3a3c)Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.一、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。一、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1.As the saying goes,health is better than _(wealthy).2.2023盘锦月考His brother is a _(bank).His office is their home.3.The doctor _(examine)Jack and didnt find anything wrong with him.wealthbankerexamined返回目录4.Hi,Ton

2、y.You look _(happy).Whats wrong?I argued with my best friend.5.Many children didnt feel like _(eat)vegetables.返回目录unhappyeating返回目录6.辽宁人文信息题The first piece of PVC(聚氯乙烯)in China was _(make)in Liaoning.7.Winning the gold medal at the Olympic Games brought him _(famous).madefame返回目录二、单项二、单项选择。选择。8.Look

3、 at Erics _face.The snake scared him just now.Yes,I think so.He isnt a brave boy.A.black B.red C.pale D.blueC9.How do you like the two hats?_the blue one _ the red one is my favorite.They are too ugly.A.Both;and B.Either;orC.Not only;but also D.Neither;nor返回目录D10.2023 沈阳皇姑区月考It isnt easy to finish s

4、o much work in _.A.two days time B.two-days timeC.two days time D.two days time返回目录A返回目录11.They decided to _their family doctor because their child was badly ill.A.stick to B.try outC.run after D.call inD12.2023沈阳中考“Post-2000s(00 后)”have begun to amaze the world_ they are very young.A.although B.ifC

5、.unless D.beforeA【点拨点拨】句意:句意:“00 后后”已经开始让世界惊叹,尽管他已经开始让世界惊叹,尽管他们还很年轻。考查连词辨析。们还很年轻。考查连词辨析。although 尽管;尽管;if 如果;如果;unless 除非;除非;before 在在之前。分析句子可知,尽之前。分析句子可知,尽管管“00 后后”很年轻,但是他们已经开始让世界惊叹,很年轻,但是他们已经开始让世界惊叹,故用故用although 引导让步状语从句。故选引导让步状语从句。故选A。返回目录返回目录三、句子翻译。三、句子翻译。13.那个管理者失去了她的权力。That manager _.lost her

6、power14.目前,这个孩子的眼睛没有问题。There is _the kids eyes at the moment.返回目录nothing wrong with15.他的脸看起来像白粉笔一样苍白。His face looks _.返回目录as pale as chalk返回目录16.这台电视机无缘无故地坏了。The TV set is broken _.for no reason返回目录17.现在人们越来越担心食品安全。Now people are more and more _food safety.worried about18.我确信没有人能取代他的位置。_返回目录Im sure

7、no one can take his position.返回目录19.令大臣们吃惊的是,国王和王后都不喜欢这栋新宫殿。_To the ministers surprise,neither the king nor the queen likes the new palace.返回目录20.2023北京西城区期中学生们学好英语很重要。_Its important that students should learn English well./Its important for students to learn English well.积累。积累。联系上文,完成知识积累。1.make decisions_2.support each other_3.part of_4.lead to_5.find out_6.Jim,pay attention to _(write)the word in pen.作出决定作出决定相互支持相互支持的部分的部分导致导致弄清弄清writing返回目录拓展。拓展。1.relate _(过去式)_(形容词)_(名词)2.grow _(过去式)_(过去分词)_(名词)返回目录related relativegrew grownrelationgrowth


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