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1、课题:Unit 1 Lifestyles第1课时(总10课时) 课型:新授课【目标要求】学习目标 掌握下列单词和短语: complain suppose go off take up be filled with be full of bored switch suffer suffer from2 理解下列两个句型: 1).I am always the first person to get to the office. 2).I always take my portable TV and I sit on the stone wall while the dog walks round

2、 in a circle. 3) When I get home at about ten,I look at some documents that I bring back from the office so that I can be ready for the next days work.学习重点1、1. To understand how different two lifestyles are and how to keep a healthy lifestyle.2、To master the usage of the key words.学习难点课文中长句子的理解【过程方法

3、】自学提要1.从文章中找出重点短语:醒来_ 打开_ 午饭吃_ 下楼_ 目前,此刻_ 锻炼身体_ 带某人去散步_更衣_ 吃早饭_ 上公共汽车_ 占据 _ 充满_ 在周末_ 抱怨某事_ 为了娱乐_ 赚钱_ 自学反馈探究释疑单词:1. matter -n.事件,问题,物质 a matter of life and death 生死攸关的问题 as a matter of fact=in fact 事实上 Whats the matter with? 怎么了? Eg.Whats the matter with your right arm?你的右胳膊怎么了? -vi. 有关系,要紧 What does

4、 it matter? It doesnt matter . 2. suppose -vt 认为,猜想,假定suppose + that引导的宾语从句 认为,假定 suppose + sb/sth (to be)+adj/n 以为某人 Eg. Juliet supposed Jim to be rich.朱丽叶以为吉姆很有钱。 I dont suppose that he will agree. 我不认为他会同意的。 Suppose you had 5 million dollars, what would you do? 注意:(1)suppose可用于简略答语中 -Do you suppo

5、se it is going to snow? -I suppose so./ I dont suppose so.=I suppose not. (2)be supposed to do sth 理应,应该做 be not supposed to do sth 不被允许做,不可 Eg. We are supposed to get there at 8:00 am every day.3. bored adj 厌烦的,不敢兴趣的 (be bored with 对某物感到很厌烦) boring adj 令人厌烦的 get bored 变得厌烦 get changed换衣服 get lost 迷

6、路 get married 结婚get separated 分手 get dressed 穿衣 get paid 得到报酬 get burnt 被烧伤、晒伤 get killed 被杀死 get injured (在事故中)受伤 get stolen 被偷走Eg.You must get dressed in two minutes or you will late for school.You must get changed in five minutes or you will be late for Jimmys birthday party.你必须在5分钟之内换好衣服,要不你去吉米的

7、生日派对要迟到了。Eg.Over twenty people got injured in that traffic accident.20多人在那起事故中受伤。Are you bored with his speech? 你对他得演讲感到厌烦吗?Her money got stolen on that bus. 她的钱在那辆巴士车上被偷了。4.diet n.为了保持身材、维持健康、调节体重等而规定的饮食be on a diet 正在节食/减肥 go on a diet 开始节食Eg.-Help yourself to more meat, please. 多吃点肉吧。 -Thanks. Im

8、 on a diet. 多谢。我正在节食减肥呢。Ive put on a lot of weight in the past six months,so I have got to go on a diet. 在过去的六个月里我增重不少,因此我得去节食减肥了。5.stand vt.忍受 1) stand sb / sth 忍受某人或者某事 2)stand doing 忍受做某事 Eg.We cant stand such a rude man.我们都无法忍受这么一个粗鲁的人。 Can you stand the hot weather?你能人受得了这么热的天气吗? I cant stand w

9、aiting here all the time. 我无法忍受一直在这儿等候。I wont stand you talking to me like this.我不会容忍你这样跟我说话。6.prefer (preferred , preferred , preferring) 1) prefer A to B 比较喜欢第一个物品,而不喜欢第二个 2)prefer doing A to doing B = prefer to do A rather than do B 宁愿做而不愿 做Eg.She prefers fish to pork.她喜欢鱼肉而不喜欢猪肉。At weekends I pr

10、efer going out to staying home.= At weekends I prefer to go out rather than stay home.在周末我宁愿出去也不愿待在家里。7. suffer (1) vi.患(某种病);(因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受折磨。常与介词from连用,suffer from 的宾语多为表示疾病、战争、自然灾害等的名词。suffer from a war/ the flood/ a headache Eg. The old man is suffering from a bad cold. (2) vt. 遭受,蒙受(痛苦、损害等)。 suf

11、fer pain/ loss/ damage/ punishment/defeat/ poverty/ hunger/ hardship Eg. He suffered many defeats before succeeding.短语:1.go off (1)(爆竹、铃等)响 eg.The burglar alarm went off. (2)出发,走掉,离去 She got angry and went off. When are you going off for your holiday? (3)(灯)熄灭 Suddenly the lights went off.拓展:go ahea

12、d 开始,前进,干吧 go down下降,下跌 go by 经过,过去 go over 复习 go in for 爱好, go out熄灭 go against违背,不利于2.take up (1)占据(时间、空间) The table takes up too much room.(2)开始从事,对有兴趣 When did you take up basketball? 你是什么时候对篮球感兴趣的? John took up acting while he was at college. 约翰在大学的时候就开始演戏了。(3) take up 拿起 She took up her LV bag

13、 and left.拓展: take away拿走 take down写下,记下,拿下,拆除 take off 起飞,脱下 take on 雇佣,呈现 take in 理解,领会,欺骗 take over 接管3. be filled with be full of Eg. The mother was filled with anxiety about her daughters health.We are full of pride.4. switch on =turn on 把(电器)开关打开,接通 Switch off =turn off(把电器的电源) 关掉,关上 Switch over (to) 转换频道,转变Eg At weekends, he often switches on computer early in the morning and doesnt switch it off until midnight.在周末他常常一大早打开电脑,直到半夜才关掉。If there is not a good TV play on CCTV-8, I would


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