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1、UNIT 8Have you read Treasure Island yet?课时课时 6Section B(3a-Self Check)一、一、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1.Betty hasnt finished(not finish)her homework,so she cant watch TV now.2.Some people have swept(sweep)the street and it is quite clean now.hasnt finishedhave swept一一二二三三四四五五六六3.Mr.Li likes Shenya

2、ng very much.He has been(be)there five times.4.Why dont you go to see the movie with me?Because I have seen(see)it before.5.Have you called(call)your mother yet?No,I havent.Ill call her this evening.has beenhave seenHavecalled一一二二三三四四五五六六6.When I watched a funny movie in the cinema,I could hear laug

3、hter(laugh)all around.7.上海月考改编 Eric hasnt handed in his homework yet.Actually(actual),he didnt do it at all.laughterActually一一二二三三四四五五六六二、二、从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空。从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空。practice,be,mark,improve,introduce8.【易易错错题题】The number of whales is smaller and smaller because of human activities now.9.The so

4、cialist new countryside makes farmers improve their living conditions.isimprove一一二二三三四四五五六六10.If you really want to improve your pronunciation,keep on practicing.点点拨拨:句句意意:如如果果你你真真的的想想提提高高你你的的发发音音,那那就就坚坚持持练练习习。keep on doing sth.表表示示“坚坚持持做做某某事事”,根根据据语语境境及及方方框框中所给词可知,此处填中所给词可知,此处填practicing。practicing

5、practice,be,mark,improve,introduce一一二二三三四四五五六六11.抚顺新抚区期末 Bob,I have marked your grammar mistakes.Please correct them as soon as possible.Thanks,Mr.Green.Ill do it right away.12.沈阳期末 Robert worked in a college to introduce different kinds of music to his students.have markedintroducepractice,be,mark,

6、improve,introduce一一二二三三四四五五六六三、三、从方框中选择合适的短语并用其适当形式填空。从方框中选择合适的短语并用其适当形式填空。put down,write down,bring back,think of,grow up13.If you come here tomorrow,remember to bring back my watch.14.Jack often plays the piano and he wants to be a pianist when he grows up.bring backgrows up一一二二三三四四五五六六15.She put

7、down the newspaper and went to help her mother do chores.16.What do you think of Little Red Riding Hood?Its very interesting.17.Write down your uncles phone number,or youll forget it.put downthink ofWrite downput down,write down,bring back,think of,grow up一一二二三三四四五五六六四、四、句子翻译。句子翻译。18.自从我们在学校见面,我们一直是

8、好朋友。Ever since we met at school,we have been good friends.Ever since一一二二三三四四五五六六19.萨利是我最好的朋友。我们彼此信任,在学业上互相帮助。Sally is my best friend.We trust each other and help each other with schoolwork.each other一一二二三三四四五五六六20.盘锦模拟在公共汽车站,你应该排队。You should stand in line at the bus stop.21.鞍山铁西区月考他对野生动物感兴趣,比如熊猫和狮子。

9、He is interested in wild animals such as pandas and lions.in linesuch as一一二二三三四四五五六六22.你觉得这个正在和他的同学踢足球的男孩怎么样?How do you feel about/like the boy playing soccer with his classmates?23.小汤姆迫不及待地跑向他的妈妈。Little Tom couldnt wait to run to his mother.24.盘锦大洼区月考我向新同学介绍了自己。I introduced myself to my new classma

10、tes.feel about/likecouldnt wait to runI introduced myself to my new classmates.一一二二三三四四五五六六五、五、短文还原短文还原(有一项为多余选项有一项为多余选项)。What do you usually do when you are tired after studying hard?Many American students choose to relax by listening to country music.What is country music?一一二二三三四四五五六六25.A It is th

11、e traditional music of the American countryside.A country music singer shares his feelings with the audience(听众)through his songs.26.C They tell us that the best things in life are freelaughter,friends,family,and the beauty of nature and the countryside.ACA.Country music is simple music from the sou

12、thern states of American.B.In this way,all Americans knew about the music and like it.C.Many country music songs are about belonging to(属于)a group,or the lives of farmers.D.These years,many musicians have made country music a little different.E.At first,country music was popular among young people.一

13、一二二三三四四五五六六At first,people played the music only at family parties.Because of the use of radios and tape players,country music songs became more popular.When people moved to towns and cities looking for work,they took their music with them.27.B Nowadays,people in many other parts of the world also l

14、ike country music,because everyone can understand what the music is about.BA.Country music is simple music from the southern states of American.B.In this way,all Americans knew about the music and like it.C.Many country music songs are about belonging to(属于)a group,or the lives of farmers.D.These ye

15、ars,many musicians have made country music a little different.E.At first,country music was popular among young people.一一二二三三四四五五六六28.D These changes make the songs sound even better.I became a fan of American country music when I was 12 years old.It makes me feel quiet and relaxed.My favorite musici

16、an is Taylor Swift,who is one of the most successful musicians in American history.I think she is truly talented.DA.Country music is simple music from the southern states of American.B.In this way,all Americans knew about the music and like it.C.Many country music songs are about belonging to(属于)a group,or the lives of farmers.D.These years,many musicians have made country music a little different.E.At first,country music was popular among young people.一一二二三三四四五五六六六六、【高高效效练练词词汇汇】选选词词并并用用其其适适当当形形


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