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1、UNIT 10Ive had this bike for three years课时课时 5Section B(2a-2d)一、一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。1.Dont get on the bus before counting(清点)the total number of your team members.2.Why not consider(考虑)visiting Beijing?There are many places of interest.countingconsider一一二二三三四四五五3.盘锦兴隆台区月考 I wont forget my

2、primary school because it holds(拥有)all my sweet memories forever.4.The policeman is searching(搜查)the hill.He wants to find something.5.The old story has been popular for several centuries(世纪)in China.holdssearchingcenturies一一二二三三四四五五二、二、从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空。从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空。opposite,among,shame,count,shil

3、dhood,hold,nowsdays,especial,crayon6.David is drawing on the wall with his crayons.7.Nowadays,people lead a better life than before.8.We sat opposite each other,so I could see his face clearly.crayonsNowadaysopposite一一二二三三四四五五9.To my shame,I refused to listen to her side of the story.10.Wherever I w

4、alk around in this small town,what I see makes me think of my childhood.11.沈阳和平区月考 Hanfu is becoming more and more popular among young people.shamechildhoodamongopposite,among,shame,count,shildhood,hold,nowsdays,especial,crayon一一二二三三四四五五12.中考常州改编 The summer vacation is coming.Dont swim in the lake,e

5、specially when you are alone.especiallyopposite,among,shame,count,shildhood,hold,nowsdays,especial,crayon13.When I got home,my sister was counting in her room.14.Beijing held the Olympic Winter Games in 2022 with Zhangjiakou.was countingheld一一二二三三四四五五三、三、句子翻译。句子翻译。15.琳达已经将近五个月没见她的妈妈了。她非常想念她的妈妈。Linda

6、 hasnt seen her mother close to five months.She misses her mother very much.close to一一二二三三四四五五16.抚顺新抚区期末改编据报道,到2025年中国可能成为世界上最大的5G市场。According to the report,China may become the worlds largest 5G market by 2025.17.很遗憾你不能来参加我的生日聚会。It is a shame that you cant come to my birthday party.According toIt i

7、s a shame一一二二三三四四五五18.我的姐姐想在大城市找工作。My sister wants to search for a job in the big city.19.这白色的鸟是自由的象征。The white bird is a symbol of freedom.20.这个老妇人住在她的家乡30年了。The old woman has lived in her hometown for 30 years.search fora symbol ofhas livedfor一一二二三三四四五五21.他的故乡承载着他所有的童年回忆。His hometown holds all his

8、 childhood memories.22.你曾考虑过出国旅游吗?Have you ever considered traveling abroad?23.盘锦模拟这个老妇人把宠物狗视为她的孩子。The old woman regards the pet dog as her kid.holdschildhood memoriesHave you ever considered traveling abroad?The old woman regards the pet dog as her kid.一一二二三三四四五五五、五、语篇填空。语篇填空。While cleaning those p

9、hotos on the room wall,I stopped before a color painting.It was a picture of an old house which was pulled 29.down many years ago.down一一二二三三四四五五Warm 30.memories(memory)continued to flow(流动)freely as I stared at the house that my parents had 31.lived(live)in for 23 years.It was also the place where I

10、 grew up to be 18.memorieslived一一二二三三四四五五It was a 32.sunny(sun)Saturday afternoon.My sister and I wanted to play on the swing(秋千).Dad went to the mall near our house and 33.returned(return)with a swing set.He put it between two trees in our back garden.A few minutes later,we were 34.happily(happy)sw

11、inging in the gardenlaughing and screaming(叫)with delight(高兴)over the boring afternoon.sunnyreturnedhappily一一二二三三四四五五Last Christmas,just a month after we moved to the new house,I had another painting done.This is a picture of 35.the new house.It is hung right next to the old one,and between 36.them(they)is a silver(银色的)heart that says,“Home is where you hang your heart.It doesnt matter 37.whether your house is big or small.It takes love,38.laughter(laugh)and joy to make a house a home.”thethemwhetherlaughter一一二二三三四四五五



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