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1、【大学生电脑主页】 友情提供,欢迎您的访问!四六级阅读技巧集合(一)四级阅读文章中心思想目的型We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed -abilityteaching. On the contrary, both their knowledge and experience are enriched. We feel that there are many disadvantages instreaming(把.按能力分班) pupils. It does not take into accountthe fact

2、that children develop at different rates. It can have a bad effect on both the bright and the not-so-bright child. After all, it canquite discouraging to be at the bottom of the top grade! Besides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according toheir intellectual ability. This is only one aspec

3、t of their total personality. We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full , not just their academic ability. We also value personal qualities and social skills, and we find that mixed-ability teaching con-tributes to all these aspects of learning. In our classrooms, we wo

4、rk in various ways. The pupils oftenwork in groups: this gives them the opportunity to learn to cooper-ate, to share, and to develop leadership skills. They also learn how to cope with personal problems as well as learning how to think, tomake decisions, to analyze and evaluate, and to communicate e

5、ffectively. The pupils learn from each other as well as from the teacher.Sometimes the pupils work in pairs, sometimes they work on individual tasks and assignments, and they can do this at their own speed. They also have some formal class teaching when this is appropriate. We encourage our pupils t

6、o use the library, and we teachthem the skills they need in order to do this efficiently. An advanced pupil can do advanced work: it does not matter what age the childis. We expect our pupils to do their best, not their least, and wegive them every encouragement to attain this goal. The authors purp

7、ose in writing this passage is to_. A) argue for teaching bright and not-so-bright pupils in thesame class B) recommend pair work and group work for classroom activities C) offer advice on the proper use of the library D) emphasize the importance of appropriate formal classroom 本题要求学生首先了解这篇文章的主题。文章中

8、讨论了两种上课的方式:stream1ng pupi1s即把学生按能力分班进行教学和mixed-ability teaching即把程度不齐的学生混班上课。并列举了前者的弊端和后者的优点。因此A)是答案。而选项出,B),D)中提到的几种做法均为mixed-abi1ity teaching的具体做法,都不能看作是作者写这篇文章的目的,道正认为这一方面是关键所在。这一题要求阅读时不但要看懂个别的句子,而且要能够根据作者思路的展开,把握作者在整篇文章中赞成什么反对什么,因此,必须看懂全篇文章的意思,道正老师认为这种方法是很重要的。CET4&6阅读理解考试答题思路根据大学荚语教学大纲的规定,CET4&6

9、中的阅读理解部分主要测试四个方面,九个层次,具体表现为6种题型。主旨题(包括大意);细节题(包括事实);词义题(包括词汇和短语);逻辑题(包括句或句群);推理题(包括引申);观点题(包括态度)。1. 有关主旨题的解题思路主旨题的目的是检查对短文整体理解概括的能力。上海道正认为一般文章,尤其是说明文和议论文,往往有主题句表明中心思想,段中有段旨句展开段落中心。主题句通常在短文的开始或结尾,少数出现在文中,了解这一点,答主旨题往往会迎刃而解。有的文章,记述某个人物或事件,往往没有主题句,要靠综合文章,分析推理才能得出文章主旨,更要细心阅读。根据上海道正学校教学经验可知考生失误的重要原因之一是把太笼

10、统或太具体、未能恰当反映文章整体思想的选项看作正确答案。还有一点有必要明确,历来试卷中的阅读理解短文均无标题,考生必须通过自己阅读理解,了解文章的主旨大意,而主旨大意的了解,意义远远超越答主旨题,因为答其他题往往也会涉及主旨。从这个意义上讲,不管本篇是否有主旨题,每篇都应了解主旨,养成这一良好习惯十分有益。主旨(包括段旨)题常见的提问形式有:What is the main idea of the passage?What is the main subject of this passage?What is the main topic of this passage?The central

11、 point of the selection is that_The selection is concerned primarily with_The author is mainly concerned with _What does the passage mainly discuss?Which of the following best states the main idea of the passage?The passage is mainly about_Which illustrates the main idea of the selection?Which of th

12、e following sentences best describes the writers main point in paragraph one?Which sentence best expresses the central point of the selection?The statement that best relates the main idea of this passage is 有时还令考生确定相应的文章标题来测试其对全文中心思想领悟。常用题有:What would be an appropriate title for this passage?Which o

13、f the following would be the most appropriate title for the passage?The best title for this passage would be/might be/isWhat might be the best title of this passage?The most suitable title of the passage isWhich is the best suggested title?The title that best expresses the ideas of this passage isTh

14、e title below that best expresses the ideas of this passage is _.有时还令考生确定文章的基调或作者的写作目的,以此来测试其对全文意思的理解。常用的提问方式有:The tone of this essay is_The authors attitude toward, is best described as one of_What is the authors main purpose in this passage?What might be the purpose of the author to write this pas

15、sage?The authors main purpose of the passage is to_What is the primary purpose of the passage?解决这类题型的要点就是抓住中心思想,道正老师认为这种方法是很重要的,大家知道,一篇短文的中心思想是作者提出的最重要信息,它是贯穿文章的思想。因此,要把握文章的中心,首先必须抓住每一段落的中心,然后就可以归纳出文章的中心思想。在回答主旨题型时,抓住文章的各段落的要点对答题是非常重要的。而各个段落的要点一般是由主题句体现的。主题句一般分为以下四种情况,位于段首的主题句,位于段末的主题句,位于段中的主题句、前后呼应的主题句以及无明确主题句。位于段首的主题句一般而言,以演绎法(deduction)阐述观点的文章,主题常常在文章的开头,即先点出主题,然后,围绕这一主题作具体的陈述。它常给读者以清新明了的感觉,使人马上就可明白文章所讲的是什么,即文章的主旨。位于句末的主题句以归纳法(ind


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