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1、UNIT 4Dont eat in class课时课时 2Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)一、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。一、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1.Get(get)dressed now!We have to go.2.Dont fight(not fight)or eat in class.3.抚顺新抚区期中改编 Lucy must get up early and arrive(arrive)at school on time on school days.GetDont fightarrive一一二二三三四四4.No swimming(swim)!It

2、s dangerous.5.Boys and girls,please bring(bring)your favourite books and show them to us next class.swimmingbring一一二二三三四四二、按要求完成句子二、按要求完成句子,每空一词。每空一词。6.Open the window,please.(改为否定句)Dont open the window,please.7.The students have to clean the rooms every day.(对画线部分提问)What do the students have to do

3、every day?DontopenWhatdo一一二二三三四四8.You mustnt listen to music in class.(改为祈使句)Dont listen to music in class.9.You can take a walk after dinner.(改为一般疑问句)Can I take a walk after dinner?DontlistenCan Itake一一二二三三四四10.I can wear a hat in the classroom.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)Can you wear a hat in the classroom?No

4、,I cant.CanwearIcant一一二二三三四四三三、Mike要要和和同同学学去去沈沈阳阳故故宫宫参参观观,你你能能根根据据下下列列标标志志和和提提示告诉示告诉Mike什么不能做,什么能做吗?什么不能做,什么能做吗?11.(cant)You cant bring your pet.12.(cant)You cant play in it.You cant bringYou cant play一一二二三三四四13.(祈使句)Dont eat or drink.14.(have to)You have to be quiet.15.(祈使句)Dont run in the hallways

5、.Dont eat or drinkYou have to be quietDont run in the一一二二三三四四四、四、鞍山五十一中月考改编 语篇填空。语篇填空。Dear John,There are too many 16.rules(rule)at school and home.At school,our teachers 17.are(be)too strict with us.We can never be late 18.for school.We cant eat or be noisy in class.We cant fight 19.with our classm

6、ates.We have to 20.listen(listen)to the teachers carefully(认真地)and answer their questions.We have to hand in(上交)21.our(we)exercise books every day on school days.rulesareforwithlistenour一一二二三三四四We must play ball games after school for an hour,because our teachers think playing 22.sports(sport)is imp

7、ortant to us.sportsAt home,I cant play computer games 23.on school nights.I have to do my homework 24.first(one)after school.I cant eat junk food(垃圾食品)because its not 25.healthy(health).I cant do the things I want to do.My parents only let me do what they want me to do.I never have fun.What can I do?Wendyonfirsthealthy一一二二三三四四


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