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1、人教版英语精品资料(精修版)双基限时练(十)Unit 4Part .单词拼写1. After _(电) was cut off, the lights went out.答案electricity2The audience _(爆发) into cheers.答案burst3We were _(震惊) at the bad news.答案shocked4The flood _(毁坏) a lot of houses and many people became homeless.答案destroyed5The people _(受伤) in the accident were sent to

2、hospital without delay.答案injured6Fires, floods and earthquakes are _(灾难)答案disasters7Many men were_(埋葬)underground when the accident at the mine happened.答案buried8Trees along the road provide _(掩蔽处) from the sun for the farmers.答案shelter.用所给词的适当形式填空1He behaves as if he _ (be) a threeyearold boy.答案wer

3、e2He talked as though he _ (know) where she was.答案had known3He was lucky enough to be _ (rescue) from drowning.答案rescued4None of the books _ (be) English books.答案are/is5Many people _ (trap) in the burning house.答案are/were trapped.翻译句子1老师好像对你做的事很满意。(seem)_答案It seemed that the teacher was satisfied wi

4、th what you had done.2北京建起了一大批工厂。(a great number of)_答案A great number of factories have been set up in Beijing.3我们希望能找出一些重要的事实。(dig out)_答案We are expecting to dig out some important facts.4她对她的孩子们的成功感到非常自豪。(proud)_答案She is very proud of her childrens success.5这栋建筑物被大火彻底焚毁了。(destroy)_答案The building w

5、as completely destroyed by the big fire.课文缩写语法填空At about 3:00 am. on July 28, 1976, people in Tangshan, Hebei Province, woke up and saw bright lights in the sky. They didnt pay much attention and went back to bed as _1_ that night.At 3:42 am. everything began to shake. Eleven kilometers _2_(direct)

6、below the city the _3_(great) earthquake of the 20th century began. It was heard in Beijing, _4_ is more than two hundred kilometers away. In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay _5_ ruins. Twothirds of the people died or were _6_(injure) during the earthquake.The survivors couldnt believe it w

7、as natural. Nearly everything _7_ (destroy). Most of the buildings were gone and many farm animals died. Then later that afternoon, _8_ big quake shook Tangshan. Some rescue workers and doctors _9_(trap) under the ruins.Not all hope was lost. The army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan. Hundreds of t

8、housands of people were helped. Slowly, the city began _10_(breathe) again.答案1.usual2.directly3.greatest4.which5.in6.injured7.was destroyed8.another9were trapped10.to breathe.阅读理解If the crust (外壳) of the earth were not pretty solid (坚固的), it would be shaking about and moving up and down frequently.

9、However, there are places in the rocks of the earths crust where it isnt strongly held together where faults exist. Along the faults, one rock might push against another with great force. The energy is changed to shaking in the rocks, so they begin to shake and we have an earthquake!The most famous

10、one in North America was the San Francisco earthquake of 1906. Seven hundred people died and property (财产) damage amounted to about $425,000,000. The greatest destruction came from the fires that followed the quake.One of the most famous earthquakes in Europe took place in Lisbon, Portugal, in 1755.

11、 The city was destroyed and at least thirty thousand people were killed. In 1908, in Calabria and Sicily, a quake killed about seventyfive thousand people. In 1915, in central Italy, hundreds of towns and villages were damaged and thirty thousand people were killed.Two great earthquakes that caused

12、great damage in Asia took place in Tokyo, Japan, and in Gansu Province in China. The Tokyo quake of 1923 killed more than one hundred thousand people and destroyed the city and the city of Yokohama, too. The Chinese quake in 1920 covered more than three hundred square miles and killed about two hund

13、red thousand people.语篇解读本文介绍了地震起因及历史上几次大地震。1The first paragraph mainly tells us _.A. where earthquakes happenB. how earthquakes happenC. the damage caused by earthquakesD. famous earthquakes in the world答案与解析B主旨大意题。通读第一段可知,本段介绍了地震的起因。2Which of the following is the correct order of the years when the

14、 earthquakes happened?the San Francisco earthquakethe earthquake in Lisbon, Portugalthe earthquake in Calabria and Sicilythe earthquake in central Italythe earthquake in Gansu Provincethe Tokyo quakeA. B. C. D. 答案与解析C细节理解题。由文章第二、三、四段可知,地震发生的时间顺序为C项。3According to the passage, the earthquake that killed the most people happened in _.A. Portugal B. ItalyC. Japan D. China答案与解析D细节理解题。由文章最后一段最后一句中地震伤亡数字可知,1920年在中国甘肃发生的地震伤亡人数最多。4We can infer from the pas


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