Module 5 单词拼写.doc

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1、西安市第三中学高考英语复习专项训练 Dragon Thunder Updated 2013-2-18 (All rights are reserved)高中英语人教新课标考纲单词地毯式检测(Module 5)Unit 11. It was Thomas Newcomen not James Watt who invented the steam _(发动机).2. He _(分析) the various factors and then made his decision.3. Being _(暴露)to sunlight for too much time will do harm to

2、ones skin.4. The country has come under _(严重的) criticism for its human rights record.5. The _(建造) of this bridge only took three months.6. Ill phone him _(立即) I hear any news.7. As a kind and rich man, Fred always_ _ (捐助)generously to the Red Cross of China.8. You should have a (正面的,积极地) attitudes t

3、owards the phenomenon.9. William is so _ _(热情)for his job that sometimes he is called workaholic.10. She opened the door _ _(小心翼翼地)so as not to wake the baby.11. In class you should be _(全神贯注的)in what the teacher says.12. Although _(被打败)many times, I have never lost heart.13. The doctor _ _ _(检查) me

4、 carefully and told me to take it easy.14. Be careful with that frying pan, for the (手柄)is loose15. The new government of China will have to face many (困难挑战)。16. What you advise is so _(有价值的,宝贵的)to me that Ill remember it forever. 17. Who are to _(承担责任) for the accident?18. The bell rang (宣布了)the en

5、d of this class.19. Our teachers are always very _ _(严厉的) with us in our study.20. Sarah was unhappy with Jim and _ _(拒绝)his offer to help.Unit 21. This article can be _ _(分成)into four parts.2. Its _(违法的) to buy cigarettes in Britain if youre under 16.3. The eclectic bicycle is the most (方便的)means o

6、f transport in Xian. 4. I will _ _ _(安排)for a taxi to pick you up at six oclock at the airport.5. To their d_ _(高兴), their son was admitted into a famous university.6. I only wear a tie on special _ _(场合).7. It gave me a big _ _(兴奋)to meet my favorite singer in person.8. I want to _ _(澄清) that Im no

7、t a thief at all. 9. What the teachers say will sometimes _ _(影响)a student all his life. 10. Students should wear school _ _(制服)at school.11. He put forward a _ _(建议)that we should go out for an outing. 12. All the things need to be done again as a result of a computer _(错误).13. He _ _(折叠)the letter

8、 and put it into a smart envelope.14. Our country _ _(由组成) of 56 peoples.15. A large supermarket has been built and nearly everything for daily use is _ _ _(可找的)16.The ancient city of Xian (吸引) millions of tourists from both at home and abroad every year. 17. China and Pakistan are two countries _ _

9、(团结) in a bond of friendship.18. The _ _(雕像)of Liberty stands in New York Bay.19. China is ancient country with a long history and a (辉煌灿烂)culture.20. The scenery of Mount Hua is beautiful, splendid, magnificent beyond (描述,形容)Unit 31. Judging from all (方面), China is still a developing country, thoug

10、h having made great advances in all fields.2. I read a story the other day, which _(使想起)me of an experience I had once had. 3. Youd better attach your (先前的) career experiences to the application form. 4. The house is located in very pleasant _ _(周围环境).5. She was _(乐观的)about the future of the company

11、 but the rest were pessimistic.6. Smoking is forbidden in all railway (车厢).7. We cant (容忍) his selfishness and rudeness.8. The plane is taking off. Please (系好)your seat belts!9. I was given a book with the name of “A (指南) to The English Grammar”10. Its illegal to open others _(私人的)letters.11. The pl

12、an finally broke down because of the _(缺乏)of money.12. Nowadays computers have taken the place of (打字机) in all offices.13. Dont _(加速) up or you will lose control of your car.14. The kind of job _(需要)patience and carefulness.15. “Youre _ _(不断地, 连续不断地) coming late”, the boss said angrily to Tom.16. Ho

13、w much do you need with the (邮资) and handling for this parcel?17. Dont litter here and there. Make sure all rubbish should go into the (垃圾箱).18. She gives the _(印象)of being generous, but in reality she is a very mean woman.19. He is collecting (材料,资料)for his graduation paper. 20. People all over the

14、 world are expecting the peaceful (解决)of the conflicts in Syria. Unit 41. He is a lawyer by _ _(从职业方面).2. Thomas is my _ _(同事). We work in the same office.3. They may not offer me much money. In that _(那样的话), I wont take the job.4. She _ _(故意地)ignored me when I passed her in the street.5. This is the second _ _(版本)of this dictionary.6. Her report of what happened was _ _(准确的)in every



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