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1、冠词(教师版)一、冠词概述冠词是虚词,它不能单独使用.只能附在一个名词上说明这个名词.冠词分为不定冠a(an)词和定冠词the.不定冠词一般表示泛指;定冠词一般表示特指.二、不定冠词a(an)的用法A. 不定冠词a(an)用于单数可数名词前.a用于辅音字母开始的词前;an用于元音字母开始的词前.如:a girl an English bookB. 不定冠词用来表示类别,指某一类人或某一类事物中的一个(泛指).如:His father is a doctor. He works in a middle school in Beijing.C. 不定冠词用于单数可数名词前,可以表示其全类(泛指).

2、如:An English teacher teaches the students how to learn English.三、定冠词the的用法 表示上文提到过的人或事物.如:He bought an English-Chinese dictionary this morning. The dictionary is very good. 用于单数可数名词前,表示整体或类别.如:The panda is a rare animal.此句等于:A panda is a rare animal. = Pandas are rare animals. 用来表示世界上独一无二的事物.如:the s

3、un, the moon, the sky, the earth, the world 用于表示阶级,党派的名词前.如:the Chinese Communist Party , the working class the proletariat 无产阶级 常用于含有普通名词或形容词的专有名词前.A. 用于许多江海,山脉,群岛等名词前:The Yellow River The East Sea the Himalayas the Pacific OceanB. 用于由普通名词构成的国名:The Peoples Republic of China the United StatesC. 用于机关

4、,团体,朝代,时代,报刊杂志等名词前:the United Nations the State Council the Tang dynasty the Peoples Dailythe Summer Palace the Peace Hotel the British Museum 用于表示方位的名词前.如:the east the southwest the middle the Far East on the left 用于乐器名词前,但汉语拼音的乐器前不用冠词.如:play the piano play the violin play erhu 用于复数的姓氏前,表示两夫妇或全家,在此

5、情况下,这类名词作复数对待. 如:When we got there, the Lius were waiting for us.The Smiths watch TV every day. 用于某些形容词或过去分词前,表示一类人或事物.如:the poor the rich the living the youngthe wounded the oppressed the beautiful 用在形容词的最高级前或序数词前.如:Shanghai is the biggest city in china.After the game, the first thing they wanted t

6、o do was to take a hot bath.四、零冠词用法 表示某一类人或事物的复数名词前,不用冠词.Now people are living a happy life. Trees are planted everywhere. 不含普通名词的专有名词,表示泛指的物质名词和抽象名词前,不用冠词. We are studying English. He is leaving for America this year.It is pleasant to walk in soft snow. Love is always stronger than hatred. 名词前有指示代词

7、,物主代词,不定代词或名词所有格修饰,不用冠词. I like this picture better. Is that your bookTake their chairs away! I do not have any money on me.As time went on, Einsteins theory proved to be correct. 季节,月份,星期等名词前,一般不用冠词.She likes spring while I like summer. We have no classes on Saturday.The Long March started in Octob

8、er 1934. 表示只有一人担任的职务,头衔的名词前,不用冠词.We have elected him our monitor. 三餐饭的名词前,一般不用冠词.When do you have lunch After supper we usually take a walk. 节假日等名词前,不用冠词.Children all wear their best clothes on National Day.People give gifts to each other on Christmas Day.注意:在eve后有of短语则要加定冠词:on the eve of National D

9、ay on the eve of New Years Day 球类和棋类运动的名词前,不用冠词.play basketball play chess 作表语用表示程度的形容词最高级前,不用冠词.第2/3页 Your help was most timely. This method is most effective.注意:如果有比较范围,形容词最高级前必须加定冠词:Of all methods, this is the most effective. 在某些固定词组里,名词前不用冠词.on foot by train/ boat / plane in fact as a matter of

10、factin class in church in danger in hospital in townin bed at home at school at daybreak at sunriseat dusk at sunset at night at noon go to schoolgo to class go to bed from morning till night from victory to victory from door to door五、注意事项 当man作人类讲时,用零冠词. Man will conquer nature. 某些抽象名词具体化时是可数名词,其前可

11、加a.surprise, fire, joy, He is a success as a teacher. Long Jing is a famous tea in China. a用于姓氏前表示某个只知道名字而不不熟悉的人.A Mr Liu is waiting to see you outside. 在某些句型中可加aIt is a pity that you have missed the chance.It is a shame / a pleasure / a honour for sb. to do sth. word 作消息讲时,用零冠词. Word came that he w

12、ould go abroad.冠词强化训练( ) 1._recent report stated that the number of Spanish speakers in the U.S .would be higher than the number of English speaker by_ year 2090.A. A, the B. A, / C. The ,/ D. The, a( ) 2.If you go by _train ,you can have quite a comfortable journey ,but make sure you get _fast one.

13、 A. /, / B./, a C. the, a D./,/ ( ) 3. It is often said that _teachers have _very easy life. A /,/ B. /,a C. the,/ D. the, a( ) 4.I cant remember when exactly the Robinsons left _city ,I only remember it was _ Monday.。A. the , the B. a ,the C. a, a D. the, a( ) 5.If you grow up in _large family ,you

14、are more likely to develop _ability to get on well with _others .A. /,an the B. a, the ,/ C. the ,an ,the D. a, the ,the ( ) 6.Mrs ,Taylor has _8-year-old daughter who has _gift for painting she has won two national prizes.A. a, a B. an ,the C. an ,a D. th( )7.Afetr dinner he gave Mr. Richardson _ri

15、de to _Capital Airport. A .the, a B. a the C. /, a D. /, the ( )8.On May 5,2005,at _World Table Tennis Championship ,Kong Ling hui and WangHao won the gold medal in mens with _score of 4:1. A. a ,a B. / the C. a ,/ D. the ,a ( )9.I knew _John Lennon ,but not _famous one. A. /,a B. a ,the C. /,the D. the, a ( )10.The book tells _life story of John Smith ,who left _school and worked for a newspaper at th



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