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1、Unit 1Translate the expressions into Chinese or English.keep up with the times 跟上时代keep up with the latest development 跟上最新的发展keep up with the rapidly developing situation跟上迅速发展的形势catch up with advanced technical level 跟上先进的技术水平a cable car 缆车lay underground cables 铺设地下电缆a cable railway 缆车索道cable tel

2、evision 有线电视a great number of TV channels 许多电视频道cross the English Channel 穿过英吉利海峡through official channels 通过官方渠道through the reliable channel(s) 通过可靠途径the range of temperature 气温的变化幅度a wide range of industries 各行各业a narrow range of choices 狭窄的选择范围a wide range of interests广泛的兴趣Complete the sentences

3、by using v. + it + adj./n. + to v. or v. + it + adj./n. + that-clause.It is impossible to get everything ready in time.They all considered it impossible to get everything ready in time.1. It is a pity that you cannot come.We all thought it a pity that you could not come.2. Possibly John will come la

4、ter.We thought it possible that John would come.3. Is it necessary to argue with him about it?Do you think it necessary to argue with him about it?4. To describe the details is difficult .We found it difficult for us to describe the details.5. It is an excellent idea for them to put up a new buildin

5、g by the riverside.They found it an excellent idea for them to put up a new building by the riverside.6. It is clear that we should know how to write our laboratory reports.The professor has made it clear that we should know how to write our laboratory reports.Translate the sentences into English他们认

6、为有必要对自己网站上的每日新闻提供深度报道。 (V. + it + a. + to V.)They consider it necessary to give deep reports of daily news on their web site.Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions given. Change the form if necessary.1. USA Today is known as Americas newspaper and is distributed to all 50 states.2. Newspap

7、ers are divided into different sections for different kinds of news.3. As a reporter, he reported and wrote on a wide range of social, political, economic and finance news.4. The New York Times is an American daily newspaper published in New York City.5. The aim of the newspaper is to supply its rea

8、ders with all the information they need to successfully run their businesses.6. About half of the museums in the USA are devoted to history.7. Sometimes newspapers publish additional sections, such as advertising supplements describing goods for sale at local stores.8. Most articles written by repor

9、ters begin with something called a “lead”.9. Many large daily newspapers publish regional editions that cater to the population of a smaller geographical area.10. Men do not have to choose between career and family. So why should women have to do that?11. There is a special feature on education in t

10、odays The Washington Post.12. Scientists believe they may have discovered the secret of why women tend to live longer than men.13. This country has about 22 radio stations, six broadcast television stations, two cable television stations and two daily newspapers.14. Mary is interested in politics an

11、d always keeps up with the latest news.15. Many newspapers depend on advertisement support for their survival.Exercise 8 Rewrite the sentences by turning the italicized parts into a V-ing phrase or V-ed phrase.1. People who live in cities can enjoy more of modern life.People living in cities can enj

12、oy more of modern life.2. The machines which are imported from abroad are expensive.The machines imported from abroad are expensive.3. Many students who are studying at this university are from foreign countries.Many students studying at this university are from foreign countries.4. People who have

13、small income tend to spend money carefully.People having small income tend to spend money carefully.5. Those houses which are now being torn down were built fifty years ago.Those houses being torn down were built fifty years ago.6. Louise Brown, who was born in England, is the worlds first test tube

14、 baby.Louise Brown, born in England, is the worlds first test tube baby.英汉互译1. The typical daily newspaper contains articles about local, regional, national, and international news, as well as sports news, weather reports, editorials, and other features.典型的日报刊载本地新闻、区域新闻、国内新闻和国际新闻,以及体育新闻、气象预报、社论和其他特辑

15、等。2. The Sunday papers, on the other hand, are intended to entertain as well as inform, and they tend to be read leisurely by all members of the family.而星期天的报纸除了提供信息之外,还提供娱乐内容,供所有家庭成员阅读消遣。3. They contain articles about the important national and international news of the week, and special sections are devoted to news about such areas as business, science, education, and arts它们刊载一周国内和国际的重要新闻,还有一些专栏则刊登有关商业、科学、教育和艺术等领域的新闻。1.我们一定要努力学习,以赶上时代的步伐。(keep up with)We must study hard to keep up with the times.2.他们经常为市场提供新产


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