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1、星火中学2014年春季八年级英语下期期中考试 (全卷满分:120分;考试时间:100分钟) 班级: 姓名: 分数: (仿中考题型,仔细思考) 第一部分:听力(共两节;满分20分)第一节 :听对话,根据对话回答问题(五分)( ) 1Whats the matter with Mary? A. She has a cold B. She has a headache C.she has a stomachache( ) 2What did the woman do last Sunday? A.She went to the zoo B. She went to see her friend C.

2、she went to the concert( ) 3How does the man usually go to work? A. By bus B. By bike C.on foot( ) 4When did the woman clean the room? A. Yesterday B. tomorrow C.the day before yesterday( ) 5What should the girl do ? A. She should call her sister B. She should talk with her mother C.she should talk

3、with her sister第二节:短对话理解你将听到十段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。( )6.What does the girl want to borrow ?A.一本汉语词典 B.一本英语词典 C.一本英语书( )7. Where do you think the woman is going? A. 商店 B.动物园 C. 海滨( )8.Hows the weather tomorrow? A. 晴朗 B. 有风 C.有雨( )9.What did Gina do yesterday? A. 帮妈妈做饭B. 帮爸

4、爸洗车.C.拖地( )10. What does the girl have to do first? A.打扫房间 B. 做完作业 C. 刷好盘子( )11. What is Jack going to do next Sunday? A. Hell go to visit the farm . B. Hell help the farmers to pick apples. C. Hell help the farmers to sell apples. ( )12. Who doesnt like cleaning the bike? A. The boy. B. The girl. C

5、. The boys brother.( )13. Where is Mike going ?A. He is going to a sports meeting.B. He is going to a birthday party.C. He is going shopping.( )14. Whats Miss Wangs telephone number?A. Its 5711457. B. Its 6711457. C. Its 6711456.( )15. What does Mikes new friend look like? A. Hes tall with brown hai

6、r.B. Hes short and has curly hair. C. Hes short with glasses. 第二部分:基础知识运用(共两节;满分30分)一、单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)( ) 1Whats the matter _ your younger sister? She has a cough Afor Bat Cwith Don( )2I have too much housework to do at home _ ask your husband for help? AYou could BWhy dont CWhy not DHow about( )3W

7、hat are you going to do if it _ tomorrow? I havent thought about it Adoesnt rain Bwont rain Cdoesnt rainy Disnt raining( )4How long can I _ this book? For a week Aborrow Blend Creturn DKeep( )5Lets go to Kunming for vocationIts _ too hot _ too cold there Aeither;or Bneither;nor Cboth;and Dnot only;b

8、ut also( )6You eat _ junk food .I think you need _ vegetables.A too much; too many B too many ;too much Cmuch too; many too D many too; much too( )7How is Mr Green?He lives happilyHe lives_,But He doesnt feel_ at all. Alonely; alone Balone; lonely Calone;alone D. lonely;lonely( )8Dad ,why should I s

9、top_computer games? For your health,my son. Ato play B playing Cplays Dplay ( )9Which skirt do you like best ,lady? Sorry, I cant decide _now.A to buy which one BWhich one to buy C Which should I buy Dbuy which one( )10The doctor told me not to eat too much,but I find it difficult The doctor is righ

10、t_ you eat,_ you will be AThe less;the healthier BThe less;the more healthier CThe more;the healthier DThe more;the more healthier( )11Alice,please tell Eric to call me when he _ backNo problem Acome Bcomes Ccame Dwill come( )12Lisa is a little poor at ChineseI think she needs _ it every dayA practi

11、se to speak Bto practice to speak Cpractise speaking Dto practice speaking( )13Why dont you go out to play? I am afraid I cantI have a lot of homework_ . Ado Bdoes Cdoing Dto do( )14He was so _when he heard the _news that he got the first prize in the contestA. exciting;exciting Bexciting;excitied C

12、excited;exciting D excited;excited( )15Im not going swimming tomorrow afternoon _I have to clean up my bedroom ASo am I BNeither am I CNeither I am DSo I am二完形填空。(每小题1分,共15分) These days,Chinese children are sometimes 1 on weekends than weekdays because they have to take so many after-school classes. Many of them are 2 exam skills so that they can get into a good high school and later a good university. 3 Are practicing sports so that they can compete and win. However,this doesnt only happen 4 china. T



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