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1、Unit 1-1 KK音标母音 轻声 其余的母音:四声介绍从i到a,也就是口型从扁到圆的音标。学习从a到u,也就是口型从大到小的音标。练习易混淆的发音(母音)i / e / beater / bitter waste / westreach / rich date / debtgreed / grid mate / metbeater:敲打者拍打器打蛋器搅拌器打手 bitter: 苦的痛苦的心酸激烈地reach: 到达达到伸手夠到 rich:有钱的富有的貴重的奢侈的greed:貪心貪婪 grid:格子铁丝网烤架waste: 浪费滥用 west: 西;西方西方的、西部的date:日期日子年代時代

2、 debt:债,借款恩义,情义负债mate: 同伴、伙伴老弟、老兄 met:meet的过去式和过去分词 e / o / maid / mad low / lawlake / lack coat / caughtsnake / snack boat / boughtmaid:少女、侍女、女僕 mad:发疯的,发狂的、愚蠢的;鲁莽的、恼火的lake:湖、池、深紅色 lack:缺少、没有、需要snake:蛇 snack:點心、快餐、一份、部分low:低的,矮的;浅的没營養的卑微地;下贱地 law:法律、法規、訴訟coat:外套、大衣、塗抹 caught:catch的过去式和过去分词抓住、趕上boat

3、:小船、劃船、乘船 bought:buy的过去式和过去分词 / a / Sit / set not / nuttin / ten sock / sucklisten / lesson collar / colorsit: 坐,坐着;就座 set: 放,置;竖立;tin:錫 锡制的;马口铁制的劣等的,伪造的 ten:十、十個 十個的listen:聽、听从,听信 lesson:功课;课业課程一堂課教训,训诫not:不 nut:堅果sock:短袜、鞋墊、喜劇 suck:吸、吸收、吸吮collar:衣服 color:顏色子音-轻声无声子音:p t k f s t h有声子音:b d g v z d有声

4、子音: m n l r w j 练习易混淆的发音(子音)s / z / pass / path size / scythesink / think closed / clothedsum / thumb bays / bathepass: 通过 path:小路、軌道sink:下沉;(日,月)落,没 think:想、思考、認為、預料sum:总计、概況 thumb:拇指、一拇指寬size:尺寸、型號、大小 scythe:长柄大镰刀closed:關閉的、不公開的 clothed:穿.衣服的、覆蓋着的bays:海湾 bathe:把侵入、給洗澡l / r s / lead / read sip / sh

5、ipflea / free seat / sheetcloud / crowd see / shelead:領導、引路、指揮 read:讀、攻讀、研究、察覺flea:跳蚤 free:自由的;不受控制的免費的、空閑的cloud:雲 crowd:人群、大堆、許多、一幫sip:啜饮、一小口 ship:船,舰seat:座位、位置、職務 sheet:床單、表格、單子see:看、看到、目睹 she:她Unit 2 拼读练习拼读原则子音+母音(后母接前子)iwe, see, three, bunny, field We see three bunnies in the field.Tim, grill, s

6、ix, fish Tim grilled six fish. eMay, bake, eight, cake May baked eight cakes.Ted, help, them, sell, seven, egg Ted helped them sell even eggs.that, man, cast, glance, at, cat That man cast a glance at that cat.a watch, are, not, clock. Watches are not clocks. A watch is not a clock.othose, owner, ro

7、w, old, boat Those owners rowed old boats.Paul, caught, all, ball Paul caught all balls.Uwolf, pull, wooden, hook A wolf pull wooden hooks.uSue, blew, two, blue, bollon Sue blew two blue bollons.one, dump, truck, bump, bus One dump truck bumped one bus.the, polite, Aamerican, awake The polite Americ

8、an awaked. thirty, person, never, learn, verb, mother Thirty persons never learned verb with Mother.auour, cow, found, house Our cow was found in our house.aiMike, ride, white, bike Mike rieds a white bike.auour, cow, found, house Our cow was found in our house.iJoy, toy Joy plays toys with joy.Unit

9、 3 自然发音 26个字母在单词中的发音规则。我们学习自然发音,所谓自然发音就是基本无需看音标就会读单词,自然发音的第一种情况,就是一般情况下字母在单词中都是发这种音,掌握这些规则,就成功了70%。Aa bag, cat, jam Bbb bat,bed, boyCcK can, car, coat Ddd dog, door, duckEe bell, desk, red Fff face, fan, foodGgg game, girl, leg Hhh hat, hari, hopeIi bid, kiss, six Jjd job, july, jumpKkk key, king, kite Lll lake, leaf, lightMmm man, mask, meat Nnn name, neck, nightOoo cold, rose, smoke Ppp pig, pen, porkQqkw quit, queen, question Rrr rabbit, rain, rightSss sale, sea, bus Ttt table, time, pointUn cup, luck, sun



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