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1、M1 Our Body and Healthy Habits目标:掌握下列内容:1.重点词汇:breath, pain(在II中体现、拓展),anxious, fit, injure;2. 短语: be connected with, pick up, see sb. doing sth. head towards, have a sweet tooth, be crazy abou(在 Practice翻译句子中体现、拓展)等;3.句型 with 复合结构,并列句;4.语法:will ; be going to; be about to ; be to do;词性转 换)重难点:句型的掌握与

2、运用;几个语法结构的区分与运用 (注意:内容较多,需要老师进行删减,并按照自己的方式进行处理,使学生更 容易接受。重点要放在让学生练习和实践。讲课时不可以直接用该讲义! ! 内容越来越多,复习时针对学生的弱点进行补习)I. 本单元短语总结与检测1. 在节食 2. 吃更少的脂肪 3. 保持健康 4. 得了流感 5. 稀有动物 6. 牙痛 7. 一种不健康的饮食 8. 一个富翁 9. 他极少去那儿 10. 正 象谚语所说 11. 对焦虑12. 被 选为队长 13. 受 伤14. 腿 痛(答案:1. be on a diet2. eat less fat3. keep fit4. get a flu

3、5. rare animals6. have a toothache7. an unhealthy diet8. a wealthy man9. He rarely goes there.10. as the saying goes11. be anxious about12. be elected captain1 3. get/ be injured1 4. have pain in the leg15. 感 到疼痛 16. 回 归正常 17. 一 种健康的生活方式 18. 朝 邮局前进 19. 注 视这个超重的人 20. 死 于肺癌 21. 嗓子疼 22. 深呼吸 23. 看 了看处方

4、24. 描 述一下症状 25. 把胃部做一个 X 光26. 可 怕的灾难 27. 保 险公司 28. 根 据问卷 15.feel painful1 6. return to normal17. a healthy lifestyle18. head for the post office19. eye the overweight man20. die of lung cancer21. have a sore throat22. breathe deeply= have a deep breath23. look at the prescription24. describe the sym

5、ptom25. have the stomach X- rayed26. an awful disaster27. an insurance company28. according to the questionnaire )II. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Thanks to the 船( 长), our ship was landed safely at last.2. It _(正常的)to find your lessons difficult sometimes; everybody does.3. Take a deep 呼吸) and start again from t

6、he beginning.4. If we want everyone to be healthy, 富裕的) and happy, strict birthcontrol is quite essential.5. Your remark may 伤害) her pride.6. His bad behavior caused his parents a great deal of.7. She was about her daughter still being out late at night.8. She is so fat that the doctor asked her to

7、be on a.9. “No pai nso, gains ” and “Time is moanre_y_._”.10. Although the old man has a lot of money, he enjoys a simple.11. I hate the 可怕的) weather here.12. Poor people don t have thmeoney to pay for private health (保险 ).( 答案: captain normal breath wealthy hurt pain anxious diet proverbs lifestyle

8、 awful insurance )III. 学习并掌握下列重点词汇1. anxious adj. 忧虑的,焦急的;挂念的,渴望的,急切的【回归课本】 P2Why is Zhou Kais mother anxious?【例句填空】John is very his exams. John 非常担心他的考试。He is anxious to find a job. We are that he should try his best. 我们渴望他竭尽全力。【系列短语】为担心 渴望做某事adv. n. (答案: anxious about; 他渴望找到一份工作;anxious; be anxiou

9、s about/for; beanxious to do sth. )2. diet n. 饮食,日常食物 v. 节食【回归课本】and fresh fruit and vegetables are a very importa nt part of our diet.【例句填空】Though she is slim, she is still . 尽管她很苗条,但是她仍然在节食Mother makes us . 妈妈让我们健康均衡饮食【系列短语】节食 使某人节食 一个健康的 / 均衡的饮食 【课后练习】The doctor ordered him without sugar.A. eatB.

10、 a dietC. a foodYou are too fat. You ought to and take more exercise to lose weight.A. eatB. foodC. dietD. sleep翻译:她节食一个月了,减了10公斤 (答案: on a diet; have a balaneed diet; be/go on a diet; put sb. on a diet; a healthy / bala need diet; B ; C; She has bee n on a diet for a mon th, los ing weight by 10 ki

11、lograms.)3. fit adj.健康的;适合的;恰当的【回归课本】I think I don getthese things because I take a lot of exercise and am very fit.【例句填空】Hewith diet and exercise. 他通过节食和运动来保持健康I don tthink he. 我认为他不适合这份工作。The fruitafter dinner. 这类水果适合餐后吃。(答案:keeps fit ; is fit for the job; is fit to eat)拓展v.适合;(衣服)合身;使胜任Don buy th

12、e coat, it. 别买这件外套,你穿不合体。(答案:does ntfit you)【易混辨析】 从fit, match,suit中选择适当的单词填空。The suit does nthim; they are too small. But the colorhim well. Asfor the tie, itthe suit.(答案: fit, suits , matches)总结:1. fit指的大小,尺寸,形状合适2. match多指大小、颜色、形状等相一致;匹配3. suit指款式、需要、口味、条件、地位、衣着适合某人,使人看上去有吸引力,另外,用于比喻意义时多用suit4. i

13、njure v.损害(名誉等),伤害【回归课本】P3A week ago, Zhou Kai injured his arm.【例句填空】He(受伤)while falling from the tree. Hisis still painful now.他从树上摔下来受了伤,她的伤口现在仍然很疼。The total of the dead andin the Israeli-Palest inian has come up to 150.巴以战争中伤亡人员已经达到150人。(答案:injured, injury,the injured)【易混辨析】 injure, hurt, wound,

14、harmA couple fell into love with each other. But then the young man was sent to the war. One day n ews came that the young man was wounded in the war, which hurt the heart of the lady. She ran to meet him, but injured herself on the way to the battlefield. Although her legshurt, shen ever stopped. T

15、he war damaged most of the houses and fields, and harmed ma ny families. For the first time She heated something so much.总结:1. injure主要指在事故中受伤,可指平时的大小创伤或伤害,还可指事故中的伤害2. hurt为一般用语,既可以指对肉体或精神上的伤害,也可表示在事故中受伤3. wound常指在战争或暴力中受伤,也可指精神上受创伤。该词也可作名词,指战斗中因刀或枪而受的创伤、伤口4. harm用于肉体或精神上的伤害均可,有时可指引起不安或不便。还可用于抽象事物,尤其是指不道德的事情。可作名词。【巩固练习】1. Ilike to book a plai n普通的)breakfast, because my wife and I are.A. dietsB. a


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