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1、高一必修二Unit2 限时训练(普通)一、 单项选择1. Would you like to _ us in practicing running? We are going to _ the sports meeting soon. A. join; take part in B. take part in; join C. attend; take part in D. join; take part2. Sorry, you have to make space_ other cars, or you would be charged_ occupying too much room.A

2、. for, of B. for, with C. to, for D. to, with3. A person who has _ final say in an international company is usually _ influential one. A. a; the B. the; an C. the; the D. a; an4. The ground has been cleared and houses _ for those homeless people now.A. build B. have built C. are built D. are being b

3、uilt5. His sister left home in 1998, and since.A. had not been heard of B. had not heard of C. has not been heard of D. has not heard of6. If you dont go to the meeting tomorrow, _. A. neither I will B. so will I C. nor will I D. so wont I7. The young man is being questioned by the police in relatio

4、n to the _ murder last night.A. advised B. attended C. admitted D. attempted8. Jack is a student and studies at the NO. 1 Middle School, _. A. it was the same with Mike B. so it is with MikeC. so is Mike D. so does Mike9. One of the greatest sources of unhappiness, in my experience, is the difficult

5、y we have in accepting things _ they are.A. as B. what C. which D. where10. To our surprise, we got _ people to attend the meeting as we expected.A. as twice B. twice manyC. twice many asD. twice as many11. They wouldnt _ to call the police at the first sign of trouble. They did it right away.A. hes

6、itate B. accelerate C. bargain D. expand12. Most teachers are equipped with laptops, but it remains _whether they will play an important role in teaching. A. to see B. to be seenC. seeingD. seen13. - What are the habits of highly successful women? - Taking action is a crucial habit and _.A. dreaming

7、 is so B. so is dreamingC. so dreaming is D. so does dreaming14As the train will not leave until one hour later, we _have a drink at the cafe. A. may well B. just as well C. might as well D. as well15. Hi, Tommy, got a minute? ,whats on your mind?ASure, come inBNo, Im sorryCOf course not , help your

8、self DYes, its one clock sharp二、完形填空Chinese swimmer Xiong Guoming made a record at the 1993 Asian Games in Japan, but was punished for taking banned medicine. His record was 36 and he was not 37 to take part in any other competitions for two years.It was a great 38 and 39 for Xiong, one of the best-

9、known swimmers in the world. This bad news harmed the fame of the Chinese swimming team, and resulted 40 in all Chinese records in swimming. However, the so-called banned medicine was, in fact, 41_ traditional Chinese health food.It may have been 42 to Xiong, as he had no 43 of some of the banned ch

10、emical elements in the health food. The failure was a sudden blow to him. He became very disappointed. 44 only 20 years old, he 45 the life style of a retired man, passing his time in doing such things as keeping pets and growing flowers. Day after day, he was worried and displeased.Back to the trai

11、ning pool was all the more difficult to him. To other people, it was just a 46 of getting prepared for a competition, but to him, it was to rebuild self-confidence first. He did not lose heart, after all. 47 advice and help of his coach and leaders of the swimming team, Xiong decided to 48 swimming

12、again as his career.49 expected, Xiong took first place again. In the recent Eighth National Games, he took a number of titles, and broke an Asian record. Tears ran down his cheeks as he was receiving the gold medals. In the thundering applauses(鼓掌欢迎)Xiong felt as if he had been given a new birth. I

13、 want to 50 the world that I am a good swimmer, and that I do not cheat anyone 51 . My 52 depends upon my sweat, Xiong said. He also 53 thankful to those who had helped and cared for him when he was 54 .Xiong, the young swimmer with a brighter future, is well 55 his way to the coming Olympic Games.3

14、6. A. stopped B. taken away C. forbidden D. cancelled37. A. admitted B. allowed C. forbidden D. supposed38. A. fight B. surprise C. loss D. chance39. A. damage B. shame C. sorry D. failure40. A. in trouble B. in difficult C. in surprise D. in doubt41. A. almost B. most C. mostly D. at most42. A. wrong B. unfair C. unusual D. kind43. A. opinion B. idea C. way D. taste44. A. Even B. Being C. Though D. At the age of45. A. lik



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