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1、教学设计(教案)模板基本信息学 科英语年 级六教学形式面授教 师张晓明单 位登封市商埠街小学课题名称PEP 六年级上册Unit1How Do You Go There?.B.Lets read学情分析本节课属于阅读课,主要内容是了解不同国家交通规则的异同。学生在PartBLets learn中初步了解了交通规则:Stop at a red light.Wait at a yellow light.Go at a green light.在此基础上进一步了解不同国家行使的方向是不同的。教学目标1.能够读懂Lets read部分,并能判断短文后的句子是否正确。2.了解不同国家交通规则的异同3. 建

2、立自觉遵守交通规则的观念。教学过程Step1.Pre-reading1. Enjoy some pictures about countries. T:There are many countries.Which country? Ss:Canada,China,England,Australia,America. T:Which country do you like? S1:I like China.S2:. 【设计意图】:让学生伴随音乐欣赏各国的风景,为学生创设轻松愉快的学习氛围,同时复习了国家词。2. Talk about the traffic lights and traffic

3、rules.1)Talk about the traffic rules in China. T:Look at traffic lights.Do you know the traffic rules?S1:Stop at a red light. Wait at a yellow light. Go at a green light.T:Yes. Red means stop.Yellow means wait. Green means go.Teach “means”.2)Show some traffic lights in England and the US,then let Ss

4、 know the traffic lights are the same.And the traffic lights are the same in every country.【设计意图】:借助图片教学“same”, 形象直观,同时引出短文中的句子The the traffic lights are the same in every country.Step2.While-reading 1. Watch the cartoon and answer the question. “Whats the passage about?”A. traffic lights B.traffic

5、rules C.traffic lights and traffic rules【设计意图】通过观看动画使学生整体感知短文的内容。2. Draw a road on the board and teach “left side、right side”In China,drivers drive on the right side of the road.” 【设计意图】边画边讲,使学生清楚的理解left side、right side,化解本节课的难点句子。3. Read scilently and answer the questions: “Are the traffic rules th

6、e same in every country? Why?” Let Ss underline the sentences and dicuss in groups.【设计意图】默读利于对内容的思考和理解。4. Show the PPT and teach the sentences:In China,drivers drive on the right side of the road,In the US,drivers drive on the right side,too.In England and Australia,however,drivers drive on the left

7、 side of the road.5. Show the flags,checd one student put them on the right place of the road. Tell Ss we must know the traffic rules,then write the sentence on the board. 【设计意图】用贴国旗的形式检验学生是否理解,同时为复述做了铺垫。6. Finish the exercises after the passage. “Tick or cross”7. Listen to the tape and understand t

8、he passage.8. Pracitce.1)listen to the tape and repeat them.2)Teacher read it and Ss repeat.(强调重读、停顿、按意群读)3)Read it by themselves. 【设计意图】多种形式练习,使学生达到流利的朗读。4)Show the reading.【设计意图】将短文分成三部分,让学生选择性的去读,照顾到不同层次的学生,同时依据不同的表现给小组加星,激发学生的积极性。Step3.Post-reading1. Retell the passage according to the Bb design

9、.2.Choose and say.Show some pictures and get Ss to choose one of them to talk about the traffic lights and traffic rules in the country. For example:In , the traffic lights are red, and. Red means.Drives drive on the. side of the road. You can walk on the .Please remember the . 【设计意图】将学生已有的知识与实际生活紧密

10、联系,培养学生的综合运用语言的能力。3.Emotion education.Show some pictures of breaking traffic rules and some information about accidents to get Ss to know: Know the traffic rules!Remember the the traffic rules.Obey the traffic rules!【设计意图】违规图片和交通事故数据的呈现,使学生建立自觉遵守交通规则的观念。板书设计Unit1.B.Lets readKnow the traffic rules! S

11、ame A B means stop wait Acar go 作业或预习Step 4. Homework1. Listen to the tape and read the passage correctly and fluently. 2. Please search on internet about the traffic rules in other countries.3.Describe the traffic rules in different countries to your parents or friends.自我评价1.、阅读前创设情景、铺垫背景知识 由于本节课内容

12、是了解不同国家的交通规则的异同,因此课前我让学生伴随音乐欣赏各国的风景,为学生创设轻松愉快的学习氛围,同时复习了国家词。其次借助不同国家交通灯的图片教学“same”, 形象直观,同时引出短文中的句子The the traffic lights are the same in every country.便于学生的理解。为本节课的学习做了很好的铺垫。2、阅读中突出重点、教给学生阅读技巧首先,观看动画使学生整体感知短文的内容,让学生通过视听,了解本节课介绍的主要是交通灯和交通规则。其次,借助板书帮助学生理解重点句型:In China,drivers drive on the right side

13、of the road.同时提出问题“其他国家的交通规则是什么?”,让学生带着问题快速浏览画出相关的句子,即:In the USA,drivers drive on the right side of the road.In England and Australia,however,drivers drive on the left side of the road.正是本节课的重点所在,接着在小组内互相交流,使学生了解到不同国家行驶的方向不同。教会了学生通过听、快速浏览、圈圈画画等方法阅读和理解短文内容。学生通过跟录音读、跟老师读、自读等不同形式的练习,和老师对语音、停顿、重读的指导,从而

14、达到流利的朗读。最后结合板书师生共同复述课文。这样不仅训练学生的语感,而且培养学生对语言的再造能力。3、阅读后学用结合、有效延伸 阅读能力的培养应“源”于课内,“流”向课外。我结合本节课内容和生活实际设计任务,即: 同学们去了自己想去的国家,但是不知道那里的交通规则,我们来帮帮他们吧!让学生运用所学语言自主交流,沟通信息,在完成任务的过程中,将所学语言内化为自己的语用能力。当然,本节课我还存在很多不足之处:口语不太流利;评价形式单一;激情不够,没能调动全体学生参与到课堂学习中。今后,我将努力改掉自身的缺点,使自己的课堂达到尽善尽美!组长评议或同行评议(可选多人): 本节课将思维导图贯穿始终收到

15、了很好的效果。在阅读前,她运用红绿灯设计了这样一个思维导图 :引出关于“Traffic lights “的讨论,得出“The traffic lights are the same in every country. What about the traffic rules?”自然过渡到阅读中板块的教学。在阅读中,张老师又运用思维导图的方式:直观地展示了“In China,drivers drive on the right side of the road.In the US, drivers drive on the right side ,too. In English and Australis, however,drivers drive on the left side of the road.”这一次思维导图的运用,是老师和学生共同完成的。老师在黑板上画出了“left side ,right side”,让学生把各国国旗



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