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1、非谓语动词的句法功能及比较一、作主语(现在分词和过去分词不能作主语)1. 不定式与动名词作主语,在表示抽象概念时两者往往可以互换。To study hard (Studying hard) is our task.It is not easy to master English.It is not easy to mastering English.表示比较具体的动作或某一特定的动作或将来的动作多用不定式。It is necessary to read it many times.To finish the task within two weeks is very difficult.主语是

2、不定式,表语一般也要用不定式,动名词的情况也是如此。To see is to believe. Seeing is believing.2. 在下列结构中常用动名词(往往表示比较抽象的动作)It is no use doing sth.It is no good doing sth.It is (a) waste of time/money doing sth.There + be + no + doinghave trouble/problem/difficulty (in) doingspend time/money (in) doinghave a good/hard time in d

3、oing sth.have fun in doing sth.There is no joking about such matters.There is no denying the fact that the new method is much better.二、作宾语(现在分词和过去分词不能作宾语)1. 英语中有个别动词后面带不定式和动名词作宾语意义上无很大的区别。这样的动词有: like, love, prefer, start, begin, continue, hate, intend (+ to do 或 doing)等。不定式与动名词在某些动词后作宾语表示比较抽象的动作。Do

4、 you like playing (to play) chess?He loves singing (to sing).表示具体的动作或特定的动作或将来的动作一般用不定式。Do you like to play chess with Uncle Wang?He loves to sing in public.I like finishing, but I dont like to fish today.有些不能用于进行时态的尤其是表示人的心理变化的动词( see, believe, lose, understand, realize 等)作宾语,多用不定式。Finally we began

5、to realize/see the importance of the meeting.He hates to lose such a good chance.2. 在某些动词后不定式作宾语和动名词作宾语意义不同: remember to do sth. 记得去做remember doing sth./having done sth. 记得做过Did you remember to telephone her when you were there?I remember seeing/having seen you somewhere before. forget to do sth. 忘记

6、要做forget doing sth./having done sth. 忘记做过Dont forget to turn off the light when you leave. He forgot promising to help me. regret doing sth./having done sth. 后悔做Regre t to say/tell/inform 遗憾I regret telling/having told you the secret.I regret to tell you that you are dismissed. stop to do sth.停止做某事(

7、去做另外一件事)stop doing sth.停止做某事The doctor said you must stop smoking.When he saw me in the street, he stopped to talk to me. (不定式短语在句中不是作宾语,而是作目的状语。) try to do sth.设法做(不一定成功)try doing sth. 试着做Three years ago, I tried to learn French.Lets try knocking at the door and see whether he is in. mean to do sth

8、.打算,想要做mean doing sth.意味着做I didnt mean to hurt you. Revolution means liberating the productive forces. go on to do sth.接着做(不同一事物)go on doing sth.继续做(同一事物)go on wi th sth.继续做(同一事物)After he finished Exercise One, he went on to do Exercise Two. After a short rest, they went on climbing the mountain. ca

9、nt help (to) do sth. cant help doing sth. cant help but do sth.On hearing the news, mother couldnt help crying.As I am busy with my homework, I cant help (to) do the housework. 注意一下几种情况,动名词主动表被动及意义上的区别: sb. wants sth. 想要sb. wants to do sth. 想要他想看一看。 他需要人照看。 他需要被人照看。sth. wants to be done 主动表被动 需要 sth

10、. wants doing主动表被动需要 He wants to watch.He wants to be watched.He wants watching. sb. needs/requires sth. 需要做sb. needs/requires to do sth. 需要做 sb. needs/requires to be done 需要被做 sb. needs/requires doing 需要被做I need a new English dictionary.I need to start out at once.The bicycle needs to be repaired./

11、repairing. 在need, want (作“需要”解释),require (需要,要求),deserve (值得)等词后可 用动名词的主动语态表示被动意义,或用不定式的被动式。但如果宾语是一个较为具体的动 作或后面有一个表示施动者的by引起的短语,就要用不定式的被动式。His house needs painting/to be painted.There young trees will require looking after/to be looked after carefully.He deserves criticizing/to be criticized.下面两句表示较

12、具体的动作或有by短语,要用不定式的完成式。The temperature wants to be tested three times a day.The car needs to be repaired by a skilled worker. sth. be worth doingsth. be worth + n./num.sth. be worthy to be donesth. be worthy of being donesth. be worthy of + n.The book is well worth reading once more.The book is well

13、worthy to be read once more.The book is well worthy of being read once more. it is worthwhile/worth while/worth sbs while to do/doing sth.The book is well worthy to be read by your brother.It is worth your brothers while to read/reading this book.这本书值得你弟弟一读。3. 在下列动词后一般只能用不定式作宾语,不能用动名词:agree, refuse,

14、 ask【请求】,beg【请求】,choose, decide, det ermine【决定】,expec t 【期望,预料】,hope, wish, fail 没能】,want【想要】,plan, offer【主动提供】, afford【负担得起】,pre tend, promise, swear, manage, demand, dare【敢】,help【帮 助】 + to do sth.另外:一些不及物动词后面只能带不定式(不是作宾语)happen【碰巧】,chance【碰 巧】 , appear, long, seem4. 在下列动词后一般只能用动名词作宾语,不能用不定式:admit,

15、 deny【否认】,appreciate, enjoy, can t help【禁不住】,avoid, consider, finish, permit, allow, forbid, excuse, mind, practice, imagine, miss 【错过】 ,delay, save 【免却】 , escape 【错过,逃脱】 , suggest, advise, dislike, stand, understand, forgive, include, fancy幻想】, resist 【抵抗】 , mention, risk, put off, give up, recommend 【建议】 + doing sth.Cf:permit/allow doing sth. 允许做 permit/allow sb. to do sth. 允许做 forbid doing sth.forbid sb. to do sth.advise doing sth.advise sb. to do sth.consider doing sth. 考虑做consider sb. to be/to have done sth. 认为imag



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