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1、Unit 1-4 Revision课前预习:1. 自我介绍:1) 出生日期以及星座,外貌特征,性格特征,未来理想.2) 我的烦恼(学习,生活,家庭,人际关系等多方面的介绍)2. 课文的回忆:1. What about Millies problems?Millie is a _ student .She has lots of _, such as _ _ and _. But she has _ homework every day. She often _up late to the exercises and then feel _ the next day. Sometimes she

2、 wants to to do so much work, but usually she just has no but to it .She understands its _ for her to do her homework and hand it in _ _ . However ,she _ has any _ time for her hobbies. She really feels _ about that. She often _ whether it is working so hard. She is _ _ to a holiday without homework

3、 so that she can have some time for her _. She wants the youth worker to _ her the most _ suggestions.2. Say something about Simons problems. Simon is also a _student. He is _ _ football. He loves _ football ,_ about football and_ football. He always plays football with his friends at school or in t

4、he park_ school. He often plays for _ hours or have his parents_. But he doesnt know what to do .He more and stays out _.But his parents were very _. They ask him to come home _ 6 p.m. So he feels _ and _ from time to time . He wants to wants the youth worker to _ him how to _ a _ between his school

5、work and his hobbies.3. What advice does Sigmund Friend offer them?Millie:_ _Simon:_4. What advice do you want to offer your classmates?(至少解决3个问题,先说明存在问题,然后提供建议)_5. 回忆颜色理疗法A. The oils she uses have d _ colours and smells. If you are feeling sad, think of a w_ , s_ place. Mrs. Rainbow rubs oil into p

6、eoples s_ .If someone cant sleep , Mrs. Rainbow uses w_ oil . People with dark h_ and dark skin look good in red and p_ . People with p_ skin and blonde hair look good in o _and g_ . B. The best colours for our friends1. I think the best colour to represents Lisa is _. She is always in the library a

7、nd she often gets good marks in tests.2. Daniels colour must be _. He can help people calm down when they are angry.3. I think Sandy should use the colour _ more. She worries a lot and often gets stressed.4. Pauls colour should be _. He has a strong personality and likes to be the leader.5. I think

8、Kitty should use the colour _ when she feels tired orweak. It can give her energy when she dances.6. 回忆有关电视节目的内容1) What kind of TV programmes do you know?2) Make up a dialogue with your partner.What kind of TV programmes do you like or dislike? Why or why not?课堂练习:1.讨论解决问题的不同的方法1) Do you have any ot

9、her ways to help people solve the problems? You can have a discussion with your partners.2) What do you think of the music after listening to it?2. 利用已学内容讨论解决实际问题if you are late for school every day if you get poor marks in examsif you like a girlboy in your classwhen you have different ideas with p

10、arentswhen you dislike a teacherwhen you make a mistake at home?3. .词汇1) Failure (失败) is the mother of _ . If you want to be _, you must work hard, then you will _in everything . (success )2) Eating _is good for your _and keep you _ .(health ) 3) David is very confident . He is never afraid of _(spe

11、ak ) at assembly . 4) Millie went to school without _(have) breakfast this morning . 5) This can help when you are having difficulty _(make) a decision . 6) Football is really _ . People all over the world are _in it . (interest ) 7) Simon never puts up his hand in the class. He is very _.(active)8) His mother felt _about his son. (worry)4. 单项选择( ) 1. The teacher told us the earth _ around the sun. A. would move B. will move C. moves D. moved ( ) 2. Mr. Read asked me _ I was going to study abroad and I said “yes”. A. h


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