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1、Tibby :Thats pretty impressive. Oh真精彩!Carmen:MyBridget:Ohmygod!Lena!All:lookatyou.Lena:Youre all here.你们全都来了。I missed you so much.我好想你Tibby: I dont believe you.我不相信你。Carmen:Imissyousomuch!Lena:Bee,iamsosorry,whenifoundyourletter,itriedtocomesooner。Do youforgiveme?我很抱歉,我看到你的信,便想马上赶回来。你能原谅我吗?Bridget:F

2、orgiveyou?Whothehellareyou?原谅?你算老几?Lena:Iwasntsure Id seeyouhere.Ithoughtyoudchangeyourmindaboutyourdadswedding.我没想到你会出现,我以为关于你爸的婚礼,你改变心意了。Carmen:nope.没有。Bridget:Wedecidedwed changeitforher.我们决定帮她改变。Tibby:Yeah,howaboutalittleroadtrip?要不要开车去旅行?Carmen:whatareyoutalkingabout?你在说些什么?Tibby:Come on.好啦。Car

3、men:What?No.No.什么?不要。Tibby:Come on,you got to.好啦,你得去才行!Lena:Carmen,itsyourfatherswedding,Itsimportantforyoutobethere.是你爸的婚礼,你的出席很重要。Carmen:IthinkIfitisthatimportant thenmydaywouldtell me that himself.真这么重要他应该亲自打给我。Tibby:Maybeheisstillrecovering fromthelastconversationyouhad,或许他还在为你们上次的谈话难过。Bridget:I

4、amnotsurethatisentirelyhelpful.你这么说没啥用。Tibby:Iamjustsaying parentsscrewup.It is what they are goodat.Theydo.我是说父母都怪怪的,他们都这样。It is up to us to see things they cant.全靠我们自己看清事实。Carmen:He is gonna throw me out of the wedding.他会把我扔出婚礼。Lena:No,he is not.才不会。Tibby:That is so overdramatic.那样太肥皂剧了。Lena:If he

5、 does, we will be there for you.若他赶你走,我们会挺你。Carmen:What are not you guys understanding?I am not going.你们听不懂吗?我不要去。Bridget:Why are not you understanding you are going?你还不懂吗?你非去不可。Lena:So this is the view from my window.这是我窗户外的景色。Tibby:It is beautifully.好漂亮!Lena:And these are my cousins donkeys.This i

6、s George and Goerge junior.My grandparents,caldera这些是我表哥的驴子。这是乔治和他儿子。我爷爷奶奶,还有火山口Bridget:Forget the caldera.I wanna see the guy.管他的,我要看你男朋友。Tibby:Where is the boy?他在哪里?Carmen:I am sneaking in the back once the ceremony begins.典礼开始后我就从后面开溜。Lena:You know,the caldera is actually the top of a volcano.火山口

7、是火山的最顶端。Carmen:Okay,Lena,seriously.Once the ceremonys done,we are leaving.莉娜,我说真的。Tibby:Look,cute.看。好可爱。Bridget:Oh, my god.Lena.Lena: I know,Is not he gorgeous?我知道,他很帅对吧?Bridget:I was refering to you holding a fish.我是说你拿鱼很可爱。Lena:Oh,you know what?你知道吗?Bridget:NO fair attacking the driver.不可以出手攻击驾驶。C

8、armen:Is it fair to bribe the driver to go back home?可以贿赂驾驶回头吗?Bridget:With what money?Tibby is the only one woking this summer.你哪来的钱?夏天只有缇碧在打工。Tibby:Hey,I actually stacked my last shelf at wallmans,thank you very much.我在渥曼超市把货都补齐了,多谢你。Bridget:Does this mean there is gonna be a ceremonial burning of

9、 the smock?要举行烧罩衫典礼吗?Tibby:No,actually, Duncan took the smock,but I do have my nametag.没,罩衫邓肯拿走了,但上面有我的名字。Bridget:Can we burn it?可以烧掉吗?Lena:Hey,how did your suckumentary turn out?你的烂纪录片进展如何?Tibby:Well, it actually evolved into something quite different than I expexted,so其实结果蛮让我惊喜,所以Bridget:What are

10、you gonna call it?片名是什么?Tibby:Bailey.贝莉.Tibby:Carmabelle,come on,we are gonna be late.What is she doing in there.卡门快点,我们要迟到了。她在里面干嘛?Lena:Carmen?Carmen:I changed my mind, guys.I cant do this.我改变心意了,我办不到。Lena:Yes, you can.Carmen:No,Lena,I cant.Bridget:Carmen?Carmen:What?Bridget:Carmen,please come out.

11、I promise you everything will gonna be okay.我保证一切都会很顺利。Carmen:Bee, how do you know that?Bridget:Because of what I am holding.Wear them, they will make you brave.因为我手上拿着一样东西。穿上它,它会带给你勇气。Carmen:Bee,I cant wear a pair of jeans to a wedding.And besides, your week is not up.我不能穿牛仔裤去婚礼。而且这周还算是你的。Bridget:I

12、n the event of an emergencythe pants will automatically go to the sister in needregargless of the schedule.出现紧急情况时,牛仔裤自动归于有需要的姐妹,无论先后次序。Carmen:Bee,there is no rule number 11.没有第十一条。Bridget:Well,I think there should be.And I am invoking it now.我认为应该有.这一条现在就生效。Tibby:That sounds like a really good rule to me.听起来是很好的规定。Lena:Yeah.Bridget:So are you gonna put them on yourself,or are we going to have to do it for you?你要自己穿,还是要我们效劳?



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