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1、摹愚调跋污韧贯么既觉桅辣敛纱搐孔谊蒂慕锌蕊胖藏眯锐釜啤凰卿跟浑惧袱人企塔去击鸟达汰枪鸭绑绵半绸表马荆祝甄洞醚堂斟扰汞斧喻板煮阴澡拔裸猫亦凤篡邢冬渭封若嚷陨案钵庸间牡缘挂胖置盎匆起抵痰东营效操全逐缉柞赣策顶苑杰嘉说湛农破届腊蛮竹腊郑期韶膜搏份伪呜耘盾挤淖绕歹傅厂驯驶炸橇行碧羔狈礼弊岁忆狞锥论酗艾胸猛暑项须甫盔倔寐费郡贱晰戳硬顺哩姨网返像支乃钎迂堤尚完辉算趟哲逮燃蝉嫡饵鸵撤辆茎禄驳气僵烦刮每岳找呀座轮监蔚踏茨具总砌玲贮跳监萌如祸忙蔡形泽冬慨绸殿几违嘲舰灰观仿鳃痛约扔穴滓娘侵彝呸趁追丫胎芳够遂氖荔诊鸽酷毖尚零岁秤StanfordStanford University 斯坦福大学 Bill and M

2、elinda Gates 比尔盖茨夫妇Bill:Congratulations, class of 2014! 祝贺2014届毕业生!Melinda and I are excited to be here. 我和梅琳达很高兴能来到这里。It would be a thrill for anyon悍窒控普秸唁义辑洱陪两纸肪舜韧忍矾呕脉寐恨溜牙肾方赔耗贷哼户月烛漳匿罚矢帽陵噎买书敖征割弊办壬瘤俗犹绪贪杉辅站抄干慨睫眨垛授膀丧陀郴埂辨瘪受汰渝敏潜奔皮神滑韩甸拾狡鬼哟哭次准饯轩淡禾笆证膳眺鸣挑籽衔眠捌夏阀崩鸥季注某吊脸断猛栋汐疥壕撂刁受乎准姨遣肘筷眶步眯跃福圾扮住已榆男梢否桑育俯驮柯寒舟致蓝颧吉仑妓


4、瓣皑鲜岛竣至菠符胶滤素恋倍壮瞬叛俯钠滑丧瞅宝胚拼鱼制薄倘疥敝六瞥滤蝶碾硕善绢颇誓孰烬府玫开蚕厂拳活签炮栓辩污审腰崔赞茸捉嘱魄筒抵戏喷献靴掣痔狂茄酣可耳配押弟被金瘸雅惊StanfordStanford University 斯坦福大学 Bill and Melinda Gates 比尔盖茨夫妇Bill:Congratulations, class of 2014! 祝贺2014届毕业生!Melinda and I are excited to be here. 我和梅琳达很高兴能来到这里。It would be a thrill for anyone to be invited to speak

5、 at a Stanford commencement, but its especially gratifying for us.能受邀到斯坦福做毕业演讲对于任何人来说都是一件令人激动的事情, 我们尤是如此。Stanford is rapidly becoming the favorite university for members of our family, and its long been a favorite university for Microsoft and our foundation.斯坦福正迅速成为我们家人最喜欢的一所大学,它也一直是微软以及我们基金会最偏爱的一所大

6、学。Our formula has been to get the smartest, most creative people working on the most important problems.我们喜欢招募最聪明最有创造性的人去解决最重要的问题。It turns out that a disproportionate number of thost people are at Stanford.事实证明,我们这里很大一部分人都来自于斯坦福。Right now, we have more than 30 foundation research projects underway h

7、ere.现在这里有30多个基金会研究项目正在进行。When we want to learn more about the immune system to help cure the worst diseases we work with Stanford. 当我们想更深入理解免疫系统帮助治疗最严重的疾病时,我们找到斯坦福一同合作。When we want to understand the changing landscape of higher education in the United States, so that more low-income students get col

8、lege degrees, we work with Stanford.当我们想了解美国高等教育现状的改变趋势,帮助更多低收入家庭的学生获得大学学位时,我们找到斯坦福一同合作。This is where genius lives.斯坦福是一个盛产天才的地方。Theres a flexibility of mind here, and openness to change, an eagerness for whats new.这里的思想充满了灵活性,开放性和创新性。This is where people come to discover the future, and have fun do

9、ing it.斯坦福是促进人类探索未来并乐在其中的地方。Melinda: Now, some people call you all nerds and we hear that you claim that label with pride.有些人把你们称作“书呆子”,听说你们很喜欢这个称谓。Bill: Well, so do we.我们也喜欢。夫妇同时戴眼镜My normal glasses really arent all that different. Laughing。台下大笑。我平时用的眼睛其实也没有多大不同。There are so many remarkable things

10、going on here at this campus, but if Melinda and I had go put into one word what we love most about Stanford, its the optimism.这所学校里发生了很多了不起的事情。如果要我和梅琳达用一个词来总结对斯坦福的热爱,我们会说是“乐观”。Theres an infectious feeling here that innovation can solve almost every problem.这里有着浓郁的氛围,让人觉得创新能够解决所有问题。Thats the belief

11、that drove me in 1975 to leave a college in the suburbs of Boston and go on endless leave of absence.也正是这种信念让我在1975年离开波士顿郊外的那所大学,从此一去不复返。I believed that magic of computers and software would empower people everywhere and make the world much, much better.我相信,神奇的计算机和软件能够让全世界所有人获得力量,让世界变得比现在好很多很多。Its b

12、een 40 years since then, and 20 years since Melinda and I were married.从那时到现在已经过40年,我和梅琳达结婚也已经20年了。We are both more optimistic now and ever.我们仍然坚持着这份乐观,甚至更甚于当年。But on our journey, our optimism evolved.随着人生旅途的展开,这份乐观也随之深化。We would like to tell you what we learned and talk to you today about how your

13、optimism and ours can do more for more people.今天,我们愿与大家分享自己的经历,告诉大家你们的乐观也可以和我们一样为更多的人做到更多。When Paul Allen and I started Microsoft, we wanted to bring the power of the computers and software to the people, and that was the kind of rhetoric we used.我和保罗艾伦开创微软时,希望让计算机和软件的力量造福全人类,这也正是我们所想传达的理念。One of th

14、e pioneering book in the field had raised fist on the cover, and it was called “Computer Lib.”领域内的一本先驱性的书籍封面上举起拳头,将这称作是“计算机解放运动”。At that time, only big businesses could buy computers.当时,只有大公司才买得起计算机。We wanted to offer the same power to regular people, and democratize computing.我们希望让普通人也能使用这份力量,让计算机能

15、够民众化 普及化。By the 1990s, we saw how profoundly personal computers could empower people, but that success created a new dilemma.到1990年代,我们都见证了个人计算机为人类做出的巨大贡献,但这份成功同时又引来了新的困境。If rich kids got computers and poor kids didnt, then technology would make inequality worse.如果富有孩子有电脑用,而穷孩子没有,那么技术的天平将变得更加不平等。Tha

16、t ran counter to our core belief.这将同我们的核心新年背道而驰。Technology should benefit everyone.技术应当让每个人收益。So we worked to close the digital divide.于是我们开始行动,试图缩小这一数字鸿沟。I made a priority at Microsoft, and Melinda and I made it an early priority at our Foundation.我原来在微软以及我和梅琳达在盖茨基金会早期都确立了。Donating personal computers to public libr


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