【精品】人教版英语必修二双基限时练【6】Unit 2 Part Ⅲ含答案

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1、人教版英语精品资料双基限时练(六)Unit 2Part .单词拼写1Its _(愚蠢的) of you to cheat in the exam.答案foolish2Although his condition was _(没有希望的), he refused to give up.答案hopeless3She is _(讨价还价) with the boss for a rise.答案bargaining4His heroic deeds brought him _(荣誉)答案glory5If you do something wrong, you _(应得) punishment.答案de

2、serve.翻译句子1我们取得了一个又一个的胜利。(achieve)_答案We achieved one victory after another.2我们应积极参加学校的各项活动。(active)_答案We should be active in joining in all kinds of activities in our school.3汤姆答应把他的那一份食品给我。(promise)_答案Tom promised to give me his share of food.4玛丽和保罗结婚3年了。(marry)_答案Mary and Paul have been married fo

3、r 3 years.5乌云密布,看起来要下雨。(promise)_答案The dark cloud promises rain.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1Mother was worried because little Alice was ill, especially _ Father was away in France.答案与解析asas在此引导时间状语从句,意为“当的时候”。2Mike and Mary took _ (pain) to avoid a quarrel.答案与解析pains表示“煞费苦心做”时,pain用复数。3It would be foolish _ you

4、 to spend money on something you cant afford.答案与解析of此处指人的特性、特征,应使用介词of,相当于you would be foolish to .。4What he did was wrong, but he didnt deserve _ (get) a beating like that.答案与解析to getdeserve作“应受”讲时,后接不定式;作“值得”讲时,后接动名词。5The girl _ (marry) to Robert for half a year.答案与解析has been marriedmarry和get marr

5、ied皆为非延续性动词,不能用于现在完成时,也不能和一段时间连用,而be married则可以。6He promised _ (help) us with the cleaning and so he did.答案与解析to helppromise to do sth.“答应干某事”。7They are _ clever children that they can do it by themselves.答案与解析suchsuchadj.可数名词复数。要区别开so与such后所跟内容的不同。8He asked us about the _ (amaze) news in a _ voice

6、(surprise)答案与解析amazing; surprised本题考查的两个动词的分词形式是英语中较常见的一类动词,该类动词常译为“使(人)”的含义,在理解时要注意这类动词与之有关的名词之间的关系,若表示“令(人)”就用现在分词,若表示“由于(外界)而引起的情感”就用过去分词。从本题来分析,前一空应是“令人吃惊的消息”,后一空则是“感到吃惊的声音”。9My son, who is studying in Senior , is taller than _ boy in his class.答案与解析any otherany是形容词,意为“任何(一个)的”,other“别的”。10_he w

7、as the last man I wanted to see, I did all in my power to help him.答案与解析Though/Although句意:尽管他是我最不想见的人,但是我还是尽全力帮助了他。.词语知识1He _ some French while he was away on a business trip in Paris.A. got up B. picked upC. picked out D. took in答案与解析Bpick up此处为“学会”之意。2I got this shirt when I was in Indonesia. It c

8、ost me only 2 dollars. It was a real_.A. thing B. giftC. clothes D. bargain答案与解析Dbargain在此用作可数名词,是“便宜货”之意。3The noise of the traffic made my head _. How I wish I were not on the road!A. pain B. hurt C. ache D. wound答案与解析C句意:车辆的噪声使我头痛,我多么希望我没有在公路上!可知是一种“持续的或隐隐的痛”。4The students handed in their test pap

9、ers to their teacher _.A. one by one B. one after anotherC. little by little D. step by step答案与解析Bone after another“一个接一个地”;little by little“逐渐地”;step by step“一步一步地;逐渐地”;one by one“一个一个地;逐一地”。5He _ to be locked up forever for what he did.A. demands B. dependsC. deserves D. declares答案与解析Cdeserve“应得,该

10、受”;demand“要求”;depend“依靠”;declare“宣布”。.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Its an honour to explain what the weather forecast means. _1_ says that a cold front will sweep across our city and it will be cold and _2_ (fog) for the next three days with wind blowing hard. The highest temperature w

11、ill stay _3_ 3 and 5 while the lowest will reach the _4_ (freeze) point. It is the worst weather _5_ 50 years ago. The weather forecast also reminds us _6_ we should try to keep ourselves from the cold and pay special attention to safety _7_ driving.In such _8_ situation, we usually have food with h

12、igh calories and have warm clothes on. Since you are not familiar _9_ the road conditions here, youd better not drive to work in the coming days. It also reminds us to take good care of the old and the _10_ (beg) in the street. If possible, help them to keep warm.答案1.It2.foggy3.between4.freezing5.si

13、nce6.that7.while8.a9.with10.beggars.阅读理解In 2016, athletes from around the world will compete for gold medals in the Summer Olympics. Even though the games are three years away, Brazils residents already feel like winners.The nation was named to host this important sporting event in October,2009. It

14、will be the first Olympics held in South America.The games will take place in Rio de Janeiro. The city beat out three other sites, Madrid, Tokyo and Chicago, to host the event. When the International Olympic Committee chose Rio de Janeiro, cheering people flooded the citys streets. “This is huge for Rio and for the whole country,” says resident Sueli Ferreira.Th


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