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1、_高考英语冠词单选易错题集锦1. Sincetastingthe excitementof _ big citylife,she neverwantsto livein _ countryagain.A.the,theB. 不填,不填C.the,不填 D.不填, the2.Theoperationis_successandthepatientisnowout of _ danger.A.a,the B.a,不填 C. 不填,theD. 不填,不填3.As_writer,hewas_completefailure.A.a,aB.a, theC. 不填,不填D. a, 不填4.Howstrange

2、!Theseyearsmybirthdayalwaysfalls_.A.ontheSundayB. on aSundayC.onSundayD.at a Sunday5.Thisis_best kind of _ penyou cangethere.A.the,theB. the,a C. the, 不填 D.a,the6.Asisknowntousall, _tigerisin_ danger ofbecoming extinct.A. the,a B. the, 不填C. a, 不填D. 不填 , the7. He spent too much time talking on _ phon

3、e while we were all busy at_ work.A. the, 不填 B. a, 不填 C. 不填 , 不填 D. the, the精品资料_8. As _ unemploymentis veryhighat the moment,its verydifficultforpeopleto find _ work.A. the,不填B. 不填,不填C. the, a D. an, the9. Apartments in cities can be quite high. Renters are paying up to $1,000 per month for _ bedro

4、om apartment.A. one a B. the one C. one D. a one10. The educationof _ youngis always_ hot and serioustopic.A. 不填 , 不填B. the, a C. 不填 , the D. the,不填11. I often have conversations with John over _ telephone, while keep in touch with Tom by _ letter.A. 不填; the B. 不填; a C. the ;不填D. the;a12. Johnhasput

5、 forward_ mostchallengingquestionfor us to answer. Yes,it reallyis. I haveneverheard_ harderone.A. the;不填B. 不填 ; the C. the;the D. a; a13. “ Whatabout_ school? ” “ It is as good,as anybodycansee,_ schoolas No 1 MiddleSchoolAttachedto HunanNormalUniversity. ”A. a; the B. the; a C. a; a D. the;the14.

6、The marketfor _ usedcomputersis gettinglargerandlargeras_精品资料_ yearsgo on.A. 不填 , 不填B. the, 不填C. the,the D. 不填 , the15. “ CharleyOakley,_ NBAAll-star,hasn t missed_ gamein thepastthreeyears. ” “ I canhardlybelieveit. ”A. an; theB. a; the C. the; a D. an; a16. In the market,vegetablesare soldby _ kil

7、ogram,I mean,by _ weight.A. the;不填B. 不填 ; 不填C. the;the D. 不填; the17. Many people agree that _ knowledge of English is a must in _international trade today.A.the,an B. a, 不填 C. the, the D.不填 , the18.Thecakesaredelicious. I d liketohave _ thirdone as _ second one Iate wastoosmall.A. the,the B. a, the

8、C. the, aD. a,a19._ Englandof thoseyearswas_ Englandin peace.A. 不填 , 不填 B. The, anC. The,不填 D. 不填,an精品资料_20. Didyou happento see_ blackand_ whitecat? Aretheymissing?I toldyou to takecareof them.A. a; 不填B. the;不填C. the;the D. a; the精品资料_【答案与解析】1. 选 D, big citylife 表泛指,其前不用冠词;country表示 “ 农村 ” 时,其前习惯上要用定冠词。2. 选 B, success 在此指 “ 成功的事 ”,为可数名词; out of danger (脱离危险)为习语,其中不用冠词。3. 选 A,其中的 failure 在此指 “ 失败的人 ”,为可数名词。4. 选 B, Sunday 前用不定冠词,表示 “ 某一个 ”。5. 选 C, kind of 后的名词通常不用冠词。6. 选 B,当概括事物的种类时, 用定冠词, 不用不定冠词; 另外 in danger of 是短语,精品资料_


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