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1、九年级英语试卷(时间120分钟,满分150分)I、单项选择(共20分,每小题1分)( ) 1. If you go by_ train, you can have quite a comfortable trip, but make sure you get_ fast one. A. the, the B. /,a C. the, a D. /, / ( ) 2. We will stay in the hospital until the boys mother _.A. reaches B. will come C. arrives D. get to see him( ) 3. Thi

2、s morning Sally went to the shopping centre in such a hurry that she_ the key at home.A. failed B. missed C. lost D. left( ) 4. - Kelly, you _ be thirsty and hungry after a long walk. - Yes, of course.A. must B. can C. have to D. should( ) 5. Did you go to Sams weekend party? No, I _.A. am not invit

3、ed B. wasnt invited C. havent invited D. didnt invite( ) 6. “I have _ the Golf Club for over 10 years,” said Jack. A. been in B. joined in C. taken part in D. joined( ) 7. -If a=3, b=4, whats the answer to the problem, a +2ab+1=? -The answer is .A. twenty-eighth B. eighteenth C. thirteen D. twenty-e

4、ight ( ) 8. - I find it quite hard to understand the passage.- Yes, _ there are few new words in it.A. because B. so C. though D. or( ) 9. - Tom wants to know_. - I dont know, either. He said he would phone me as soon as he came back. A. when Dad comes back B. when did Dad come back C. when Dad will

5、 come back D. when does Dad come back( ) 10. -When are you leaving? - We are _ to the airport at 7:00.A. setting up B. setting out C. setting about D. setting off ( ) 11. I hot dogs! They make me sick.A. stand, feel B. cant stand, feeling C. cant stand, feel D. cant stand, to feel( ) 12. - Im _ to e

6、at a horse now!-Really? But I dont have _for you. Its a great pity!A. hungry enough, food enoughB. enough hungry, enough foodC. enough hungry, food enoughD. hungry enough, enough food( ) 13. My brother and I often argue what TV programs . A. about, watching B. with, to watch C. about, to watch D. wi

7、th, watching( ) 14.-I want to be a Chinese teacher when I grow up. -Thats great. Chinese teachers in China and some foreign countries. A. need B. are needing C. will need D. are needed( ) 15.Is Mr. Black at home? -Sorry, he isnt in. He _ to Dalian for vacation. A. has gone B. went C. is going D. goe

8、s( ) 16. -how do you learn English?-I learn_ watching English videos.A. to B. by C. of D. at( ) 17. Everyone needs to have at least eight hours sleep a night, so you shouldnt_ too late. A. stay up B. give up C. put up D. make up( ) 18. Well never give up our plan _ happens.A. however B. whatever C.

9、whenever D. wherever( ) 19. He is so nervous that he doesnt know _ next.A. what to do B. when to do C. which to do D. how to do( ) 20. The fish smells _. You mustnt eat it. A. nicely B. terrible C. terribly D. niceII、补全对话(共10分,每小题1分)A: 根据对话内容,在每个空白处填入一个适当的词或词组,使对话完整,合乎情景。A: Hello! I havent seen you

10、21 _ a long time. B: Hello! How are you? A: Fine. Oh, your shirt looks so nice, 22 _? B: Its made of silk. A: 23_ ? B: It is made in Hangzhou. A: Yes, I know. Hangzhou is 24_ its scenery and silk.B: By the way, 25_ Hangzhou?A: No, never. I hope I can visit there some day.B: Im sure you will.B: 用方框中给

11、出的句子完成对话,其中有两项为多余选项,Shopkeeper: Good morning! 26_ .Mother: Good morning. Id like two sweaters for my twin daughters.Lucy: 27_Lily: I cant decide. 28_ Mother: I like blue better, but this blue is too dark.Lucy: What about that one?Lily: Its too light.Lucy: 29_ Lily: Yes. Thats just right. Its both ni

12、ce and soft. 30_ Lucy: OK. But first wed better ask mum if its cheap enough.A: Is this one better, Lily? B: What can I do for you, madam?C: Does this color sell well? D: Whats your idea, Mum?E: Shall I ask the shopkeeper if I can try it on? F: Is it cheap or expensive? G: Which sweater do you like, this one or that one, Lily?III、翻译句子(30分)A:根据所给中文完成句子翻译(共26分。局部翻译,每小题2分;整句翻译,每小题3分)31、当我下车的时候。妈妈正在等我。When I got off the bus, my mother .32、我们应该与自然好好相处。 We should the nature.33、由于天气寒冷, 我们班级很多同学患了重感冒。 , many students in our class caught a very bad cold.34、每天喝开水有利于健康。


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